
Operations, End Game, and Various other things

So, lots of random things to talk about. It makes up for me not writing anything long in a while though I suppose. We shall go a bit in order (as the first two things are connected anyhow and the last thing is pretty much everything else) as we once in a blue moon do so enjoy πŸ˜›

I’m a completionist. If you have no learned this by now…well, I don’t know how you wouldn’t so ummm… anyway, I love to 100% things. Every single thing I play I like to complete. In the case of an MMO where there is no actual finish, but I set several goals for myself.

I love collecting things so those are my main priority when it comes down to thing. For me, gear is more of an object to get me further over a necessity. I will always put not looking like an idiot before better stats. And I wouldn’t even care about getting further if it wasn’t for certain things to collect and the story parts. Like in Pokemon, I could care less about the gym leaders and Elite 4 if it weren’t for the shiny badges and title πŸ˜›

Which brings me to the points that started this. A lot of people make big deals about raiding. If they are not raiding or have new stuff to raid (as they finished all the current stuff), they get bored. Obviously, this is something I don’t really understand. For me, once I see the story, I’m good. I don’t need to do it anymore.

EXCEPT for one small problem. Each difficulty has special codexes and the hard (and nightmare–though, the same as hard) difficulties have special vanity-related items (Just speeders confirmed so far, despite the Wondrous/Wonderous Egg rumors). This annoys me. Why? Because I don’t like feeling forced to do something on another difficulty to collect things. If I feel like doing something on a harder difficulty because this was no easy, fine. But I have no interest otherwise. The only other reason I’d want to, if there were no codexes or etc., were if there were new fights or story elements or etc.

Supposedly, when/if they re-do Nightmare for operations, they will be changing some of the things gotten from it. I do not want this. If you are asking why, you may want to re-read some of the stuff I said, but in case you do not feel like it: I hate when people are forced to do something on another difficulty to collect things. If I have all my gear, I am essentially stuck trying to farm an operation (and I don’t even have many attempts–only 1 for Hard/Nightmare and 2 if it’s on both…and the only thing on both (although, for the Tirsa Elite, you could do normal of both KP and EV) is the M0-GUL Thrall Droid.

However, I hate “rare” drops to begin with. For one, you have to deal with people who just want something because it’s rare. And I can’t stand that. There are people who really want something and to see someone who just wants to show off get it sucks. And I have awful luck in nearly every game I play (whether it be online or offline) and the chances of me getting something I really want is slim to none (however, once I do have it, there is a 90% chance it will show up wherever I go to spite me).

It is essentially kind of like my issue of being forced to do Ranked for a Speeder. Ranked was made for PVPers who wanted a challenge. But now those who easily killed users mercilessly before are downing teams easily enough in Ranked, getting plenty of Ranked Commendations, and are killing users in normal PVP even faster. Can I just say how much I hate PVP/Expertise? Still not looking forward to getting like 25 or so more valor ranks to hit 100 for the codexes :/ And I don’t know if I will ever manage a 2200 rating for the speeder.

I kind of wish nothing was bound. Then at least I could try and buy it from someone. And maybe I would’ve gotten a M0-GUL Thrall Droid months ago because so many people I would see who didn’t even want it would get it. Talk about heart-breaking.

Continuing back to Operations though, I also don’t understand farming full on. If everyone has their gear and everyone has the best they can have of each thing (thus, no need for materials to make them), why still do it? This is something that just boggles my mind. Maybe it’s partially my hate for repetition (so much hate), but it just seems a waste for me…and we all know my stance on doing something just to earn credits 😐

I just wish the difficulties could just be made into something for when people want a challenge without all the special codexes or drops. That doesn’t mean I won’t do it (heck, EVERYTHING always feels like a challenge to me unless it can’t hit me!)–I do like challenges. I just don’t like feeling forced to (Again, while I may not be actually forced by the devs/game itself–my wanting to collect everything does kind of put me in that position). Especially as it’s just what I did before just with a few new mechanics (and most of the time, people don’t even have to change their strategy that much), bosses with more health and that can hit harder, and no new story elements. I just…don’t care.

So, in short:
I really hate the different difficulties of operations and think they’re stupid. This also goes for flashpoints.

Moving on to various other things… I forgot how much Corellia can be such a maze. We only finished the first part and the rest may take a bit. I did get Amidaia’s Mr. Robot Page half up. You can check out her wish list. The only thing is I still want an orange version of this shirt. Unfortunately, still no luck finding one. The Force Initiates Vestments shares the picture with the Inquisitor’s Vestments. There’s also the Savant Vestments which make a black version. However, that looks like…well, a orange version of this legacy top for Consulars. Part of me wonders if the Consular’s Renowned Robe is actually what the Nylite Vest would look like…of course I can’t check since:
1. It’s Jedi Consular only
2. It’s Bind on Pick-up
3. My Sith Inquisitor obviously can’t get to Coruscant.
4. I wouldn’t be able to spend that much to try and test it anyway (I may be tempted though)

Since I don’t plan to raid with her, I may just keep her in the red top (despite its suckiness) once I finish all the flash points and planets and whatnot.

I’ve also working hard on trying to get all of Amidaia’s companions up now that she is 50, but I suck at it. πŸ™ If you are on Corellian Run and have gifts you can’t use…I can actually use all of them so yeah >>

In a happier note, a friend gave me 5 Molecular Stabilizers. I checked the GTN and the Matrix thingys were actually less then the guild was selling them for so I bought them…and then, despite not really wanting to on principal, bought the last Stabilizer from the guild. However, this does mean I can get my Hilt so I sent them off and hopefully I will have a new Hilt sometime later today and then I will be DONE! Edit: HILT IS HERE YAY πŸ˜€

I technically need either the armoring for the Boots or Gloves to keep my 2-set bonus (without the ugly Columni Hat), but considering I still haven’t found a headgear I really like (come on fancy circlet) it’s not a big deal/emergency right now.

I may work on PVPing more due to Valor-ness plus trying to get some gear so maybe people actually want me on ranked and not just when they’re desperate (though, even being desperate isn’t enough). Besides that, I still need about 50 more Daily Commendations for the other daily speeder, I don’t even have a ranking yet so who knows how much I need to work on for the Ranked Speeder, and then I just have to get the Aratech Coral (1 more NP kill to go!) and the speeder HM Kephess drops and then I just need speeders you can buy (or speeders stuck bound–staring at you Korrealis Prince >___>).

Speaking of HM Kephess, I never mentioned how the raid went on Sunday. Unfortunately, nobody was on toda…well, yesterday now so we couldn’t try again, but we had gotten really close. DPS was no problem (in fact, we were DPSing a little too fast if anything) but circles seemed to throw people off, some people had a few issues with Fearful, and one of our tanks seemed to be thrown off a bit. Regardless, our closest was like 5% and 8% or something and they hadn’t even enraged. I really wish we pulled through.

…however, to be honest, I didn’t have as much fun as I’d have liked. I loved the company–everyone did a great job. They were not the problem at all. But…HM EC really has been ruined for me. I just…like I’m trying really hard to enjoy it (and seeing my boyfriend get rejuvenated from the frustration of the guild with how it went was great), but I just can’t. I just had it so killed for me so HM EC may as well just join the ranks of Taral V, Directive 7, and Eternity Vault. Not to mention while I am not surprised by deaths as we try things, repairs = expensive T__T And I just can’t afford so much.

Regardless, we’ll be trying again this Sunday (and then next Wednesday from then on) so I’m keeping my head high in hopes we succeed! It really isn’t their fault at all that EC HM got ruined for me. It’s just too bad it probably won’t get fixed. At the very least, I’m excited people will get gear even if it’s a very long way off for me to ever get gloves (or boots if I get lucky on an NP group). Hopefully I can at least win the Speeder on the first time it drops for us–then at least I’ll no longer feel like I have to do HM EC for myself. Helping other people get geared is fine–and it’ll just be a large stress reliever off my shoulders.

The best stress reliever, however, would just be knowing the truth about the Wondrous Egg. I can just continue hoping I suppose πŸ™

Amidaia hits 50!

Yep πŸ˜€ I now have 2 characters at level 50~ Yay.

Was going to take a screenshot, but it happened immediately after a cutscene on my ship and it got cut off and just bleh >_> Now to finish her story–on the way to Corellia now :3

…but, will probably not get far as need to switch over to Marilea for HM EC with some people @-@ I really hope it goes well.

Terror from Beyond

So, a new development blog is out! And about the new operation no less πŸ™‚

Interesting Points and Speculation:
-Clearer picture of final boss and players on platforms. Curious how this will work. Feeling bad for Melee players though.
-Asation is the planet we shall be going to :3
-5 Bosses.
-I’m guessing the Puzzle is where you see players in various colors. Just seen too many things where people go into some kind of computer matrix thing and are a single color πŸ˜›
-I’m guessing one of the bosses (or maybe a mini-boss) is a boss from a previous instance due to the “In addition to strange creatures and agents of the Dread Masters, players will run into a familiar face on Asation. No spoilers, but here’s a hint: he’s not going to be very happy to see you.” Would go with Kephess as he appears in the ending cutscene after EC. My only other idea with be Malgus (no real proof over if he died or not), but I do not see him working with the Dread Masters, honestly, so I’ll just stick with Kephess as it makes the most sense considering plot line and all πŸ˜›
-Gauntlet-Style on the final Boss. Not sure if it means you’ll have to run while being attacked until you are in position to fight or if you will be fighting mobs up until you get to where you fight the boss. Either way, should be interesting.
-Based a lot on execution of Mechanics.
-New set of PVE Gear
-“The hard difficulty mode for Terror From Beyond is balanced for players wearing a full set of Campaign gear, which can be acquired from Operation: Explosive Conflict. Augments will become increasingly more important the deeper you get into Terror from Beyond.” Hopefully the fact that I lack the hilt still won’t make a big deal πŸ™ …on the otherhand, I doubt I’ll get to do it much anyway ._.

Looking forward to maybe trying it with some people on the Test Server at least. I just hope they’ll let people download the Test Server a bit beforehand. My computer has it, but I have been playing on my Laptop more recently (as my computer needs new parts) and sadly, the Test Server went down before I got the chance to download it on here too πŸ™ But yeah, would like to download ahead of time so I can patch it and get on ASAP.

Edit: Story Mode confirmed to drop Rakata stuff. Kind of reminds me of how different Normal and HM Lost Island are.

Too many flashpoints/operations X__x

So today, besides contacting customer support (as seen below), I put up my Advanced Black-Green Hawkeye Crystal (if you’re in Corellian Run, do think of buying it >>) and then decided I’d go Area Quest hunting! …except I was all alone so I got bored πŸ™ not to mention there are actually no good guides for Area Quests surprisingly. I remember when I found that random one in Hoth and I can’t even find that one anywhere.

I’d probably make an Area Quest guide myself, but it’d require so much backtracking and all my other characters are just really low right now πŸ™ But, if I can afford my Trooper, maybe I can make one then? (Plus an Imperial one with my Bounty Hunter)

Anyway, I was dragged off to an Operation by Stoic…then a flashpoint then a flashpoint by some friends in my current guild then another flashpoint by Stoic and another and omgsomany. I really hate repeating things >> but at least it was with people I like.

I may start joining in with those few people on Sunday to try doing HM EC. While I don’t mind dying for learning, I don’t know if I can afford repairs πŸ™ credits allude me. But at least I feel wanted.

Moving on, I am now helping a friend with datacrons so yay~

To-do List for 1.4?

While whether 1.4 is a full thing or not, it has been more or less confirmed by various interviews that Terror From Beyond will be out in September. Which means if they do put it on the Public Test Server (I’d think so, but who knows), it’ll probably be sometime soon.

Considering I have yet to actually get any kind of To-Do List completed 100%, I expect this to also be a failure (which actually makes me incredibly upset), but I figured I’d at least try and make this get all set up along with an average of about how much each will cost…if anything.

Continue reading

Speeder List Update

So, I decided to do a review of the speeders I still needed πŸ˜› Unfortunately, it is still huge.

Aratech Scythe – 225K at Fleet Vendor or Speeder Vendor on Voss
Aratech Lancer – 175K from Speeder Vendor on Voss
Aratech Dagger – 55K from Quesh Speeder Vendor
Czerka Invader – 25K from Quesh Speeder Vendor
Czerka Cruiser – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine Speeder Vendor
Exchange Bandit – Security Vendor for 1.5 million
Gurian Shadow – From Blearg at Outlaw’s Den for 150K
Gurian Cyclone – From Jo’dath at Outlaw’s Den for 175K
Korrealis Prince – From Imperial PVP Vendor on Fleet. Technically, a friend got me one stupid bound-ness. *hopes for a bound remover in the Cartel Shop*
Lhosan Torch – Purchased from Speeder Vendor on Voss for 150K
Lhosan Stinger – 150K from Speeder Vendor on Voss
Lhosan Duster – 25K from Fleet Speeder Vendor
Lhosan Racer – Quesh Vehicle Vendor for 25K
Orlean Flurry – 25K from Hoth Social Vendor
Orlean Rebel – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine
Paraxon Aero – From Light Sider Vendor on Fleet for 300K
Rendili Outrider – 25K from Quesh Speeder vendor
Rendili Protector – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine
Ubrikkian Raider – 150K on Voss
Ubrikkian Hunter – 25K on Fleet
Ubrikkian Striker – 8K on Tatooine/Alderaan
Ubrikkian War-rider – 1,000 Ranked Warzone Commendations and Rank 2200 in Ranked Warzones
Tank Mount – NM EC
Shark Mount – NM EC Timed Run

Total: 3,204,000 Credits, 1,000 Ranked Warzone Commendations (and 2200 Rank Rating), get lucky, and need to do NM EC. Also need a bound remover πŸ™

darn it, so pricey.

Random Day

So, today, after checking if the boxes were there or not (they are not), it was a “what should I do today” kind of day. I ended up helping some people with pets (and talking about the Wonderous Egg), getting my armorings (for just 500K! Yay!), and looking at the GTN. After that, I went and did some leveling on Roseria. She is level 12 now and on Coruscant.

I will probably do a bit of PVP with her as I need to get her 1,100 Warzone Commendations for her top and bottom.

After that, I was dragged to a HM EC by a friend which is… okayish I guess. Not going fantastic, but not horrible either. One guy seems to have issues with the circles though and one tank gets hit REALLY hard. I’m trying my best, but I just feel like a failure πŸ™

Lhosan Thunderbolt GET :D

Was dragged on a Lost Island Run. Other than a few mishaps, it went pretty well. And I got the Lhosan Thunderbolt! Yay! Saves me 200 Daily Commendations.

Besides that, we might do NM EV and KP tonight. Don’t care about EV, but I hope we do KP. I want these codexes done with T__T

Then I just need to worry about getting Campaign gear (Hat, Top, Shoes, Main Hand, and Gloves) and the mount Kephess drops on HM.

Exploration Failure

I had explored once before on Normal EC, but the fact that the Orobirds were supposedly missing on HM EC had been haunting me since and after confirming it as I did EC, I decided to do another round of exploring.

I found nothing, unfortunately. But I did get better at climbing I suppose.

…can this mystery be solved yet?