
My Codexes

As most people know, I worked really hard on getting my codexes fixed, so this is a list of all the codexes I have XD Including numbers and other things by request @-@ (YOU’RE WELCOME TELANIS). If you’ve checked my codex list and survived by list, you know I’m missing 7 Codexes from Achievements: Epic Enemies (2 which are Survived by ones I should have), 4 PVP codexes (2 which are glitched–1 from Ilum despite having done that while Ilum is still around and the other glitched one is from Novare Coast, the other 2 are from getting my valor rank up), 1 Lore (Tatooine–glitched), and all the new Space Combat ones because I suck at Space Combat.

Anyway, let’s get started :3 And remember, some of these are Jedi Consular only @-@

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Dreadtooth, Alts, and things

First of all, I am starting to give up hope on the Tundra Nekarr Cat ever going down ๐Ÿ™ WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME? Oh, you have money finally? NOW YOU WILL STILL NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD IT (and/or never see it in the first place).

Moving on, I really wish I could stalk Dreadtooth for groups. See, these are the things I’d usually do, but he has that stupid debuff to everyone outside the group that pulls and has pretty big aggro range (he chased after me at least 3 times now) so it’s just…not really a great area to watch ๐Ÿ™ I still need all his codexes though and haven’t even gotten to fight him once… just bleh. If I could camp him and solo him, I’d spend the day doing that–fighting him from 1-5 or maybe higher for testing loot and theories and things. But finding a group of 24 to do that is fairly unlikely. Nobody really cares about those things and I’m sure the cave would be solved if people were up for more experimenting

I don’t really like depending on people so I don’t ask for favors very much. Mostly because there isn’t much I can usually do to repay the person in the first place. Of course, MMOs require a lot of working together…but I’ve noticed most of the time, nobody has that same curiousity that I do. They just shrug it off and that’s it which means I’ll be alone again. Maybe it may be silly, but is there anything wrong with partaking in an adventure every now and then?

Regardless, hopefully we’ll get Amidaia and Revenent done and then we will probably get on Cellina and Valda…. or maybe I can convince him to help Speederisk 1 and 2 *bricked*

But yes, just trying to keep my hopes up… TUNDRA NEKARR CAT GO DOWN ALREADY GOD.

and I still have to finish space missions too…but…space missions ._.

Customer Support <3

So, I received answers to my full codex ticket today ๐Ÿ™‚ And now pretty much all my glitched codexes have been fixed. They only ones that could not be fixed are the PVP ones as apparently they just can’t fix achievement-based ones but they’d look into the issue and The History of Tatooine which due to how it’s gotten apparently couldn’t be confirmed if I did it or not. It’s understandable though.

But yeah, he let me know if it was Imperial only or a different class only and everything got worked out.

Waiting to hear back on the Zabrak issue and staying hopeful as despite no downtime tonight, the vendor will still be leaving at 3AM EST. Shall edit this if I have any updates.

Edit: So, this has turned out to be quite a more serious predicament than expected! Right now, I have to stay logged out for 10 minutes while they do some serious testing.

I explain the issue to them and they tell me it is working as it is supposed to. I’m confused as I swear I’ve seen Imperial colored Jedi. I wonder if maybe I’m just crazy, but I’m just pretty sure. So, we continue talking and they tested it twice buying the perk and didn’t get the option so they believe this is just how it is and they said they can give me the 1.5 million back.

So, I ask in General Chat if anyone has unlocked the Zabrak race and made an Imperial colored Republic character. A nice person named Rishy tells me they have and I excitedly confirm with them and they tell me where to meet them so they can switch. So, they log into Derpina who is a red Zabrak Jedi Sage. I show Customer Support and now they are trying to figure this out. It seems, for whatever reason, you only get all the options if you unlock it through a level 50 character over buying it which isn’t how it is supposed to work. They leveled a Sentinel so as expected, it doesn’t have to be a specific faction to unlock. It’s just supposed to unlock both sides regardless.

Hopefully they can just flip some kind of switch in my account for me and then just work on the bug as I’d really love to make my Trooper tonight. Anyway, just 2 minutes to go until I can log back in! Going to try and stay hopeful ๐Ÿ™‚ At the very least, this proves I’m not crazy!

Yay codexes!

So, after seeing a friend with Rakghoul’s Bane, a title you get from Kaon, and continuing to not have it yet myself, I sent a ticket to Customer Service. They were very nice ๐Ÿ™‚ And I got several Codex-y things fixed.

Ones fixed:
-Raghoul’s Bane
-Sand Rot (Consular)
-The First Son (Consular)


They also mentioned that the following are not supposed to be gotten so I am guessing they have been removed:
-Paladin of House Organa
-Hero of Gorinth Canyon
-Master of the Burning Way
-Liberator of Corellia
-Ice Wars Veteran
-Shadow Hunter
-Venom Drinker

I will probably remove these from my list then. Less confusing that way! Unless someone thinks maybe they should stay? @-@

I may do one more ticket with a full list, but for now, just excited to have some fixed. If you are also missing some codexes that you should have, do contact Customer Service about them and include the specific character and what codexes they are ๐Ÿ™‚ And they should be able to help!

A relief

So, one of the awesomely awesome developers posted this:

Hi folks,
We wanted to inform you all that there is currently an issue with the missions A Lead, A New Lead, and Another Lead. The way the Chevin Event works is that players can find the first six items of the mission The Grand Acquisitions Race whenever at their leisure. The next three items will unlock on a daily basis for everyone, regardless of what step players are on in the main event quest. (item #7 unlocks today, item #8 tomorrow, and item #9 unlocks on Friday).
Players are currently running into an issue that when they complete the mission, A Lead (item #7), the UI marks Another Lead (item #9) as complete with no item given to the player.
DO NOT WORRY. These three missions are merely hints. You DO NOT need this mission to appear in your Mission Log in order to activate it. It will unlock on a daily basis as I outlined earlier.
To be clear, you can STILL play these missions even if they are marked as complete. You just have to wait for their specific daily unlock.
For your convenience, I have posted the text for each mission below:

A Lead (Item #7 โ€“ Akar Kesh Meditation mask): A Sniffer droid is available to aid you in your search for the Akar Kesh Meditation mask, but is still undergoing programming. [unlocks today]
A New Lead (Item #8 โ€“ Black-and-Orange Sphere): Sapaaga the Hutt is refusing to speak to anyone at this time. Check back with the Hutt observation droid at the Lower Promenade on Nar Shaddaa later, when the Huttโ€™s string of losses may have made him more inclined to negotiate. [unlocks tomorrow]
Another Lead (Item #9 โ€“ Plasma-Sealed Jar): A Republic Slicing Droid is tapping into the Transportation Network Terminal in Shadowtown in Nar Shaddaa to locate information leading the Plasma-Sealed Jar. [unlocks Friday]

So, it’s just a glitch, but regardless, I’ll be okay! I should be able to finish. I’m so relieved. x-x Anyway, time to get my boyfriend up to speed and finish stuff up on our imperials!

In the meantime, I did look up the codexes and learned the titles:
1. Imperial side: Imperial Loyalist
2. Republic Side: SIS Freelancer
3. Chevins: Capable Sentient

I’m kind of leaning towards the Chevin one. I think the Republic one is kind of lame considering SIS Operative is a title you can get on Tatooine–a glitched title, but still a title you can get. Apparently this title was removed–not a glitch, regardless, I think it sounds better than SIS Freelancer… Imperial Loyalist isn’t bad, but none of my characters really are Imperial Loyalist? All my Imperial characters are neutral on the sides, if anything. I think it’s a nicer sounding title though.

I guess I’ll see how the story goes and pick which I think is better–after all, it’s one title only (because as expected, no repeatable quests).

The Infernal

Yep! We got the title ๐Ÿ˜€ Did it within 2 hours (Only wiped a little on Soa and slightly on the Pylons (we got out alive more or less though) due to the puzzles starting before we even started them up).

Very exciting! Not to mention this means I have EV 100% done! Well, sort of, I still need the Normal mode mount, but that drops from KP too and Kaon. Hopefully we’ll do KP Nightmare and Nightmare Pilgrim soon!

Besides that, I just need one more Advanced Mettle Mod 25 (or 4 26–only have gotten 25’s, but 25 is minimum I need so!) and 2 more Advanced Aptitude Mettle Mod 25/26. And I’m just 8 BH commendations away from the Implant I need.

Depending on how it goes, it seems I may actually need more Aptitude mods…and of course, I’ll have to play around with the enhancements. I wish I had more credits so I could just get this stuff done and over with.

A little down

Today, I got to do my first try at Eternity Vault Nightmare mode! We got all the way to Soa, but didn’t finish.

It took us an hour on the droid. Most of the time due to deaths which were my fault ๐Ÿ™ I’m…not very good with positioning. It might just have to do with my bad aim that makes me have so much trouble with it, but once someone explains more how I’m supposed to stand, I am good. It can take me a bit to get used to if I have to move a lot position-wise though. Anyway, after getting situated: first time getting to 7% while several other times 5%…finally figured out a good way and got him fully down. Considering he only needs to get to about 3%, we were very close. Rest was very easy… Soa…well, it seems people were having issues with the lightning balls again.

So, Lightning Ball tips:
1. If you’re low on health, USE A MED PACK AND ASK A SAGE FOR A BUBBLE. Holding off will actually make it worse as the lightning will follow you and send electric shots.

2. Always run straight through the boss–do not run around or wait.

3. CLICK THE LIGHTNING AND SEE WHO IT IS TARGETING! Or if you do not have target of target, just head either left or right and see if the lightning you are closed to follows or not.

4. Stay away from the other person’s ball. The explosion will hurt you more than it will hurt them–the other ball can also shock you.

After that, we didn’t reset because it would kill our chance and if we did it perfectly, we’d have just made it… unfortunately, Soa glitched and had enrage-level damage so everyone died almost immediately… which ruined our last shot. Essentially we were screwed either way because if we reset the instance, we’d have lost the timed run buff too.

I just… wish the lightning didn’t seem to give people so much trouble? Besides that, we actually had several people who weren’t full (or had like 0-2 pieces) Rakata so considering, we did really well.

I guess I’m just kind of disappointed as we pretty much had it. Yay for two new codexes at least. We shall hopefully be getting the group together again at another time to try doing Nightmare Soa again so at least if we do, we’ll get another new codex, even if the title will have to wait until another time…

Week Highlights

Despite being away in Florida for work again, I did find some time to pop online while there and try out the game on my laptop. In general, it tends to work a lot better (definitely loads better and I’ve been getting new kinds of lag spikes on my computer which are incredibly annoying), but I definitely need to get used to the controls and bigger screen. As it is, it seems my interface is a bit glitchy on my computer lately as well which is all kinds of annoying.

Moving on, I got to raid with my guild a bit a few days ago. We did Normal EV to get rid of the daily, a complete HM Karagga (But still no Pet drop! At least I finally have all the HM codexes there) and then yesterday a complete run of Normal Explosive Conflict. We (as in the group I am in) may even do HM soon which I’m more than a little nervous about.

EC makes me very nervous. As it is, I almost screwed up the entire raid on the tanks due to:
1. Not realizing they wanted me on the inside of the lightning tank.
2. Not realizing I could run through the actual tank.

Once I realized though (and re-fixed my camera), we did it perfectly fine. But I’m still worried about positioning and stuff with the first boss when it comes to HM after what happened last time.

Also managed to go to Gargath with a random group which was nice… no pet there either but of course now he keeps dropping the Ice Scrabbler Schematic ๐Ÿ˜ spite I tell you.

As for the PTS, I’ve done about 5 runs with Group Finder. Have gotten Hammer Station everytime though (using my lower level character as then it doesn’t matter if I get healing or DPS).

PVP also went okay today. Ups and downs but had a really good (and close match) earlier that ended with us winning while we had 2% left in Novare Coast. Was super suspenseful and action packed and just kind of awesome.

I just wish I could get the pets already. With 1.3 so close, I’m feeling more stressed out by the second. On the bright side, I officially have enough for one of the pets when 1.3 comes (and halfway to the other–will need to re-earn 2K normal Warzone commendations essentially). Now if I could just refer a friend who would actually get the game v-v And actually earn a good amount of credits. Out of stims and can’t afford to buy more. Most of my money is going to repairs (Though, usually I won’t have too much more than the Guild Funds I can use. I just sometimes forget to use the Guild Funds), stims, companion gifts, and random oter things. v-v

For now, back to the Test Server.

New Pets and More Nests! + Other 1.3 stuff

Mini-pets have been added to the PvP items vendor.
So yes, more mini-pets. I’d be excited, but I haven’t even gotten all the ones in 1.2…and I still need one from 1.1 ๐Ÿ™ So I’m excited and stressing at the same time T__T Time to save up commendations… can I even hold that many? ๐Ÿ™ (Edit: Thanks to an awesome guild mate of mine, I found out you can have up to 4K Ranked and 2K Normal. And plus, you can trade Normal for Ranked (At 30 for 10) so currently trading Normal for Ranked as Ranked Warzones will probably be a pain. Once I have the 2K, I’ll just need to get the extra 2K normal Warzone ones after I buy the first pet)

The pets are, as follows:
Ganniffarl – ???
Lawgriffarl – Requires Rank 70 Valor. Costs 1,000 Ranked Commendations and 2,000 Warzone Commendations. Gotten from the PVP Items Vendor.
Hagnoffarl – ???
Lobelisk – Requires Rank 70 Valor. Costs 1,000 Ranked Commendations and 2,000 Warzone Commendations. Gotten from the PVP Items Vendor.
Lobelode – ???
Lobelot – ???

And for those who have yet to get an Orokeet/Unusual Egg: “Additional spawn locations for the Orokeet Mini-pet egg have been added to Alderaan. Eggs can now also be found on Balmorra (Imperial) and Taris (Republic).

So yay for more locations ๐Ÿ˜€ I know a lot of people really want one and while prices have dropped (25K-50K lately), I know people prefer finding some.

Also, for those who may have considered it a pet, you will be happy to hear: “The Party Instigator and Galactic Party Bomb now function correctly and are available on the appropriate Social vendors.” and “The Rhythm Augmentation Droid now lasts for 5 minutes (up from 30 seconds).

I’m definitely excited for both as I had only gotten to enjoy my Galactic Party Bomb for a few minutes before what happened. Not to mention hearing music for more than 30 seconds is always nice ๐Ÿ˜›

Anyway, onto some 1.3 stuff:
1. You can get up to 30% more experience with experience boosters.
2. Companion increasements (What I’d spend on first) can go up 15%
3. Crafting criting can go up 3% (Second.)
4. It costs 25K to add the best Augment Slot…so I’d need like 14… so 350K.
5. Quicker speeder sooner is an extra 250K…considering this is per character, I really don’t care enough to spend that much.

Anyway, all GTN’s are now neutral. However, they are still set so I’d still like to get the Ship one…but it’s not as high a priority so I’d probably get the mailbox first (after the Repair Droid, of course).

…I really need to earn more credits.

Anyway, I just hope ways are found out about the other 4 pets. v-v And I hope there aren’t more than that. I could do without more surprises. Shall have to check out the PTS on my computer when I get home on Friday. While doing PVP on this laptop to gain as many commendations as possible.

I wish the Group finder could find World Boss groups too. As it is, I’ll probably do Karagga and Lost Island I guess…and still hope people for Gargath. But yes, I need to get pets off my list ๐Ÿ™ To think…going from 4 (and people still don’t know how to get the Wondrous Egg v-v Of course, it’s possible it hasn’t dropped for anything yet too) to 10 sucks T__T At least I’ve already at 70 Valor… (71 I believe)

Finally, new Test Server titles: Strike Team Specialist and Strike Team Commander It will most likely not be sent until 1.3 is out on Live which kind of stinks are you won’t know when you earn it. I will probably use Roseria for Group Finding stuff (maybe get her leveled finally) if only because I’d rather not advance anywhere on Marilea (if she gets copied over) and rather just use Marilea to explore and browse for new pets.

And found out the specifics so, quoting the official website:
Strike Team Specialist โ€“ In order to get this title, a player will need to complete four pieces of content (meaning Flashpoints, Hard Mode Flashpoints Tier 1/Tier 2 or Story Mode Operations) using the Group Finder tool in its default search setting on a single day OR eight pieces of content (using the Group Finderโ€™s default setting) within seven days.
Strike Team Commander โ€“ In order to get this title, a player will need to complete four pieces of content in a single day AND eight pieces of content within seven days. Again, using the Group Finder toolโ€™s default search setting.

So doing 8 in a day should get both…though, I may do 12 (4 on day and 8 another day) just to make sure. ..or possibly 2 days of 8 for 16 total.

As it is, you only have until the 16th :/ and I do not get home until the 8th v-v; so that’s kind of sucky. Still, close cut-off date. Guess 1.3 really isn’t far off.