Tag Archive | Pets

HM EC Progress and Bunnies

So, the HM EC run tonight went well ๐Ÿ™‚ We got to the tanks and got them to 52% and 59% on our second go, but then one person had to head to bed so we stopped there. Hoping to try again this weekend. I’m happy it went well–they were all so excited. And considering our tank was a random pick-up person with no experience… :3 He was really good.

Besides that, a friend has essentially noted me as Bunnies due to an answer he gave about their healer tonight. ๐Ÿ˜›

Also still watching some streams for more ideas on the Cave Mystery, but nothing yet ๐Ÿ™

As for the Orochick Mystery, the bug report ticket was sent to developers/wherever bugs go, but whether it really is a bug and/or is being worked on is yet to be known and I’m hoping I’ll get an answer back on that soon.

New Pet drops from The Terror from Beyond

According to here, anyway. Right now, this is only confirmed for Hard Mode (ugh).

Asked for name and a screenshot–shall update with information.

Edit: Will hopefully have some information in about an hour.

Edit 2: As promised, here is the “Deep Wiggler”:

(Photo thanks to Pocpocimperator)

Will be updating all guides shortly ๐Ÿ™‚ The pet is essentially a mini version of the first boss in Terror from Beyond, The Writhing Horror. High chance this is the “Gree Larvae” from the data dump.

A Lead on the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg

So, if the person who let me use their story mode wasn’t awesome enough, they gave me a lead on the Wonderous/Wondrous egg. They told me where to ask some people and that they saw it drop about 3 months ago from Kephess on 16-man HM.

It seems most of our leads are pretty dated as to when it was seen, but if I can find someone with it…that will be a miracle in itself. And if the egg has not been seen since that many months ago, maybe that is a bug issue in itself.

Regardless, I will be making a character on their server and asking around. Wish me luck!

Edit: Unfortunately, the people they told me to ask weren’t as helpful :/ Only one person responded to me (who had only joined the previous day) and the only thing they told that person to tell me is “Go to Hoth and talk to Chief Johnson at the second base.” …I feel like I shouldn’t believe that. Regardless, I’ll probably try it even if it is a load of crud.

I will say though this is probably the biggest soul kicker though. I think I got my hopes up a bit too much.

Edit 2: unsurprisingly, there is nobody with that name on any of the bases on Hoth. Also checked Ilum–same results.

Revisiting the old “Expansion Pack”

While responding to someone, I ended up looking this back up. While it seems the initial idea of a specified Expansion may be gone (as Makeb and Cathar being anything but just actual content updates would be surprising due to the fact that it hasn’t been mentioned as anything otherwise besides that server before they were properly announced), there’s still a lot of things we haven’t heard about though. We also know the Kowakian Monkey Lizard was going to be available from the Cartel Market instead now.

For example:
1. The two-person speeder (it was mentioned off-hand once since…but not in a long while)
2. Ewok Companion – Right now, we’re still waiting on HK-51. However, I would love to see more companions and never see Iresso again and Ewoks are adorable. This does bring up some lore issues according to my boyfriend who said that the Ewok planet shouldn’t even have been discovered yet though. However. Naboo supposedly hasn’t been discovered either and it is mentioned on Hutta during the Agent storyline.
3. More schematics. They’ve slowly been bringing these out anyway, but I’m curious to which they mentioned here.
4. More Vanity Items. Always welcomed~ Curious to see what they were planning.
5. More character slots (While still confirmed to be coming, the details are still unknown)

And there were also 90 free days and a 10 day head-start which I’m not sure if that will still be coming considering it may no longer be an expansion pack.

To be honest, if the expansion pack just includes the stuff early plus a few of these things even if Makeb, Cathar, and the Kowakian Monkey Lizard and no longer original to the expansion…I’d probably still get it. 90 free days for 10 bucks is pretty good and head starts = awesome.

1.4 Data Dump

So, I was recently linked to this and am now proceeding to freak the heck out.

There are a lot of Pets mentioned. I do not expect most of them to be actually obtainable come 1.4 due to the fact that the data dump is FILLED with a lot of stuff that is obviously for Free to Play or contains things that were confirmed on being sold in the Cartel Shop. The most confusing part is some are 2 different species that are mentioned has a pet. Maybe some kind of combination? Or just due to their similarity, it doesn’t matter?

Anyway, pet specifics:
1. Acklay/Lylek
2. Battle Droid – There are… a lot of Battle Droids. However, part of me wonders if it could be referring to L2-P2.
3. Blurrg
4. Akk Dog (We already have 3, so I guess a 4th (or more) is coming?)
5. Horranth
6. Dragonbat
7. Flutterplume
8. Gizka
9. Gree Larva? I would think this would be like a Gree Baby… If anything, I would guess it may be from the new operation…although, I really hope not :/
10. Manka Cat
11. Monkey Lizard. While there are other types of Monkey Lizards, there is a good chance they are referring to the one from the Cartel Market.
12. Interrogation Probe – Once again…there are many different kinds. However, part of me wonders if they could be referring to Lil’ Probey.
13. Vrblthr
14. Womprat
15. Wraid/Lobel – These are quite a bit different than the Acklay/Lylek (who don’t look too similar), but I could see them sharing a similar model due to walking the same way. Like Akk Dogs, there are already 3 Lobel (although, only 2 have been confirmed to be obtainable..even if one of those two is now retired), so this would bea 4th one if it is a Lobel–but it is possible just some combination of the two or because of the similar model, it is mentioned.

I’ll be keeping my eye out on the PTS. If you’re on it, feel free to join in :3 And do some research too! Like I said, I’d be really surprised if any will be out with the operation, but regardless, I won’t let my guard down.

Click the read more for the raw data dump specifics of the pets mentioned~

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Rumors + Other Servers

So, the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg search has continued, unsurprisingly. As usual, most people are just kind of trolling or mixing the eggs up…or pointing to things that lack proof to begin with.

A Reddit Page was recently made to try and figure out more about it. There are two answers that could end up being helpful, but of course, one already ended as soon as it started and the other is pretty iffy too.

For now, I did make a Republic character on Canderous Ordo and got her to level 7. Tempted to do the same on the Imperial side, but doing it on one side was annoying enough and…well, both Hutta and Korriban aren’t much fun ๐Ÿ™ Upon asking, I did not receive any information and there is not one currently on the GTN so… for now, just will try and stay hopeful.

However, I will say…asking doesn’t mean someone is lazy. Theories and ideas can be thought up through questions and confirmations…well, the more people trying, the quicker a confirmation can happen and more confirmations are always welcomed, right? Just… never think because someone is asking, they’re not trying anything themselves. That is just silly.

Orochick vs. Orokeet + Taunlet

Well, I was asked to remake the Vanity Guide that had been on the forums as the old maker hadn’t updated in a long time and didn’t seem to be playing anymore (last logged in early July).

However, this got me to thinking about how much people tried to figure out how to hatch Orokeet and find Taunlet. What made Taunlet difficult is even though people guessed the hint right away (2 planets–Hoth and Alderaan), people were still questioning due to Jerky not being very obtainable for most.

Everything had become a clue, people even tried looking off planet and eventually, it was figured out.

With the Orokeet, the egg was found easily enough, but hatching it had been the issue. People tried throwing themselves into lava pits, running in exhaustion zones, and etc. until they found it. Eventually, it was also figured out with some creative hinting and playing around with buffs.

I honestly don’t think the Orochick is an Exploration pet (though, those are my favorites so I certainly wouldn’t mind if it was), but I miss those hints they gave. Of course, that person doesn’t work there anymore and none of the others seem to want to offer any little tidbits for Pets.

Even just a “That’s not true” or “You’re on the right track” would be amazing. ๐Ÿ™

To-do List for 1.4?

While whether 1.4 is a full thing or not, it has been more or less confirmed by various interviews that Terror From Beyond will be out in September. Which means if they do put it on the Public Test Server (I’d think so, but who knows), it’ll probably be sometime soon.

Considering I have yet to actually get any kind of To-Do List completed 100%, I expect this to also be a failure (which actually makes me incredibly upset), but I figured I’d at least try and make this get all set up along with an average of about how much each will cost…if anything.

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