Archive | August 2012


Besides receiving an e-mail that made my day, I actually got a few people asking about my Pet guide :3

So, to clear it up:
1. You can find it here and here (obviously)
2. You can find it on the forums.
3. You can find it on GameFAQs.
4. You can find it on Super Cheats (link coming soon!)

If you see it anywhere else, it was not put there by me and please let me know ASAP. I will always update this if I do add it anywhere else @-@ But right now, those are the only places!

Orochick vs. Orokeet + Taunlet

Well, I was asked to remake the Vanity Guide that had been on the forums as the old maker hadn’t updated in a long time and didn’t seem to be playing anymore (last logged in early July).

However, this got me to thinking about how much people tried to figure out how to hatch Orokeet and find Taunlet. What made Taunlet difficult is even though people guessed the hint right away (2 planets–Hoth and Alderaan), people were still questioning due to Jerky not being very obtainable for most.

Everything had become a clue, people even tried looking off planet and eventually, it was figured out.

With the Orokeet, the egg was found easily enough, but hatching it had been the issue. People tried throwing themselves into lava pits, running in exhaustion zones, and etc. until they found it. Eventually, it was also figured out with some creative hinting and playing around with buffs.

I honestly don’t think the Orochick is an Exploration pet (though, those are my favorites so I certainly wouldn’t mind if it was), but I miss those hints they gave. Of course, that person doesn’t work there anymore and none of the others seem to want to offer any little tidbits for Pets.

Even just a “That’s not true” or “You’re on the right track” would be amazing. 🙁

To-do List for 1.4?

While whether 1.4 is a full thing or not, it has been more or less confirmed by various interviews that Terror From Beyond will be out in September. Which means if they do put it on the Public Test Server (I’d think so, but who knows), it’ll probably be sometime soon.

Considering I have yet to actually get any kind of To-Do List completed 100%, I expect this to also be a failure (which actually makes me incredibly upset), but I figured I’d at least try and make this get all set up along with an average of about how much each will cost…if anything.

Continue reading

Speeder List Update

So, I decided to do a review of the speeders I still needed 😛 Unfortunately, it is still huge.

Aratech Scythe – 225K at Fleet Vendor or Speeder Vendor on Voss
Aratech Lancer – 175K from Speeder Vendor on Voss
Aratech Dagger – 55K from Quesh Speeder Vendor
Czerka Invader – 25K from Quesh Speeder Vendor
Czerka Cruiser – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine Speeder Vendor
Exchange Bandit – Security Vendor for 1.5 million
Gurian Shadow – From Blearg at Outlaw’s Den for 150K
Gurian Cyclone – From Jo’dath at Outlaw’s Den for 175K
Korrealis Prince – From Imperial PVP Vendor on Fleet. Technically, a friend got me one stupid bound-ness. *hopes for a bound remover in the Cartel Shop*
Lhosan Torch – Purchased from Speeder Vendor on Voss for 150K
Lhosan Stinger – 150K from Speeder Vendor on Voss
Lhosan Duster – 25K from Fleet Speeder Vendor
Lhosan Racer – Quesh Vehicle Vendor for 25K
Orlean Flurry – 25K from Hoth Social Vendor
Orlean Rebel – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine
Paraxon Aero – From Light Sider Vendor on Fleet for 300K
Rendili Outrider – 25K from Quesh Speeder vendor
Rendili Protector – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine
Ubrikkian Raider – 150K on Voss
Ubrikkian Hunter – 25K on Fleet
Ubrikkian Striker – 8K on Tatooine/Alderaan
Ubrikkian War-rider – 1,000 Ranked Warzone Commendations and Rank 2200 in Ranked Warzones
Tank Mount – NM EC
Shark Mount – NM EC Timed Run

Total: 3,204,000 Credits, 1,000 Ranked Warzone Commendations (and 2200 Rank Rating), get lucky, and need to do NM EC. Also need a bound remover 🙁

darn it, so pricey.


So, recently, there’s been discussion on the 4-set bonus and when it could be beneficial. When learning a fight, it could probably help. Similarly, more healing is always helpful if you do not actually need that force.

I mean, sometimes I get low…but not enough to really benefit from it and most of the time if I do get low, it’s because I’m about to die.

Out of curiousity, however, I looked up to see what the different would be. Bonus Healing would go down 1.8. Crit chance would go down a bit too, but like .09% or something–nothing big. …The question is, however, how much healing is that anyway?

I mean, I could get another Elegant Top and give it the set bonus with everything else the same (of course, I’d need another Augment Kit, Resolve Augment, Mettle Mod, and Quick Savant enhancement for it…) as I’d only have to change one thing if I got Campaign for BOTH my Gloves and Boots as those have the higher willpower with Force-Mystic…but bleh. Just a lot to think about.

Not how you greet someone

So, I was talking to one of the guildmates who I still feel I’m on good terms with more or less. I asked him how the guild said their HM run went today. He told me they did 1/4 and if I wanted to know more, I could always hop on Mumble and ask our Guild Leader. Due to the fact that I have been feeling…pretty iffy about all this, I said that I really didn’t need to know more and I wouldn’t want to bother.

He responded saying they’re just PVPing and I wouldn’t be a bother at all. Considering how he was one of the few people who said he’d miss me if I quit as I brought something different to the guild, I decided to pop into Mumble for him. He greeted me with a “Hello” and a “How are you?” which was really nice. I answered and was interrupted then by our guild leader asking if my schedule was going to be less floaty soon. I responded that it depends on how my mom’s visit upstate goes. He responded saying how in 2 weeks he’s hoping to do 16-man EC and that he’ll be incredibly critical of me because I’ve done it before.

I responded that I had only done 16-man HM (though, I have done the 1st boss of 16-man EC normal) and he responded that he meant HM so I mentioned I hadn’t completed 8-man HM so I wouldn’t know how to compare it and he pretty much shrugged that off. He then went on to say how two weeks ago, if they had their 3 top DPS, they probably could’ve went all the way and how every other DPS were levels below those 3 and that whenever they had to use one it was “tricky” to figure out what to do.

…so…. I get on Mumble for the first time in weeks for most of you (I was on it late the other night talking to 2 friends and helping them with the event), I get a greeting from one person and I am pretty much told how all this pressure is on me for 16-man HM EC, everything will be my fault if it gets screwed up, and that all your other DPS suck in comparison to your prime 3? Are you serious?

What a wonderful new greeting. I should keep that in mind. -_-

anyway, if I wasn’t upset before, I now feel even more own in the dumps. This is just…ugh.

Random Day

So, today, after checking if the boxes were there or not (they are not), it was a “what should I do today” kind of day. I ended up helping some people with pets (and talking about the Wonderous Egg), getting my armorings (for just 500K! Yay!), and looking at the GTN. After that, I went and did some leveling on Roseria. She is level 12 now and on Coruscant.

I will probably do a bit of PVP with her as I need to get her 1,100 Warzone Commendations for her top and bottom.

After that, I was dragged to a HM EC by a friend which is… okayish I guess. Not going fantastic, but not horrible either. One guy seems to have issues with the circles though and one tank gets hit REALLY hard. I’m trying my best, but I just feel like a failure 🙁

Talking forms Ideas

So, I was talking to a friend of mine about how I only needed 1.5 million for the other parts I need (as nobody has RE’d an Advanced Resolve Hilt 26 yet and the other armoring I’d need has to either be the Gloves from EC HM or the Boots from NP) on average (Mettle Mod 26, 2 Quick Savant Enhancement 26) and also 1.5 million to unlock the Zabrak race so I can make my trooper.

Of course, this led me to get into how overpriced it is when I just want more color options. And then it finally hit me as to why. This is because you also unlock the race/species to be used for ANY of the classes–including ones it can’t be used for.

Considering I wanted to use characters already available for the classes I was going to make them for, I ended up making this thread. I kind of hope others agree…plus then maybe I can actually get my Trooper sometime soon.