Archive | July 2012
So many feelings
Today…has not been a very good day. In fact, when they least sucky part of the day was dailies, that kind of says it all.
I’m still pretty frustrated with my stupid armor. And the fact that I’m not being listened to. Because, you know, obviously leveling up with this class means nothing. I either have to wear it or I will not be able to do Hard Mode Explosive Conflict. That is stupid for something that has no stat benefits. Quoting the guide mentioned earlier in another quote of theirs:
In terms of set bonuses, the 2-piece should be considered compulsory (a reduction on the cooldown of our bread-and-butter ability is invaluable), while the 4-piece is optional. The extra 50 force points provides a small buffer, and also makes Noble Sacrifice regain slightly more force (since it returns a fixed percentage of your health pool), but if you manage your resources effectively you should have no issues without it.
And it’s true. It’s just…it doesn’t help. Even one of our guild mates who healed while he leveled said it makes no difference. Because it doesn’t. But gee, what do I know? I’d love to switch back. So much. But I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to be yelled at. Not to mention I’m sure who they’re place me with…and god they annoy me. And I can’t afford to anyway. He may have paid for me to switch, but who’s stuck paying to switch back to what I didn’t want to switch from to begin with? Me. 🙁
Anyway, I had gotten on to do some comparisons and things while working from home today, but was dragged off to dailies (Told I could just throw down heals and follow along) so I shrugged and gave in. We ended up stopping after Belsavis though to help out friends. They went to help out a guildmate with the +10 Fleet Datacron and I went to help a friend with LI HM as the healer with him quit…unfortunately, the DPS with him got tired of waiting (it wasn’t even long) and also quit. I managed to bring in 2 DPS and it just…it was horrible. I can’t even pinpoint what went wrong. The DPS was pretty low, which was odd as I know both are capable and have seen them do it together, the tank was just…kind of awkward? I guess? My heals seemed useless. And I got grenaded several times which didn’t help. I just… I can’t even… I honestly don’t know. I’m just going to say this outfit is cursed.
We eventually had to go–the two DPS were just tired of losing (and I can’t blame them. I honestly don’t know what went wrong though) and I had a raid to do go…which ended up being canceled due to us missing a healer. So, I was told to go join the other Ops group to help them finish up EC (they just had Kephess left) and they’d save the rest of them to help on Sunday.
…now, I like most of the other raid team, but why wasn’t I asked? I was just told what to do. I still had to work, my boyfriend wanted to do some stuff with me when he heard, but I was sent off. I really don’t care that it was half done either, but my issue is nobody even asked.
Anyway, it took us 4 tries as I got berated by one specific tank for not healing well enough (along with the other healer, but I’m sure it was more towards me–not the first time). Regardless, we did get it done. After, they apparently wanted to drag me on a KP HM–but not only is it not my usual group (though, I would’ve loved to help out most of them) and I didn’t know what my group was doing, I still had work to do and my boyfriend had wanted to play with me and once again, I wasn’t asked, it was just pretty much “you’re coming, right?”. I just…seriously, ask. I can’t stress that enough. And I really didn’t have time today. I only got 1/3 of the work done (though, I should be able to get the rest done today) due to constant streams of “It’ll only take a few minutes, it’s just *insertwhateverhere*” and fdl;sdgkgd;lsdl;sd I just…seriously. Too many feelings and frustrations.
In a note of happy today, however, I received these wonderful WIPs that were drawn by Sakonma. I will be using one (possibly both–but at least one) for when I work on the new banner:
I can’t wait to see them colored.
Besides that, Codex Progress is now under “When it comes to Collecting…” and also a new section under “My Characters”.
Also, been having lots of creativity strikes lately–unfortunately, I can’t draw so four of them won’t happen, but I may write a bit. So if you see any password protected entries…that’s why. You have to suffer enough when you read this stuff–I won’t make you suffer more by reading my fanfiction.
In which I give Aurojiin a huge round of applause.
So, due to my frustrations and worries about if the useless set bonus was truly more beneficial than 11 Willpower, I went ahead and asked on the forum. After one person responded saying how it mostly depended in if you tend to run out of force a lot, I explained how it tends to really do with the battle. The thing is, if I run out of force, unless I have like 20,000 Force that I would never have to worry about replenishing it, I will always run out of force no matter the amount. 50 extra Force adds barely any that is added back (especially as I will never do more than 1-2. Wanna know how many heals I can do with 4-8 force? 0!). It makes it from 48 to 52. While that technically gives an extra Deliverance (which costs 51 force), if I am at a position where I am that low there is a:
1. 99% chance my health is really low due to being hit too much when I shouldn’t have been.
2. I will die before the cast is even done.
So, I pretty much explained that and then this beautiful post by Aurojin was posted:
This is basically why I call the four-piece bonus optional in the guide. Having a slightly larger force pool doesn’t make a significant difference per se; either you’re casting in a sustainable manner or you’re not (at least where PVE is concerned).
The advantage it does offer is that every Noble Sacrifice returns an extra 4 force points. It’s not major, but it’s there. However, if someone tells you to have to have it for specific content, feel free to laugh at their expense.
It’s just…if you know what you’re doing, 50 extra force makes no difference. I’d rather be doing better heals than having a useless extra amount of Force Power. I mean, seriously. :/ And apparently, I’m finally not the only person who thinks that way.
So, to celebrate I made a silly dance video until I can figure how to do GIFs since the usual way I do has decided to no longer work.
Disclaimer: I still can’t afford to switch to my Elegant attire (and would most likely not be allowed to go on the HM even if I could if I did switch back -despite what I’ve said several times), but due to the reasoning of dance, it felt most appropriate to switch back like so.
New theme layout~
Due to some issues with the old theme (and me still being too lazy to code one myself–though, in reality, more of the fact that I wouldn’t be able to do the graphics I’d want if I did one myself), we now have a new theme~
Main issue is header is pretty huge, but I’m hoping to change the header within the end of the month if all goes well.
Anyway, biggest difference (besides being pinker) is that now we have proper page menus. And now if you hover over Pet List, you can see all Pet related pages~ So yay.
Screenshot Comparions
I can’t decide which is better so I figured I’d put them side by side. If you feel like offering your opinion, feel free :3 And you can say you like new for some and old for others–it doesn’t have to be all just one! Gannifari is not listed due to the fact that I don’t actually have one so it’s just an official photo right now…
Oh, and some random pictures of Marilea in her pretty outfit just for references I suppose:

(And I even updated her on Mr. Robot. Wish List is what I’m aiming for so all help is appreciated)
Anyway, I shall put it under a Read More due to being a little Picture-heavy.
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Frustration and Birthdayness
Continuing in usual faction, I will start with the latter part of the subject:
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESTERDAY! And a bonus thank you to those who sent gifts. It was a really awesome surprise and I appreciated it.
Now, to the former part of the subject… My frustration grows. I’m starting to understand how Combat sentinel feel is one way to put it.
I was gotten back to by my friend and he told me how both his sages said the Set Bonus really helps with bosses, so I asked two questions:
1. Have they ever not used the set bonus?
2. Did you notice anything different in the log? (I had sent him my combat log to look over)
The answer to both of these questions was “No”
which means:
1. They never tried without the bonus so they really have nothing to test it on
2. That means even without the set bonus, I was not doing better or worse with it. I was doing exactly the same.
My boyfriend is a combat sentinel so I constantly see him being yelled at to be Watchman by, well, other Watchman’s–most who have usually never tried Combat to begin with (and a good portion of the ones who have that just didn’t understand it). I’ve seen Combat Sentinels do more damage than Watchman many times. Watchman may have it’s advantages (and it’s much better for PVP), but Combat isn’t bad.
In that sense, neither is not using a set bonus. If you do your rotation right, 50 force will never make a difference. While Healing Trace’s cooldown reduce is helpful, again, if you’re doing it right, you won’t ever find a point where you will not have it ready to go when you need it.
In fact, I will have to choose between losing 11 Willpower and having the 2 and 4 Force-Mystic Set Bonus or keeping the 11 Willpower and having the 2 Set Bonus from Force-Mystic and Force-Master. I am used to the latter, but I know I will be criticized if I do not do the former despite it being no different.
When the official site is back up, I may ask for advice in that regard, but I would like to continue to point out that the Set Bonus has done nothing for me. I did not do better. I did not worse. You just forced me to switch for absolutely nothing and I’m stuck using this because of what other people say.
You are not me. You do not know how I play my class. So stop acting like you do. Stop acting like you know my class when you don’t.
Not all guides are right–that’s why you try and ask actual people who played the character. And if they say something different than what you assumed by how they may have done something (which, for all you know, could just be a hold over until they can get what they need), saying that they’re wrong does not make you look better or help anyone.
And while number crunching and theory can do a lot, it’s still not perfect. You still need to actually try because sometimes, it might not be that simple.
Moving on, we may have a lead on the Wondrous Egg…but who knows :/ At least more nests have been found.
More nests found :)
Taris’ and 3 more nests on Alderaan. :3 Be sure to check the Overly Detailed Pet Text Guide for updates~
M0-GUL Thrall Droid gets a Make-over
It’s a small make-over, but still enough that I feel I should mention it. I believe they did this in the recent patch–possibly a server maintenance last week as I sort of noticed it, but thought it was just a glitch.
Anyway, the small make-over is that the M0-GUL Thrall Droid is now quite a bit shinier.
Like I said, it’s relatively small–in fact, you may not even notice it depending where you are, but it’s still a nice touch. I believe it was changed when the lava got a bit more metallic looking too.
Besides that, I may re-do the Pet Pictures in Elshuu’s Mind Trap as I feel it takes better pictures.
Even just loading up the game and seeing those stupid ugly shoulder pads that look like they’ll pop out of the game and poke you in the eye made me wince. 😐
Shall still try and have a party, but the game has just made me very v-v at the moment and it’s not even fully the game’s fault.
Regardless, Thank you to those who sent me birthday wishes on the game. I wish I looked nice for it though.
Broken Spirit
Short version:
Currently stuck back in Rakata/Tionese/Columni gear for a Set Bonus that is absolute crud because the person playing the class (aka me) obviously doesn’t know better. -_-
Missing my Elegant Dress. Frustrated with HM EC (and the fact that I can only get the Set Bonus from Campaign and if I get lucky enough to have the Consular gear drop + win it). Sick of having like no credits.
My birthday is in about 10 minutes has started by the time I finished writing this and I was looking forward to having an endless party on the fleet (just a little one tonight and most of the day tomorrow), but now I just want to curl up into a ball and cry out of frustration.
Long version:
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