Due to the previous entry, I’ve just been doing random stuff to try and get my mind off it. One was to, if I was going to make a character of each race (unlikely but), what would I make them look like?
The final Quest
First of all, SO MUCH AWESOME. The leap of faith and omg T~T so cool. I went ahead and recorded the Imperial version. I think the Republic one was a little better due to not having the obvious ramp. The lack of a barrier has been in a few places (even with nothing to do) so it seemed more surprising there over the ramp off on the Imperial side.
We may try and do it on some of our other characters (as much as it will suck to get through some areas) and if we do get Miisha up there, I’ll probably record her going through it. And maybe Cellina too. You can see just how much I suck at their classes 😛
Regardless, I had lots of fun. I kind of wonder if anything else will happen considering this was supposed to be to win favor with the Gree. Makes me wonder if something may happen this weekend that wasn’t elaborated on, but who knows. We ended up giving to SIS/Imperials for each our characters–both with the reason of hoping to get some of the Gree technology for their side (or in Amidaia’s case, herself) over letting the Chevin’s do who knows what being a Crime Syndicate and all. Regardless, SO HAPPY FOR THE HAGNOFFARL! so cute.

…remind me to take a better picture later since it’s white and not purple.
Been debating on getting Cellina a bow-sniper thingy as she uses a Blaster Rifle….but they’re so ugly in comparison to the Sniper Rifles 🙁 If I got her one, maybe the Light Bowcaster or Kashyyk’s Legacy? Regardless, I already gave my boyfriend all my tokens so.
Besides that, there is another trailer up for upcoming stuff. Very excited~ Still debating on what I could have as a Cathar though… I honestly don’t have a clue. Maybe I’ll just hope I dislike the options.
Anyway, going back to event talk…my boyfriend wants close to 1,000 of them for everything he wants >_> So we’re probably going to try and get Miisha and his trooper up and also go box hunting later…may record the leveling (and my sucky playing of her) and box hunting later.
Edit: Better picture:

Why I Love SWTOR
Hagnoffarl spotted.
Saw 2 Imperial players with a Hagnoffarl minipet. Tried to ask them…but no response 🙁 gonna do some heavy duty searching.
Stressing quite a bit. Shall update this post with information.
Edit: Thanks to a nice person letting me know, apparently when you complete the race (there is currently a glitch that when you complete a certain space mission, the quest gets completed early), you receive the Hagnoffarl.
…though, that makes me very suspicious about the whereabouts of the Lobelode.
Unfortunately, I had no luck getting Lobelot from the crates. I ended up just buying it when I got close to 400 because not only could I afford it–but everything else I wanted too. I’m debating on the gun-bow-things, but I’d probably just give them to a companion.
But yes, the lovely Lobelot:

Moving on, 1.4 is scheduled for next month. I’m…kind of mixed–only because of all the EC HM drama and I feel kind of behind 🙁 Also a video of them showing off some stuff.
Screenshot Comparions
I can’t decide which is better so I figured I’d put them side by side. If you feel like offering your opinion, feel free :3 And you can say you like new for some and old for others–it doesn’t have to be all just one! Gannifari is not listed due to the fact that I don’t actually have one so it’s just an official photo right now…
Oh, and some random pictures of Marilea in her pretty outfit just for references I suppose:

(And I even updated her on Mr. Robot. Wish List is what I’m aiming for so all help is appreciated)
Anyway, I shall put it under a Read More due to being a little Picture-heavy.
Continue reading
There’s always something a little odd…
…when you see someone looking almost exactly like you.
I think this is the closest I’ve seen yet. Others have either had lighter hair (more commonly red and yellow) and/or have been Miralukas or Mirilians more often than not.
(For those wondering the difference, slightly darker skin and hair–I believe different face too, but yeah. It always bothers me when I see characters with darker brown hair as Marilea’s was supposed to be the darkest…on the otherhand, my colors still aren’t perfect on this monitor yet. Still trying to set them straight.)
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I found a group and they were okay with me using Master Looter and TAUNLING (well, the Exotic Animal Crate) DROPPED AND OMGOMGOMGOMG.
Picture of my lovely Taunling (Sadly, the other pictures wouldn’t screenshot. I do not know what causes the game to not always screenshot but it sucks):

Rants and Raves, I suppose
So, I have a bit to talk about… I guess I’ll start with heading to the Tatooine event. I’m not really much of a PVPer, nor do I care to, so instead, I found somewhere to hide and spectated. Surprisingly, most people didn’t even notice me–I think I was only noticed once and the person kind of just looked at me and then left. Despite just spectating inside somewhere, there was still quite a bit to see. Do kind of wish I could have seen stuff outside as well, however.
No idea why my name was blue and whatnot–same thing happens when I queue for warzones. I’ve reported it and people can still hit me (if they try to) so it’s not like I’m immune–just a weird glitch.
After about an hour, I headed to the fleet for the raid. We finished Karagga Normal and then started HM…unfortunately, lots of issues with Bonethrasher. A few people just…weren’t listening. I also lagged once though and got smacked into the green stuff so bleh. :/ After him though, we did pretty well and got to the enemies before Fabricator. We stopped there as some people needed to sleep soon.
So, I went to check on Gargath and he wasn’t up, so I kind of just signed off shortly after and I don’t think anyone would have helped me with him anyway even if he was up. Not because they’re being rude, but because all week it’s just been so much Gargath that they’re sick of him. Just like KP. I can’t blame them–even I’m kind of sick of them (Though, I do find Fabricator and Karagga fun, but I hate everything before it at this point), but like when I grinded up PVP to 65, I’m determined.
I’m a shy person, I hate asking for help (Part of why I am so upset I can’t do these things alone) as it makes me feel bad, and I also hate giving up. On the flipside, if I get excited about something, I can be quite loud. I can also be abrasive, pushy, stubborn, and can some on a bit strong with my goals.
The thing is, and even when I’m saying what I still need, I’m not trying to ask for favors. I’m not trying to guilt people to help. I am honestly just stating them (thus why I made this to write in). As an example, 90% of my friends can draw really well. I can’t stand how I draw so I often complain about it. And then at least 80% of them ask if I want something drawn and it’s not even what I was trying to imply. I state a lot of things for myself and sometimes, maybe, I just want someone to listen for once.
I guess the best way to explain how I think of things is an old phrase: “It’s more fun planning the party than the actual party is.”
This doesn’t work for me. My favorite part is after the party when we clean up and prepare for whenever another party may happen so as soon as it does happen, everything is ready to go. So, in short, I like to have my lists done. Completely empty. Then work on saving credits and materials and etc. for the next patch so as soon as it comes up, I’m good to go. I have gear, I have credits, I have all the current pets, and I am completely ready to dedicate to this new update. In fact, My OCPD is why I have these blogs because despite the fact I have a very good memory, it helps relieve some stress for me to write it all down.
The thing is, if I still have stuff to do, I can’t do that. I can’t just focus on what is in the update because I still have things to catch up on. Thus, I stress and I practically have an anxiety attack. And the thing that people don’t seem to understand is for every second that I am feeling like I am behind, the more stressed I feel and the more I push. I will not ask for help or freebies–in fact, if you offer, my answer will always be something like “If you want to” or “If you feel like” or “If you’d like to” and similar. I will not ask because I will feel bad and guilty if I do even if you obviously have no issue doing so. If I do receive a sudden mail, expect a bazillion OMGTHANKYOU as I will feel forever in your debt.
I am someone who would put aside everything to finish things. I have everything at that high priority and put my passion into every single thing.
I’m not trying to be annoying. Or use anyone. Or bother people.
But I am trying to make sure I can maybe get myself some actual sleep. And maybe not want to curl into a ball and cry out of stress.
And if I could, I’d try and complete the goals all by myself.
but I can’t.
I can’t either 2.5 million (or 16 million) by Tuesday.
I can’t hit valor 100 by Tuesday. And I’m sure when I try to PVP to get the commendations I need for the other pet (as warzone commendations max at 2K and I need a total of 4K for both) once 1.3 hits, I’m also going to be reminded just how much I suck and what a burden I am to whatever team gets me.
I can’t do Lost Island HM by myself. I can’t do Karagga HM by msyelf. I can’t beat Gargath by myself.
I’m useless.
And I’m sorry if it seems I’m bugging or being a bit too abrasive. I don’t expect you to do things just for me. I don’t expect any of you to do things for me.
but I don’t know what to do anymore.
and honestly, the thing that makes me no longer want to play things most of all (even more than repeating) is feeling like I’ve gotten too far left behind.
and I don’t want that to happen to this game too.
The stress has gotten to the point where I don’t even know if I’ll log in again before 1.3 and if I do, maybe to just find a HM Karagga group that wouldn’t mind just doing Fabricator and Karagga.
but I just feel like I’m done. like there’s nothing else I can do. I feel empty and like a failure and just the biggest pile of useless crud out of all the level 50’s on the entire game.
Mixed day
Today has been kind of depressing. I got yelled at in General Chat and implied that I was being a jerk/bragging/gloating when I was just answering a question 🙁 I didn’t mean to–but it’s what they asked… And then I got accused of not healing well at the raid tonight which made me even more depressed.
I mean, I can’t really heal if you’re behind trees and if you’re too far away…pretty sure if you’re greyed out and stuff in my icons are grey when I have you highlighted, it means you are too far away. It wasn’t our usual tank, but I still felt bad. I really feel awful if people think my healing is bad .__. I do the best I can.
Luckily, everyone else was still really nice. Speaking of which, if you are on Corellian Run (whether new or have been there), our guild is currently recruiting! So, if you’re interested… :3
I also got to do a Lost Island Normal Run today! Dear god, considering what you get for Lost Island HM, the gear for Lost Island Normal is surprising at how bad it is :/
Then tonight, I found a Gargath group and he wasn’t up 🙁 Which kind of sucked. I’ve just been waiting here now (though, a few other people who were in the group are waiting too which is very nice of them!)… On the brighter side of things, I made a friend with a Sith Sorcerer who was also looking for Gargath. Thank you Kalezr for the wonderful chat :3 Unfortunately, it does seem Gargath really does only respawn every 4 ours :/ Have been waiting here over 2 hours since we got here and nothing.
Besides that, I’ve updated the Pet Guide a little bit so be sure to check that out and I’m updating some of the (few) pictures on the blog as well. And also thought of an idea which will hopefully get the screenshots over on the sidebar all set up. Hopefully. It’ll be random though…but I think that’s a bit more fun.