Tag Archive | Marilea

Feeling like a failure

Last night, I was invited to fill in for a healer during our guild’s Hard Mode run of Explosive Conflict as their healer wasn’t on. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I failed miserably. I can’t explain why because I don’t know. My heals were as good as their other healer, but it seemed like no matter what I did, it was for nothing.

I don’t know if it was me or maybe one of the other people they brought in, but in the end, when their other healer got on, I was replaced–which I would’ve been fine with if I wasn’t whispered saying how they wanted to replace me because they were sick of wiping…ignoring that most of those wipes weren’t my fault whatsoever. (And some of the few that were were due to new HM mechanics during the fight that they didn’t go over).

Regardless, I suppose I’m second-guessing my healing again. And once again, feeling more than a bit useless with some of the 1.2 changes.

I was dragged on some PVP stuff which went okay–though, I felt like an idiot when I realized I forgot to put my PVP stuff back on… not to mention there’s a lot of cheaters lately which is kind of depressing.

Blah, I just wish I was better 🙁

Random Chat

First of all, there is going to be a SWTOR Encylopedia which I am looking forward to as I’d love to see more about the story. It’s too bad it won’t be out until much later in the year.

Besides that, 1.3 will be up on the test server too and you can sign up to have your character copied over to help test it out. I ended up signing up as I’d love to check things out.

Now, onto actual ingame things:
–Amidaia is currently level 41. We have just a little left on Quesh and then will either be heading to Hoth or Alderaan (the bonus series there). We also finally caught up on flash points and will possibly do The Foundry before heading back over to Quesh.
–Operation progress continues on Marilea. We did a more or less perfect run through of Explosive Conflict on Tuesday so we did Eternity Vault and Karagga’s Palace Hard Mode today. We did get through EV, but ended up getting stuck at Karagga for KP due to a few odd happenings. We’ll hopefully try again sometime before Tuesday.
–Amidaia’s Cybertech is over 300 so 2/3 speeders have been made so far. Yay.
–I’m still super poor. Not really getting any closer to saving up for anything.
–Still no luck on drop pets either or news on Wondrous Egg 🙁

But yes, it’s nice to at least be getting some stuff done. Now if I just had 7.5-10.5+ million credits and the last several pets I need, maybe I’d stop stressing so much.

Denova :3

So, there was a raid tonight. We, unfortunately, won’t be able to go on Thursday to finish because we have to go upstate for a friend, but we had a lot of fun!

I think this is the fastest we’ve done the Mine Boss and I even got Minesweeper! Yay! So excited 😀 We’re going to do the Black Hole Heroic now too. But yeah, getting the Minesweeper title on Marilea totally lifted my spirits. Also got to heal all the pulls after the Mine Boss by myself (our other healer had to go) so we could get the chest which was pretty fun too and helped me feel a bit better about healing.

The thing that sucks most about not having many credits…

…is when you see something you have been watching for FOREVER and can’t afford it. 🙁 it’s so depressing.

Currently, there is something on the market that I’d like to get, but it costs 1,000,000 credits. T__T

Between Amidaia and Marilea, I have about 700K, but even if I could afford the million, I couldn’t really blow all my money on that as I still need money for Skill training for Amidaia and repairs for both and other things. Not to mention getting stims for raids and stuff as that is sort of required @-@ (and some crafting too!)

Not to mention, most of the extras are still going through things from the Legacy system–like all the ship stuff. I already decided I essentially want to go in this order:
1. Repair Droid – 1 million
2. GTN – 5 million*
3. Mailbox – 500K*
4. Both Dummies – 1 million (If I get one first, PVE)

*They can be switched–I’d probably prefer to get them at the same time.

After ship stuff…probably either the two races I want (1.5 million each–one for Miisha and one for Zoara, so 3 million total) or Rocket Boots (2 million). Part of me, while I don’t expect to use the alts right away, is leaning towards the races first as I’m sick of having holder spots for the names until I can afford to make them. And I don’t see myself using/doing well with the Rocket Boots anyway.

After races and rocket boots, probably cool downs…and then I will be saving as best as I can for when 1.3 comes.

But pets are my priority, so I kind of feel tempted (even though it’s overpriced)? Ugh, I just wish I wasn’t so bad at earning credits. Knowing there’s people on our server with 20-60 million credits just leaves me completely floored. I seem to be the only one who has this problem though.

I know the main way people earn credits are either:
1. Crafting (I’m just not very good at it. I’m not really used to crafting things to be honest–I make what I like…and then I have stuff…and yeah. I’m just not great at grinding up to better stuff or things like that. Especially as it’s rare I can make anything I’d want anyway…and don’t get me started on how bad I am at pricing)
2. Playing the Market. I suck at this so much though. I’m not good at pricing to begin with so I really can’t tell what would be good and what wouldn’t. I’d also feel bad so.
3. Dailies. I don’t think people understand how much I hate dailies–often people think I’m just being lazy, but dailies actually ruin the game for me. Like the more I do them, the less I even want to play. I just can’t stand dailies at all. Credits aren’t really enough incentive for me to stand them and since speeders and gear aren’t too priority either… Like it would need a pet or something limited (why I was able to grind the Rakghoul event) to not completely ruin the game for me. This is also why I have such a hard time with alts–while the Imperial storyline is different enough that I don’t feel like I’m doing the same thing, there are plenty of times when it gets close that it’s a struggle to pay attention/stay interested–especially after finishing the story stuff for the area.

so I’m essentially screwed.

Wardrobe Thoughts

I’ve been thinking very hard about what I’d want each of my characters to wear. While Marilea is all set in her Elegant Dress set and her Elder Seeker’s Headgear (though, I may want to find a hat that is more circlet-y/tiara-ish) along with her Righteous Harbinger’s Lightsaber, I’m still having an awful time finding Amidaia a nice shirt. She is pretty much fine with everything else though (however, I should probably try and learn to make the skirt so I can get an augment slot for it…at least those kits will be out in 1.3).

I have been checking on the awesomely helpful TOR Fashion site to try and get an idea for what I’d want to do for Miisha, my future smuggler, but it doesn’t seem there is too much up yet for Medium Armor. I did, however, find what I will probably want my future Trooper, who I finally have decided to name Zoara, to wear. I haven’t seen exactly what I want for my Imperial Agent (Cellina) or Bounty Hunter (Aurorra) yet, but I shall have to just keep checking back.

Raids with New guild!

So, yesterday we did Karagga’s Palace Normal (Sadly, no pet drop! There was also no mount drop but I don’t care as much about that) and today we did Eternity Vault Normal and Hard Mode! 😀 I was my first time finishing EV Hard Mode and we got Soa down in one shot (despite him enraging at 20% and losing our tanks twice)! Robot at the beginning is definitely the hardest.

I even received a new Codex entry since it was my first time killing Soa on HM 😀 And if that wasn’t enough, I got the Rakata Bottoms, Rakata Offhand, AND Rakata Gloves! Woo! I just need the Rakata Hat and Mainhand and then I have everything Rakata…ignoring that it’s not the top tier anymore but that excites me muchly.

Unfortunately, I’m incredibly poor ATM as my boyfriend and I put our money together for a Advanced Magenta Schematic (The +41 version!) and then the little I had left was used for ripping mods out (how much they cost slipped my mind again… As it is, I still have 1 left which is about 38K to remove) and repairs (I still have about 22K left in repairs). So I’m down to 10K which really sucks :/

But yay for new gear and hopefully a pink crystal soon! We also need more Corusca Gems though…