At the moment, I really don’t want to see my Sage or Sorcerer right now. I don’t want to run into anyone. This is stupid. I’m expected to give my choice today and to be honest, I shouldn’t be the one making this choice. In fact, the person who forced them to ask me is the one who needs to be spoken to.
As to lessen confusion, Person A is the one who made the “request”, Person B and C are the people who are allowing the “request”, and Person C said he would be one of the people who would quit if Person A did. What surprised me is Person C also said 3 others would quit with him and Person A, so I asked one of the 3 he mentioned and Person D responded he actually wouldn’t quit if Person A quit–though, he’d probably follow Person C and he only found out about an hour before I messaged him and really didn’t want to get involved. I just..this whole situation is a mess.
and now I’m making myself upset again, so let me get to the point of this… This is essentially how much I’d need to save before I can play each character. This is listed essentially in the order I want to play them.
1. Miisha – 1,500,000 for Twi’lek race so she can be pink and 465K for Max Class Experience, Max Exploration Experience, and Speeder Training Level 1 for a total of 1,965,000. Would like to get her this top at the very least, but not sure if I’d have her be in pants or a skirt.
2. Cellina – 465K for Max Class Experience, Max Exploration Experience, and Speeder Training Level 1. I like this skirt, but not sure about the top and also not sure if I want her in a skirt or pants yet. Also interested in the following tops: Synthmesh Battle, Black Talon Operative, and Terenthium Barrage. Not sure which I’d want though. I really like the design of the last one, but I have never been a big fan of the color yellow. seriously, why couldn’t you choose what to unify something to. …Honestly though, she’ll probably be in the same top as Miisha–just the Imperial version. I just…really like that top.
Note: I do not mind reversing the order of #3 and #4.
3. Zoara – 1,500,000 for Zabrak race so she can be pink and 465K for Max Class Experience, Max Exploration Experience, and Speeder Training Level 1 for a total of 1,965,000. Would wear this. Currently stuck on what to give her hairstyle-wise, however between these 3:

(special thanks to this video for me to screencap from)
Please only focus on the hair styles–not anything else.
4. Aurorra – 465K for Max Class Experience, Max Exploration Experience, and Speeder Training Level 1. I actually think she may be put in this or some combination of that and this.
5. Roseria * – 465K for Max Class Experience, Max Exploration Experience, and Speeder Training Level 1. I want her in The Force Evangelist Outfit. I believe it can gotten from the PVP Vendor so I may need to PVP with her for a bit which kind of stinks 🙁
And I may want to get Amidaia this top.
*She will mostly be played when playing with others so depending on how it goes (like if we actually get some of our friends to play), none of the experience boosts may be needed.
So, not counting outfit costs, that’s a total of 4,860,000 for just the first 4 characters. Counting Roseria, that’s an extra 465K so 5,325,000.
Now, these are characters that I just plan to rush through story-wise and get their Companions maxed out ASAP. They will then be deleted (Not to mention I can only have one at a time to begin with).
6. Jedi Knight – 465K for Max Class Experience, Max Exploration Experience, and Speeder Training Level 1 and 180K for Companion chatting + gifting boosts for a total of 645K.
7. Sith Warrior – 465K for Max Class Experience, Max Exploration Experience, and Speeder Training Level 1 and 180K for Companion chatting + gifting boosts for a total of 645K.
So the total for these 2 is 1,290,000. Including these two with the initial costs above, that’s 6,150,000-6,615,000.