

So, it looks like the event didn’t start today despite the server problems. I do hope it starts soon considering next week is the last only semi-busy week of the month for me so if it’s in July after that…just lots of craziness, honestly.

Besides that, got two groups today. One for Karagga Story Mode and one for Karagga HM (with those nice people from the guild I did the fastest Lost Island run ever with!). Sadly no pet drop on either πŸ™ Though, I did win the Dessler Turbo from HM. Ironically, I still haven’t won the Story mode mount that you can get from KP or EV.

As for gear changes… I’m still freaking out completely. However, I have noticed some change (for the better) which is good. I seem to be healing a bit higher so hopefully that’ll continue to help.


Meet… the Gannifari! πŸ˜€


The name is very close to the Ganniffarl and it looks similar so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same pet which would mean only one Akk Dog and 2 Lobels left to go! (Edit: I sent a support mail and they are, indeed, the same πŸ™‚ )

But yes, I love it and I can’t wait T~T And it’s actually Coral colored unlike something else that pretends to be *cougharatechcoralcough*

For those who don’t know, you get it for participating (and being an active subscriber) in the server transfer by transferring off an Origin Server and/or already being on a Destination Server! You also get 25 Black Hole Commendations.

If you haven’t transferred yet (or weren’t on a Destination server to begin with), you have until 12:59AM EST on July 31st, 2012 to do so in order to get Gannifari and 25 Black Hole Commendations πŸ™‚ You will receive a mail with Gannifari and the commendations by the end of the 1st week of August 2012. You can find more information here.

The Wonderous/Wondrous Egg Dilemma

So, I sent a ticket asking essentially if I could talk to someone without the instant reply on how they can’t spoil things. To my surprise, they did oblige and I had a lovely conversation with a member of customer support. They felt really bad and understood, but sadly were not allowed to answer πŸ™ Even just a yes or no question.

They did, however, say they would try and get a Dev to post in the Orobird topic or my suggestion thread and hopefully we’ll get some kind of hint.

I just want the rumors to stop.

And then what? + Event Rumors

I get asked this a lot. “So, when you collect all the pets, then what? Just wait for more?” It’s actually a very silly question as I’m a pretty goal oriented person and usually mention that I do have quite a few–just that Pets are my number 1 priority right now.

And what exactly would be all the pets? I believe I’ve stated there’s technically 20 pets confirmed and 24 pets in the game (of course, Beta pets are not counted in this as they are not out yet whatsoever–though, for those curious, it’d be 29 with Beta included).

To be honest, once I get the M0-GUL Thrall Droid, I’d essentially be satisfied as right now, there is no information on how to get the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg. That doesn’t mean I won’t stop trying to figure it out–of course I will! I will constantly keep trying, but I won’t feel frustrated or impatient that I haven’t gotten it yet as nobody has it yet. Nobody knows how to get it. It’s a mystery.

Getting Orochick as well as the M0-GUL Thrall Droid would essentially be the full goal as while I will still keep an eye out of the other 4 pets, they have not been confirmed and thus, I’d rather not drive myself crazy for something that may not even be enabled yet.

But then what would I do, you ask? Well, that’s simple. I’d save up for most of my other goals. For example, I still need 5 million credits for the Ship GTN. Not to mention 1 million more for Both Dummies (as they’re 500K each). After that, I’ll probably either put 2 million towards Rocket Boots, 200K towards the Field Respec, and the 3 million for the Twi’lek and Zabrak races. Though, if I do level up Roseria, I may just need 1.5 million then. Main issue is I do not know how I’ll do leveling up a sage again. However, if my boyfriend and I can get some of our friends to join, I may just try and deal.

After that, it’s a bit of a tie. Besides working on other characters, I’d like to get each (Minus Amidaia and Marilea for obvious reasons) the full Class Experience Boost Perks (275K) and full Exploration Experience Boost Perks (150K) which would be 425K per character (5 other characters = 2,125,000). …I’d also probably have to get it for the being rushed through Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior characters I will be making (that will just be deleted after I get the Companion and Chapter stuff) as they need to at least hit the requirement for Quesh so they can get the shot as to not die instantly πŸ˜› But I’d also like to work on my Mount collection.

Right now, I still need:
Kurtob Alliance – Need to refer a friend who buys one month.
Aratech Coral – Need to still defeat Nightmare Pilgrim x3 😐
Aratech Nightscythe – Need to do HM EC
Aratech Scythe – 225K at Fleet Vendor or Speeder Vendor on Voss
Aratech Lancer – 175K from Speeder Vendor on Voss
Aratech Dagger – 55K from Quesh Speeder Vendor
Czerka Invader – 25K from Quesh Speeder Vendor
Czerka Cruiser – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine Speeder Vendor
Desler Turbo – Drops from Karagga in KP Hard/Nightmare
Exchange Bandit – Security Vendor for 1.5 million
Gurian Shadow – From Blearg at Outlaw’s Den for 150K
Gurian Cyclone – From Jo’dath at Outlaw’s Den for 175K
Gurian Scoprion – From Imperial Fleet or Alderaan for 25K (must buy on Amidaia)
Korrealis Prince – From Imperial PVP Vendor on Fleet. Technically, a friend got me one πŸ™ stupid bound-ness.
Lhosan Thunderbolt – 200 Daily Commendations or dropped off last boss in LI HM
Lhosan Torch – Purchased from Speeder Vendor on Voss for 150K
Lhosan Stinger – 150K from Speeder Vendor on Voss
Lhosan Duster – 25K from Fleet Speeder Vendor
Lhosan Racer – Quesh Vehicle Vendor for 25K
Longspur Blaze – 200 Daily Commendations
Orlean Flurry – 25K from Hoth Social Vendor
Orlean Rebel – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine
Paraxon Bloodline – Dropped from HM EC
Paraxon Aero – From Light Sider Vendor on Fleet for 300K
Rendili Outrider – 25K from Quesh Speeder vendor
Rendili Protector – 8K from Alderaan/Tatooine
Tirsa Elite – Either last boss of Kaon HM, EV Normal, or KP Normal
Ubrikkian Raider – 150K on Voss
Ubrikkian Hunter – 25K on Fleet
Ubrikkian Striker – 8K on Tatooine/Alderaan
Ubrikkian War-rider – 1,000 Ranked Warzone Commendations and Rank 2200 in Ranked Warzones
Hotrigged Speeder Bike – Made by Cybertech

So, that’s a grand total of 2,953,000 Credits, 1,000 Ranked Warzone Commendations, and 400 Daily Commendations. Plus get Amidaia’s Cybertech up πŸ˜›

But of course, then what? Still easy. I’d like to just unlock everything Legacy-wise for Mari–including stuff she doesn’t need. Would also be tempted to get all the Companion Affection stuff on all my other characters (including Amidaia).

And after that? There’s nothing wrong with saving up credits and commendations for the future now, is there?


Besides that, there are rumors of the Event starting today. It doesn’t look like it is though, but maybe this weekend?

(for the record, it’d be about 16,300,000 to get Marilea all the speeders, all the 1.3 Legacy stuff, the Twi’lek and Zabrak races, Rocket Boots, and the Ship Legacy Unlocks. An extra 6 million would need to be added if I ever tried to unlock all the species, an extra 3,950,000 for the rest of the 1.2 stuff (Dark Side Ability, Rocket Boots/Quick Travel/Fleet Pass Cooldowns), an extra 2,970,000 to get every future character I make all 5 Ranks of Class and Exploration Experience Boosts, Level 1 of Improved Speeder Piloting, and all the Companion Affection Boosts… well, I can probably minus 180K (making it 2,790,000) as I don’t really need the companion stuff on Roseria. For a grand total of 23,040,000… this is why I’m trying to get like 25 million. …too bad it probably won’t happen.

Rock Climbing in Denova and Pet Peeve

So, I decided to fully explore Denova some more and at this point… I just think if it’s anything, it’s unfortunately a drop. I tried to take some screenshots, but for whatever reason, the button just wouldn’t screenshot anything. I’ve tried switching it to a different button before with no luck so it’s just some weird game issue.

Regardless, we climbed up lots of neat rocks, climbed on Kephess’ force field, and found out Denova is flat (it’s roundness is a lie). It was a lot of fun, at the very least. I do kind of wish the egg-nest-operation thing was true however, as not only would that be a lot of fun, it would’ve made my day to find and just have one pet left.

Continuing on, that brings me to a personal Pet Peeve of mine: Rumors.

If you don’t know something, just say so. Or if it’s a theory, MENTION THAT WITH WHAT YOU WRITE. It’s frustrating when people make things up as it gets people’s hopes up and can even become trolling. But what’s worse is when people just take it without any proof or details and things and put it up all over as if it’s true. Rumors are bad enough by themselves, but it’s even worse when people help spread them. Would just be nice if people would actually do the research once in a while.


Yes. That is what you think it is. I finally got a Midnight Rakling! The tank we were with was kind of iffy (lost aggro a lot, barely listened to questions and seemed confused despite supposedly having done this before–also didn’t bring the final boss in his final phase to the door and now I know why it’s so important to) and despite my really wanting the pet, let me know that he wanted it because a bunch of his guildmates had it 😐

again, seriously, just… if you don’t truly, really, want something and there’s someone there who does, just…don’t roll on it unless they say it’s okay. For example, I’m not a huge mount person so unless I’m told to roll, I usually won’t unless the people who REALLY want it already have theirs. I’d like to collect all the mounts on day because I like collecting but that’s it…with the exception of like…animal mounts. Those are on pet level of want.

Thankfully (and obviously), I did manage to win by over 50 points!:

But yes, finally, a Midnight Rakling is mine:

Which means I only have the M0-GUL Thrall Droid left for pets I KNOW how to get. Obviously, there is still the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg aka Orochick, but it has yet to be proven to come from Explosive Conflict so there really is no confirmation on how to get it–just that it’s in the game. Obviously, that doesn’t mean I’ll give up though…but it’s not like I can do EC anymore than we already are (though, if we start Hard Mode next week, maybe we can do it twice a week for both). Regardless, since the M0-GUL Thrall Droid is the pet I have been missing the longest (2 big patches now!), it really is my priority so if I had to pick a raid… I’d pick Karagga’s Palace/Hutt Hospitality. Not to mention, at least it’s confirmed from that while for all we know, Orochick may not come from Explosive Conflict at all and it may just be a red herring. And of course, while it’s likely the other 4 1.3 pets (2 more Akk Dogs and 2 more Lobels) are in, there still is no proof yet so… but I definitely would like to look into those too.

Anyway, I’m just super excited. So close to being done! And I never have to do Lost Island again! …except, you know, if someone really needs my help.

So I can officially say

it hurts more to see it drop and lose then to not see it at all.

Saw a Midnight Rakling for the first time after a long Lost Island run. (DPS was kind of slow)

Lost by 33.

The tears say it all, I suppose.

I’d queue again, but I need to take care of some stuff in real life first…especially if the Flash Point takes this long again (over 3 hours).

but yes, thank you person who won rolling on it despite knowing the entire time I really wanted (two passed–though, one did have it already, but one specifically said because they didn’t care much about pets and knew I did), my giant squeeing over it dropping, and the fact that I was only doing the flash point for the Midnight Rakling just because you figured you’d lose.

can I just go back to bed and curl into a ball now?

Upcoming Events and talking about Pets (Speculation)

Now, most people don’t realize I have no issues with spoilers. And when they do, they are very confused. I tend to view finding out about something equal to reading a brochure about a place you’re going to go. You can prepare for it, but actually experiencing it is something completely different and no matter how much you learn or hear, it won’t change that.

However, with spoilers also comes rumors and things that are subject to change. While looking to see if anyone has found any news on the other Akk Dogs and Lobels, I found something interesting.

Discussion about what may possibly be the next event (For those who have forgotten, the last event was the Rakghoul Pandemic). And what has been found? The Grand Acquisitions Race.

What it sounds like it is a Scavenger Hunt that requires you to do various tasks on various planets to get all the items. And it seems as you reward, an item similar to the DNA Samples. And at the very least, not only have the Devs said they are planning another event (though, the when was never stated), the Event section of the codex has now been bumped up to 10.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the pets were gotten through it (I’d love if all 4 were, but I know it probably won’t happen) considering the some of the Raklings were. Not to mention a mount and weapons too.

However, the question is where would this event start? Part of me thinks the guy will just appear on the fleet, but who knows. I kind of hope a hint is given beforehand as I just…don’t care for surprises and waiting in Tatooine was fun too (and less murderous for my computer).

Now, what if the pets weren’t from the Event? It is completely possible they’re not (and if they are, probably only one of each or just the other 2 of one of the species) afterall.

So, I decided to think about where they could be. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

Well, the only place I can think of them are Quesh. There is a world boss on Quesh and it’s not like a pet hasn’t dropped from a World Boss before. Now, would a robot actually have a Lobel? Who knows. But it’s about the only thing I can think of right now. (though, because of this, I feel Lobel may be more likely to be the Event Pet over the Akk Dog).

Akk Dogs:
Now, the M0-GUL Thrall Droid drops from Karagga. Kephess is rumored to drop the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg (really wish we could have some confirmation already). Each Operation has speeders that are dropped, but Eternity Vault has no pets speculated…there are, however, a lot of Akk Dogs in there, so I think the idea that Soa (or Gharj) could drop it is interesting. Of course, that only helps one (Unless both Soa and Gharj could have different ones, but I don’t think they’d do that…on the otherhand, they did it with a Flash Point (Lost Island)). It could also be a first for a different pet received depending on difficulty (which I…really hope not). It’s just…something to think about.

As for the other (if only one was in the operation), I honestly have no idea. There are Akk Dogs on Tatooine (So Tatooine World Boss is possible)–not to mention there is always the possibility still of it being one of each for the upcoming Event too.

Also, on the subject of patterns:
Crimson Rakling
Orokeet/Unusual Egg

Midnight Rakling
Orosquab/Mysterious Egg

Pale Rakling
??? *

*Only one pet hasn’t been found yet from 1.2–The Orochick that hatches from the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg. Could it be that it needs to be purchased, but where? I’d like to think someone would’ve stumbled across it by now if so, but there are people who still didn’t know you could purchase Taunta an an example. And it’s possible a new/secret vendor was put in as well.

So, if we went by that subject, both of the new pets found would be under Purchased–leaving one of each for dropped and one of each for Exploration… it’s just something to think about, isn’t it?

…I wish I knew more people who cared about pets. Maybe we could test some things out πŸ™

1.3 Beginning Progress

Unfortunately, my mood hasn’t changed much since my last entry. In fact, I probably feel worse after a few more mails and some messages that I’d rather not go into.

In the meantime, I’ve been doing my best to PVP so I can get Lobelisk. I did get Lawgriffarl already though (afterall, I saved ahead. Stupid normal warzone commendation limit):

I’ve also been working on Augment Kits. Unfortunately, I’m out of supplies right now so I can’t make more stuff to Reverse Engineer at the moment πŸ™ need more Damind Crystals especially. As expected though, criting on a Kit gives you 2 which is nice. Also bought all 3 ranks of the Field Repair/Vendor Droid and Field Mailbox, so I just need the Respec one which I’ll want just for the heck of it so while a priority, it’s much lower. (I would say current highest legacy priority is the GTN on ship still. Followed by Dummies.)

At the moment, I have Augmented (and will update this as I go):
PVE Chest Piece
PVE Bottom
PVE Gloves
PVE Boots
Matrix Cube
PVE Offhand
Ear Piece
Other Implant
PVP Bottoms

I still have to:
All done!

And then eventually:
PVP Gloves (still need to buy)
PVP Boots (Still need to buy)
PVP Off-hand

I will probably use Group Finder for Lost Island for the rest of the day after…but right now I just feel sad. And tired. :/ Didn’t sleep well at all.

Edit: Got Lobelisk!:

Also, so happy this works again:

And received my 2 Test Server titles πŸ™‚


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I found a group and they were okay with me using Master Looter and TAUNLING (well, the Exotic Animal Crate) DROPPED AND OMGOMGOMGOMG.

Picture of my lovely Taunling (Sadly, the other pictures wouldn’t screenshot. I do not know what causes the game to not always screenshot but it sucks):