

…despite feeling like utter crud today, ended up going on a 8-man HM EC run. Our usual run didn’t happen due to it being Thanksgiving in Canada so I was taken along to this one.

More or less, it went well. Kephess even went down despite the glitches of some nightmare mechanics getting in there.

now if I could just stop sucking at rolls.

especially in things I’d rather not see ever again unless helping someone out ._.

Cantina Tour + Encyclopedias + Petness

As usual, I will be talking about these in a different order than the title because I almost always do.

I recently received a message that the SWTOR Encylopedia I preordered will be shipping soon! If you are not familiar with it, it is not a guide book for the game, but actually a book that goes further into the writings and stories of the characters. If you’re interested in the lore and the story, you may find this interesting. It is why I got it and maybe also for hints of things to come too! It is written by the various writers of SWTOR so if you enjoy the player stories and companions, there is sure to be something of interest 🙂

Besides that, apparently this is happening! I kind of wish it was a different day in NYCC or at least actually in the building (I have asthma and Manhattan blocks suck >_>), but I guess we’ll see if our schedule can allow it. If it does, I will do my best to update with anything interesting! I really hope we can go, but will just need to see how things will work out.

Finally, someone on our server has gotten the Deep Wriggler. Nobody I know personally (which is probably better as I’d glare at them forever), but it’ll be a little disheartening everytime I see it 🙁 just one pet to go and so close, yet so far away… afterall, it’s not like I can just always go or anything either. To think, there’s a 100% pet and I don’t even think I’ll be able to get that anytime soon… by the time I may finally get to try for it, I bet the drop rate will be changed 🙁


I got to go to 16-man HM Terror from Beyond tonight! 🙂 Got to do the first 3 bosses and we got REALLY close on Kephess! Got him to 2%. I think they’ll get it tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I’ll get to go again (I was a fill in afterall), but I’m glad I got to go for at least a little bit :3 Plus I got new codexes! <3 And I think my healing has improved so yay T~T


So, we have a few follow-ups to things…

1. The Cave – It totally slipped my mind to make a post besides just updating the cave post. I will continue to just put theories there, but for those who have missed it, a new clue was released:

Martin_smith: I wouldn’t worry about it right now
Martin_smith: read the words

This obviously brings up a few issues. Exactly what is being referred to with the second sentence–the red text itself (“You feel a strange and chilling presence.”) or the first thing he said?

Secondly, the first part alone… This could mean:
A. It’s something not in game right now
B. Just something that can’t be done right away

I’m going to quote one of my comments real quick in reference to B:

Another idea is just that it requires multiple people to have something so you wouldn’t be able to do it right away. Kind of furthers my wondering over the first high drop rate pet as you’d only be able to get 1 a week so it would be 16 weeks (4 months) of completing HM TfB before everyone would have one.

…that’d be so cruel though.

As Telanis pointed out, technically 16 people could just go in after and then, if 16 people finished, and it was a locked out instance, yes, any 16 can go. On the otherhand, if it wasn’t, you’d need to have a group together for that first boss and the mobs on the way to the second boss.

Going on to the next follow-ups… The Wonderous Egg and Lobelode from a Dev:

To the Lobelode and the Wonderous Egg, the answer is that these two pets are not yet distributed in-game. I think this may have been a case of the community getting mis-informed by data mining.

I responded back with my concerns on the Wonderous Egg and why I had asked (The Lobelode doesn’t surprise me much, but it is nice to have that confirmed) and he asked for some links where I had been told about the Wonderous Egg and seen the information. Hoping for a response back as that is something he will definitely try and get more information on as it’s a very…odd situation.

Regardless, hopefully this means the fully confirmed answers aren’t far off and we’ll know soon. I will be moving the Lobelode off the Pet List for now.

and to end this, I wish I had 900K-1.2 million to get some Adept Enhancement 27’s 🙁

Goals and Failure

Sometimes there are days where everything goes wrong…but on top of that, there are times where those days happen and there’s nothing you can really point a finger on as to say why. Whether it be being teased until your heart breaks or repeatedly wiping on something you should know or essentially being told something important to you doesn’t matter.

There are times things happen. Things that despite the fact you knew how they’d go (due to sucking in comparison) still hurt as you see dreams shatter around you. But is there anyone to blame on something expectant? No, not really. Because in the end, it’s just my fault.

Despite my continued issues with my own self, I’m not really upset or mad at anyone. I’m not sure why EC went so wrong or when I will get a Deep Wriggler but I hope we’ll be able to kick EC’s butt and Terror from Beyond’s butt and maybe I’ll get a Deep Wriggler soon and his name will be Wriggles. And yes, I know I could technically blame Bioware for making pets drop in operations in the first place or the fact that a fix may have made a fight worse but…that doesn’t make me feel better and issues do happen. And I am sure it will be fixed eventually.

…I really do wish pets would stop being put in operations though….

and maybe I can work on improving to the point where I wouldn’t be such a horrible person and can actually get my goals done right away. A lot of people say I stress a lot and I’ll be honest, it is true. When I make a goal, I want it completed essentially 5 minutes before I made the goal in the first place. I’m not really an impatient person, but I’m a paranoid person. The Wonderous Egg is probably a perfect example of why I could become more paranoid surrounding pets.

Right now, it seems the Deep Wriggler is a 100% drop. But what if that is an issue? What if it was supposed to be a 0.01% drop? Or a 1% drop or some other tiny cruel amount to taunt me for ages. Or what if another Wonderous Egg situation appears and really, who the heck knows what is going on with that. Glitches happen, codexes glitch, items glitch, I can’t really blame things for not being perfect and/or fixed. Things happen. I know I’m not perfect even if I desperately wish to be. Despite that, I will be on, I will be doing my usual research, and I will be rooting the heck out of them to get this over with because all this server first competition is silly. Yes, I said it, it is silly. World first is silly. It is all silly. To me, anyway. But–for those who care, I wish you the best of luck at completing your goals too.

“wait, didn’t you want the server first pet?” you may ask (okay, nobody is asking this but shush!)

Yes and no. It’s not actually about server first to me, but rather getting the goal done as quickly as possible. Sure, it’d be cool to actually have a server first, but it’s not actually my goal. I’m a supportive person, but I’m also competitive and can even be jealous sometimes. This is partially (or maybe even completely) due to the fact that I am a perfectionist. I need to have it done. The sooner, the better. And every single time I continue to see someone with something I still need, my heart breaks. If I am not doing the best, I just feel like a complete and utter failure who doesn’t deserve to play or be brought along anywhere. It’s a big flaw of mine. It’s also something that sometimes can come off as fishing for compliments–so I will say right here, it isn’t what I try to do. I won’t believe the person anyway and essentially, it is what it is. I’ve come to terms on it. And while there’s certain people who still worry ridiculously about me *waves to boyfriend*, it’s not something I necessarily can control.

On the bright side, this means I strive hard to succeed. But only to a certain point–when it gets to a point where I feel there’s nothing I can do, that all my goals are impossible, it’s not going to happen….I crash. Hard. Cheer and determination gets slapped with a giant pile of demotivation and then it is just a struggle to play until the point where I just won’t want to. So it’s one of those things that really throws people off because, afterall, “Wouldn’t you want to have a lot of goals to keep you playing?” Most people would, but that isn’t how I work. I want my goals done so I can work on just saving up for future ones and for every second my goals are incomplete or something gets added, my stress level goes up and I feel slightly more saddened over how behind I am.

“But why would you get on if you already finished all your goals?” I’m going to pretend you asked even though you didn’t and probably won’t read this because seriously, what do you care about any of this and why am I wasting your time…

Because, despite the fact that I can be a bit selfish sometimes and if someone rolls over me on a pet I need I will be glaring at you forever, I really do like to help people. I tend to bother people a lot. Whether it be to ask them to help me with something or credit help or asking a question or just bugging them to see how I can improve, I tend to put a lot of weight on people’s shoulders. I wouldn’t say I’m a completely dependent person, but I put a lot of trust in friends. A lot. Which is probably why I get hurt so much, especially if I consider someone a friend who may not feel the same way about me. So when it comes down to it, the least I can do is help someone back out. If I had all the credits in the world, sure, I’d probably get most of my goals done first (see stressing the longer each goal is incomplete), but after that, if a friend needed something, I’d probably just surprise them with it.

…and then I’d be poor again when my next set of goals come around but at least I made people happy! I don’t mind sitting on the sandcrawler for hours on end or explaining how to get every codex and pet in the game or even taking you along! You need a datacron guide? I’m at your call. Because in the end, I just want to know I was able to do something to say “thank you for putting up with me”. And regardless of whether I know you or not, I will always just want to help. Unless I hate you. And even then I may still help you because I feel bad easily.

Moving on to actual goals… Gear will take a while. As it is, I still do not know how many I will need for certain things for sure. However, apparently some people have already started reverse engineering things and someone was actually selling Advanced Adept Enhancement 27 on the fleet. If you bought 3, they were just 2 million each T__T I need at least 3, possibly 4…shall know for sure once Mr. Robot updates. Of course, I can’t afford that and even if I could…well, let’s be honest, I’d have to have my ship legacy stuff and all the speeders (6 million + about 3.3 million) before I’d spend the 6-8 million on the enhancement. …I probably should have still gotten their name though.

There are 4 reasons for that:
1. Gear is on a lower priority for me to begin with
2. I could get the gear a different way anyhow eventually (although…repetition. 😐 At least I’d be able to help people however!)
3. There is no other to get the speeders and Ship Legacy stuff.
4. When it comes down to it, those have been on my goal list a lot longer than some mods that only became available less than a week ago.

As it is, I still have PVP Goals where I have made absolutely no progress, but more things have been added on. I technically have enough for the gloves and boots of the Consular’s Exalted set, but that would only leave me with about 250K and I don’t think that’d be good…

This, of course, will probably stem “why do you lump goal amounts altogether again? Why not just try and separate things? It’d be easier to get then”. This is most likely because I am a very all or nothing person. In a similar way to how I hate giving up, I don’t getting just half-way there. It’s also harder to keep track. And my goals are long enough without me spelling everything out.

Essentially, my top goals are still getting the 5 million for the Ship GTN, the 1 million for both Ship Dummies, and the money I need for all the speeders. There are only 2 speeders I can get that I can not buy:
–The HM Kephess mount. I…hope we can complete it soon 🙁
–The Ranked Warzone Mount (but…I don’t think anyone wants to bring me on ranked ._. Even if my expertise is slightly over 1,100 with all my gear now. I’m not really sure what to aim for here though 🙁 )

I still never managed to get Campaign Gloves, but considering the Dread Guard stuff, it isn’t really a big priority and it’s not like I ever use my 4-set piece bonus.

so, when it comes to goal priorities:

1. pets pets pets pets pets All current ones gotten
2. 6 Million 5 million for Ship Legacy stuff
3. ~3.2 Million for Speeders (+HM EC Speeder +Ranked Speeder)
4. Getting all the new Terror from Beyond Codexes I need
5. Czerka Crate-O-Matic
6. Consular’s Exalted Boots and Gloves

Total cost: ~3.5 million + lots of pain + 36 Corellia Commendations per horrible box try 🙁

1. PVE Gear
2. Hitting Legacy Level 50
3. Hitting Valor Rank 100
4. EMP Generator
5. Electronic Warfare Pod

Total cost: ~varies based on mod sellers and repairs. Also need 240 Fleet Commendations 🙁 Most of these will just be time consuming though.

1. Getting Amidaia all finished up (need to finish Corellia and Ilum and flashpoints :|)
2. Get Speederisk done so I can delete him already and get Speederisk2 started and done.
3. Get the following character perks for each alt: Legacy of Altruism, Legacy of Persuasion, Speeder Level 1, All Story Experience, All Exploration Experience (For a total of 645K). If flashpoints needed, add them for a new total of 920K
——-Cellina already has Speeder Level 1, 3/5 of Class Mission and 4/5 of Exploration lowering her total to 405K-680K.
——-Miisha already has Speeder level 1, 3/5 of Class Mission, 3/5 of Exploration, and 2/5 of Flashpoint lowering her total to 445K-495K
——-Speederisk already has Speeder level 1 lowering his total to 605K-880K.
——-Roseria already has Speeder level 1 lowering her total to 605K-880K.
4. Finishing all character’s stories and getting them all to 50. (Finishing planets + Flashpoints is an Amidaia only requirement)
5. PVP Gear
6. Legacy of Crafting (350K) for Marilea (if others get crafting up, possibly eventually for them as well or at least Amidaia (Cybertech))

Total Cost: 3,700,000-5,125,000 Credits (not counting removal of mods for PVP or Legacy of Crafting for anyone other than Marilea), Lots of Warzone Commendations + Pain

QUATERNARY GOALS: If Makeb/level increase is coming out, those that are *’d will become Priority or Secondary Level.
Legacy of Sacrifice – 250K
Legacy Fleet Pass – 600K
Legacy Quick Travel – 600K *
Improved Rocket Boost – 2.5 million
Warzone Experience – 275K * if Valor 100 hasn’t been hit yet by the time level increasement happens
Flashpoint Experience – 275K * if new Flashpoints are released with level increasement.
Space Mission Experience – 150K * when new Space missions come out.
Story Experience – 275K * (If Makeb really does start Chapter 4)
Exploration Experience – 150K *
Outlaw’s Den (50K), Vanguard Fleet (50K), and Black Hole Travel Passes (150K) – 250K

Total: 5,175,000 Credits

All Race Unlocks (6 million. 7.5 million if I get impatient with Aurorra even though she is a Cyborg and will be level 50 eventually…)
Legacy of Altruism – 90K
Legacy of Persuasion – 90K

Speeder Training – 465K
Field Respecialization – 200K
Legacy of Leadership – 60K
Fully Gearing Companions (In order: Nadia, Qyzen, Tharan, Zenith, Iresso)

Total: 6,525,000 – 8,225,000 Credits

and you see why I stress. For now, I shall just go back to thinking of the Pet thing I want to do to get my mind off it all ignoring that I have no idea where to even get started on something like that…

Eee :D

Doing Story Mode TfB again! We just beat Kephess! So excited. We downed it on our first shot once we got a better healer @-@ I think the first healer who volunteered was actually DPS…

ANYWAY, about to start the final boss! I hope we can get him down. I also hope that maybe there is a rare chance he drops the Deep Wriggler on Story mode… I can hope anyway T~T

Edit: WE DID IT. YAY! So happy <3 And I did my first 8K heal! even if it was on myself No pet though 🙁

Eeee :D

I got to join in on 16-man HM tonight 😀 Yay! Tried some cave theories…none yet. Got the 3rd boss down (They had gotten the first two last night) and I even got boots!

So excited 😀 Shall update with how it goes~

Edit: Kephess is so evil T__T


Server Firsts and 1.4

So, if you haven’t noticed, 1.4 is up 😛 While they had one delay, it seemed this went well overall… well, besides the GTN being down and no ETA on when it will be back.

I already changed my offhand and got my new healing skill. Much excitement. Hoping Mr. Robot will have the 1.4 stuff up as I want to update so badly and figure out what I need to aim for 🙁

Unfortunately, the Hazmat Implants are still 350. So much for them being a mistake. That is ridiculous. Seriously. Especially with the changes to BH Commendations. :/ I need 2 of the Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-4 system so if you are a Biochem and learn those and feel like helping me out, let me know? 😀 Since I don’t think I’ll have even 350–let alone 700 anytime soon.

Anyway, while I try to ignore my obvious frustration, I will probably need level 27 stuff (that is 63 right?) so I should try and figure that out. Not to mention due to the whole set bonus by armoring, I will need at least one Advanced Resolve Armoring 27 through the random Hazmat gear off the first boss in HM. That will probably be the main focus, although, getting any of the armorings would be helpful.

In the end, I would at least need 2 made–for my belt and bracers, so I need to hold out for that 🙁 Then worry about getting one for my Top and Hat and Offhand x__x



Regardless, I won’t switch my hat until I do get it as people still keep making such a big deal over this 4-set piece bonus. Oh well, it’s not an issue now. No declines, so may as well just deal with it as with no worry, it’d be silly not to take the bonus (even if I know how to heal without it). While Mr. Robot hasn’t completed updated the Denova Gear (equal to the Dread Guard Gear stat-wise) to reflect the hat and boots armorings correctly, it still has 3/5 right so. And yes, I am using it even if they haven’t properly updated. This blog wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for my OCPD 😛

Unfortunately, I don’t know how long I can just keep holding on to the Rakata Ear Piece. It’s getting behind and Crit + Alacrity isn’t popping up. What I may have to do is switch to a Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-3 Relay (of course, I’ll need to find someone who can make it or get it as a random drop) and then switch out an Aptitude Mod for a Crit mod to get my Crit back. I will need another Augment Kit then, but at least I do have an extra Resolve Augment on me (Actually, I’ll need 3 Augment Kits since I’ll need 2 for the Implants as well…thank god I have enough actual augments) Will be playing around with my stats to see if that will work, anyway. A Mettle Mod 27 actually gives me back the exact crit lost for switching the ear-piece so definitely good. …I suppose maybe I should go and switch the mod already though then and just find a Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay in the meantime. …Does anyone have a Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay they may be selling or they could make?

So, in general, what I need:
Advanced Resolve Armoring 27 x3 (Dread Gear Offhand actually has a 61 armoring) It seems to be roughly the same cost as a 26 armoring (of course, this could be wrong), but at the moment, that means I’ll need (for a total of 3): 30 Durasteel, 18 Mandalorian Iron, 12 Molecular Stabilizer, 6 Synthetic Energy Matrix, and 30 Zal Alloy. EDIT: May just need 1! (10, 6, 4, 2, and 10) Apparently Belt and Bracers can be modifiable.
———-And for my records, specific Advanced Resolve Armoring 27: Head, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Bottoms
Advanced Mettle Mod 27 x5 x4 (-1 if either ear piece mentioned hasn’t been gotten yet)
Advanced Aptitude Mod 27 x3 (+1 if either ear piece mentioned hasn’t been gotten yet)
Advanced Adept Enhancement 27 x4
Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 27 x2
Advanced Battle Enhancement 27 x1
Advanced Resolve Hilt 27 x1
Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-3 Relay
Hazmat Force-healer’s MK-4 System x2 (350 Black Hole Commendations each 🙁 )

What I can use ASAP:
Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay
I already have a Advanced Mettle Mod 26 ready to go so.

…that will add another Augment Kit I need however 🙁 THANK YOU PRONGS FOR THE AUGMENT KITS. <3 DEPENDING ON HOW THE OFFHAND IS (As Mr. Robot doesn’t have that modified yet but you can see my new updated wishlist to get an idea!), may try switching 1 Advanced Adept Enhancement 27 to an Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 27–if it’s still 75% surge, keep the switch…if it’s not, keep the slighter higher surge with the Adept)

moving on, I really wish I could HM TfB. I want that pet so badly. 🙁 But it most likely won’t happen as things never drop from me and when they do, the chance of me losing is pretty high. Only time I won on my first try was the M0-GUL Thrall Droid (and that took forever to drop…and I’ve seen it 3 times since now -_-). Also want to do 16-man HM so I can help with the caveness.

So, now to the first part of my subject: I’ve stressed myself out so much, this is going to be short and sweet: I think Server firsts are silly and people should just work together.

If I wanted a server first for ANYTHING, it’d probably be a certain pet…but it’s not a necessity…and I don’t think I’d care anyway (I’d be too happy just having the pet to care if I was first or not).

Cave Info Compilation


Figured I’d try making a more condensed information drop XD If I missed something on the Tried or Not Tried List, let me know and feel free to continue to submit ideas. I’ll also add any I think of.

If you do not know about the Cave yet, well… It is a cave in Terror from Beyond, the new operation in 1.4. The cave is under a bridge on your way to the second boss and on 16-man HM (yes, this is 16-man HM only), gives the following message: “You feel a strange and chilling presence.”

For those of you who do not do 16-man HM, due to not having enough members or just preferring to run 8-man groups, it’s okay! 16-man is on the same lockout as 8-man so you can just switch the difficulty. However…if there really is some kind of boss, I’d recommend teaming up with another 8-man group.

Here is a video of said cave. The quickest way to get there is taking the speeder after having beaten the second boss in the operation. It’ll drop you off at the platform right before you’d jump down and you just need to turn around, go over to the bridge/on the bridge and jump down. If you only have the first boss down, once 2 hours have hit, all the mobs between the 1st and second boss will respawn and you will land from the speeder in a mob. If you have 3 or more down, the speeder will take you too far and you will be unable to get back there and thus, will need to walk to the area instead of taking the speeder.


Hints that have been given:
1. Oldschool
2. 10:30 Particulate: you want to know what’s in the cave?
10:30 Particulate: only what you bring with you.
10:31 Martin_smith: oh damn, troll and true at the same time

—–Script Excerpt of Scene
3. Martin_smith: I wouldn’t worry about it right now
Martin_smith: read the words

    Things that have been tried: (Note: These have ONLY been tried with less than 16 people unless otherwise noted. Please do try these with all 16 people as well)

  • Entering with everything unequipped and no items in inventory.
  • Entering with certain Vanity Pets: All tried except Orochick (for obvious reasons)
  • Going in with Shockfrozen Water
  • Going in with the Normal Water Buff
  • Going in with an Orobird Egg (I think this has been tried anyway? Feel free to correct me if not)
  • Going in with both the Egg and the Water Buff (I think this has been tried anyway? Feel free to correct me if not)
  • Going in with a Magenta Adegan Crystal
  • Going in with a Magenta Crystal
  • Going in with a Rough Magenta Shard
  • Going in with the Ice Scrabbler Jerky
  • Going in with the Ice Scrabbler Jerky Buff
  • Having everyone in there at much and having a Dance Party (okay, maybe not that last part)
  • Dragging monster’s into the cave and killing them.
  • Going in with the Nightmare Pilgrim Debuff only
  • Using the Galactic Party Bomb
  • Going in with the buffs from Outlaw’s Den
  • Going back after finishing the instance on HM 16-man for the first time. (EMPTY/Locked-out INSTANCE)
  • Entering with a Deep Wriggler Vanity pet.
  • Go in with the Red rhombus title
  • Typing “You feel a strange and chilling presence.” while in the cave
  • Checking it after completing the story quest.
  • Go in with your UI disabled – Ctrl U once
  • See if anything in on ceiling
  • Use /stuck in cave
  • Revive someone in cave.
  • Using the Rhythm Augmentation Droid
  • Try using an AoE all over the cave.
  • See if you can use a heroic moment in the cave (due to the “supposedly can be used in some situations as an exception with no companion)
  • Going in with a Pristine Adegan Crystal
  • Dueling in the cave.
  • Trying to go in with a specific mood.
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal
  • Going in with a Bondar Crystal
  • Going in with both a Rubat Crystal and a Bondar Crystal.
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal plus a Color Crystal
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal plus an Adegan Crystal
  • Going in with a Bondar Crystal plus a Color Crystal
  • Going in with a Bondar Crystal plus an Adegan Crystal
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal, a Bondar Crystal, and a Color Crystal
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal, a Bondar Crystal, and a Adegan Crystal
  • Entering with both Mainhand and offhand unequipped.
  • Going in with Hydro Ice Thinner
  • Using the Party Instigator (Social 5)
  • Checking it after completing it on both story and hardmode.
  • Use some sort of Stealth Detection item/skill in cave.
  • Going in with Zero Buffs. I.E. Right Click everything on your bar to remove them.
  • Entering with only mainhand equipped.
  • Entering with starter gear
  • Using a specific action while in cave (I’d recommend going through all of them)
  • Dragging the Mini Boss into the cave.
  • Go into cave with Dread Guard Mask on
    Things that still need to be tried:

  • Going in with Womp Rat Fever
  • Going in with the Nightmare Pilgrim Buff
  • Checking it out the next time you do it (NOT locked-out/Empty instance) after finishing the instance on HM 16-man for the first time
  • Everyone (all 16 people) entering with a Deep Wriggler Vanity pet.
  • Entering with ONLY Mainhand unequipped.
  • Entering with ONLY Mainhand unequipped and a specific mood.
  • Entering with ONLY offhand unequipped.
  • Going in with Red Detonite
  • Using certain food item buffs (Specific items tried so far: N/A)
  • Going in with only a relic that requires Light V or Dark V equipped.
  • Using both the Party Instigator and Galactic Party Bomb in cave (Requires 2 people as they share a cooldown)
  • 16 people in Meditative Mood all using their Health Regen
  • From Yul, one of our commenters:

    ALSO, the RED and BLUE features and plants in the cave seem WAY too coinincidental to be in there set COMPLETELY away from each other. (Red obviously symbolizing the Empire and Blue for the Republic). Maybe either Empire Raid groups need to stand on the Red side and draw their weapons facing Blue or stand on Blue and draw their weapons. Visa versa for Republic raids.

  • Using HK-51 Part Scanner in cave.
  • Using a Dreadful Amulet in cave.
  • Using a Dreadful Amulet in the cave with the Dead Guard Mask in your inventory.
  • Using a Dreadful Amulet in the cave with the Dead Guard Mask on.
  • Just having the Dreadful Amulet in your inventory with the Dead Guard Mask on.
  • Just having the Dreadful Amulet and Dead Guard Mask in your inventory.
  • Use Amulet on the mobs outside the cave to see if it chases them inside it.
  • Use the Dreadful Orb and Dreadful Amulet together.
  • Dreadful Orb, Dreadful Amulet, and Dread Guard Mask together.

My main ideas are that whatever you do, it either:
A. Summons a boss (My main instinct is a Force Ghost) that drops something special.
B. Gives a Pet
C. Gives a Color Crystal (Main instinct is black-cyan due to this)
D. Summons a Chest that has something special