Offhand Things

With the update possibly coming soon, I decided to re-check some offhand stuff. With the update, those who can usually not modify their offhands will now be able to. However, you will not be able to modify the Black Hole one (which is the best for me) so I have been working hard to figure out what to do.

Each offhand that can be modded can have:
1. An Armoring
2. A Mod
3. An Enhancement
4. A Color Crystal

And of course, an Augment can be added.

So, I decided to calculate and see if what I am planning to put in mine would be better. Right, now, my Black Hole offhand (with an Advanced Resolve 22 Augment) has the following stats:
+99 Endurance
+120 Willpower
+102 Power
+649 Force Power
+57 Surge Rating

Without the Augment:

+87 Endurance
+102 Willpower
+102 Power
+649 Force Power
+57 Surge

What I am planning for mine:
-Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 (still need – 10 Durasteel, 6 Mandalorian Iron, 4 Molecular Stablizers, 2 Synthetic Energy Matrix, and 10 Zal Alloy)
-Advanced Aptitude Mod 26
-Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 (still need – 2 Corusca Gem, 2 Molecular Stabilizer, 4 Primeval Artifact Fragment, and 4 Upari Crystal)
-Advanced Magenta Hawkeye Crystal (Still need. Will probably just buy from the GTN–about 300K)
-Advanced Resolve Augment 22

That would give my offhand (without augment):
+108 Endurance
+162 Willpower
+123 Power
+57 Surge

With Augment:
+120 Endurance
+180 Willpower
+123 Power
+57 Surge

So…That is going to be amazing. And just looking at that, you can imagine the kind of stuff currently in my BH Off-hand then in comparison to what I will have come 1.4 (if I can get everything in time!). That’s really going to be…a huge improvement for a lot of classes if they use it right. (and maybe the Willpower increase will get me back to 35% Crit!)

I expect Force Power to be higher…but I don’t know how to calculate that so.

  • So, SWTOR is doing an official livestream today answering questions about 1.4 and Free-to-Play. I’m pretty excited, even if I know most of the answers we hear probably won’t be too great but still.

    I just appreciate the fact that they are doing it.

    also, randomly, I will say while I will never use it in my life (nor will I be using the new oreo-themed colors though), I do kind of miss Banana!Sage. So R.I.P. May you one day reappear in the future.

    ANYWAY, back to my original topic… the Livestream they are doing starts at 5PM EST. It, sadly, will only last for 30 minutes but hopefully it will be an awesome 30 minutes. I will be sure to edit this post later with some highlights for me.

    I do expect them to say Terror from Beyond’s upcoming date, if anything–maybe even Free-to-Play’s as well. I would be surprised if TfB isn’t going to be out this Tuesday however… so I just hope I can be helpful to some people and get some goals done ASAP. In the meantime, I’m going to go update my codex list…

    EDIT: BUT BEFORE I DO THAT… I recently stumbled across this T~T I always find it nice when people find it helpful. Eeeee <3 And apparently some of my older threads had been linked in the past too! I’m just going to sit and be excited now. 😛

    Edit 2: Guess who is stuck iin the city and who’s phone apparently hates livestream? T___T keep me updated, I guess… shall watch when I get home so thoughts will be…


  • So…

    The Wonderous Egg Bug Report was officially sent to the Development team. I think this means it really was a bug, but I’m honestly not positive. Essentially told they can’t say and to just keep an eye on the patch notes…so for now, let’s just hope for a fix soon :/

    In the meantime, I went and took a whole new set of pictures. The ship has awesome lighting. Seriously. I will be updating the check list and detailed guide tonight with the images 🙂 So just…keep an eye out I suppose :3

    Edit: All up!

    Previews: Continue reading

    So umm…

    It seems I have randomly been invited to an ops group for TfB…and at the final boss no less! Thus, I shall do some random streaming until I run out of credits from repairs.

    Will update when it is over :3

    Edit: For some reason, the stream started glitching out really badly so I’ve ended it for now until I can figure out the problem.

    Edit 2: In the meantime, some things learned:
    1. The final boss spawns adds which also look like the first boss. I’m guessing the Pet he drops is based off these similar to how Karagga’s pets is based off the minimech mines he spawns.

    2. The second phase is amazing and I love how much the healing range increases.

    3. The cave is meant to be 16-man HM only.

    Edit 3: Going to start streaming again to show the ending 🙂 And then will turn it off again. Recording will appear on the page though!

    Poll time.

    Okay, as I continue to be indecisive about everything, another poll! But before you see that poll (actually, this entry isn’t that long so you will probably see it as you read this), let me explain. Recently, I was asked by another website on the forums if they could use my Pet Guide and put it with images and stuff. I gave them permission and realized that maybe I should link some images into the Pet Guide on the forums (and here, obviously). If so, I’d make the names of each pet clickable to a picture. Speaking of pictures, I still need to try and figure out which are better for some and maybe switch some out… 🙁 I suck at deciding things. Can you tell? …I actually should figure out a good place to take pictures to begin with. Maybe my ship? Hmm..

    ANYWAY… onto the poll:

    HM EC Progress and Bunnies

    So, the HM EC run tonight went well 🙂 We got to the tanks and got them to 52% and 59% on our second go, but then one person had to head to bed so we stopped there. Hoping to try again this weekend. I’m happy it went well–they were all so excited. And considering our tank was a random pick-up person with no experience… :3 He was really good.

    Besides that, a friend has essentially noted me as Bunnies due to an answer he gave about their healer tonight. 😛

    Also still watching some streams for more ideas on the Cave Mystery, but nothing yet 🙁

    As for the Orochick Mystery, the bug report ticket was sent to developers/wherever bugs go, but whether it really is a bug and/or is being worked on is yet to be known and I’m hoping I’ll get an answer back on that soon.

    New Pet drops from The Terror from Beyond

    According to here, anyway. Right now, this is only confirmed for Hard Mode (ugh).

    Asked for name and a screenshot–shall update with information.

    Edit: Will hopefully have some information in about an hour.

    Edit 2: As promised, here is the “Deep Wiggler”:

    (Photo thanks to Pocpocimperator)

    Will be updating all guides shortly 🙂 The pet is essentially a mini version of the first boss in Terror from Beyond, The Writhing Horror. High chance this is the “Gree Larvae” from the data dump.

    Servers are up

    Aurorra and Cellina did have to be changed. They are now Aúrorra and Cellïna respectively. Every single one that was voted was taken or the accent didn’t work in the one picked so… yeah.

    I feel sad v-v

    Edit: Remade the Pets channel. Feel free to join :3

    Also, had to re-do all my chat settings 🙁 blah

    Corellian Run Yesterday, The Shadowlands today

    I get what “The Shadowlands” are in Star Wars lore (and my boyfriend is constantly reminding me)–unfortunately, I can not see that and think of that. Seriously, just call it the Tree Canopy or something then 😐

    Moving on, I shall be watching carefully for the servers going back up. If your names are taken (which, thankfully, they should be going by whoever made them first…), whoever is on first obviously gets first shot at getting the change they want. So yes, you do have to be fast and yes, this means any names you tried to reserve yesterday will mean nothing. Also, all Legacy names will be reset (even if nobody has taken your name) due to the new system of them no longer being unique. This is your free reset so if you want to change your legacy name, THIS IS WHEN YOU WILL DO SO. Speaking of which, let’s bring up those poll results and… …seriously guys? 50/50? XP Okay, well, I guess since it is a tie, it’ll just have to go to the original name. ~*ORIGINAL NABERRIE AWAY*~

    I already know Aurorra and Cellina are gone due to the High Population Server test. Here are some spellings I thought up… Vote on which you think is best? (and hopefully we won’t have a tie again):

    (Obviously, no guarantee these names will not be taken but…)

    Moving onto some of the brighter things… a lot of us will be playing together! YAY! Please do join the Pets Chat Channel, while an excellent source of your daily pet information, we also supply mystery solving, theory speculation, and completionist discussion.

    (Note: We do have it on the Imperial side too! …I just don’t play that as much 🙁 )

    (edit: and for those who have send some worried messages, yes, I am honestly still upset 🙁 this has essentially been me since the announcement. I’m doing my best to look on the positive side, but if you couldn’t tell…change and I don’t get along and Corellian Run meant a lot to me)