New page~ + 1.4 tomorrow

So, if you hover over the pets section a lot, you may notice the new Fake Pets page. These are just…items or summonable things that some people consider pets that aren’t actually pets either through their behavior or the fact that they are not permanent. I have seen people get confused, especially as some guides actually list some of these as pets despite not being pets.

Also, 1.4 is out tomorrow. There will be a maintenance tonight/early tomorrow morning and will last about 6 hours. Let’s hope it goes well. While I am excited… I’m also mixed about it 🙁 So much I still have to do… and who knows when I’ll get to do HM and experiment T~T

…though, I wonder if we can do Story mode TfB tomorrow then.

Cave Info Compilation


Figured I’d try making a more condensed information drop XD If I missed something on the Tried or Not Tried List, let me know and feel free to continue to submit ideas. I’ll also add any I think of.

If you do not know about the Cave yet, well… It is a cave in Terror from Beyond, the new operation in 1.4. The cave is under a bridge on your way to the second boss and on 16-man HM (yes, this is 16-man HM only), gives the following message: “You feel a strange and chilling presence.”

For those of you who do not do 16-man HM, due to not having enough members or just preferring to run 8-man groups, it’s okay! 16-man is on the same lockout as 8-man so you can just switch the difficulty. However…if there really is some kind of boss, I’d recommend teaming up with another 8-man group.

Here is a video of said cave. The quickest way to get there is taking the speeder after having beaten the second boss in the operation. It’ll drop you off at the platform right before you’d jump down and you just need to turn around, go over to the bridge/on the bridge and jump down. If you only have the first boss down, once 2 hours have hit, all the mobs between the 1st and second boss will respawn and you will land from the speeder in a mob. If you have 3 or more down, the speeder will take you too far and you will be unable to get back there and thus, will need to walk to the area instead of taking the speeder.


Hints that have been given:
1. Oldschool
2. 10:30 Particulate: you want to know what’s in the cave?
10:30 Particulate: only what you bring with you.
10:31 Martin_smith: oh damn, troll and true at the same time

—–Script Excerpt of Scene
3. Martin_smith: I wouldn’t worry about it right now
Martin_smith: read the words

    Things that have been tried: (Note: These have ONLY been tried with less than 16 people unless otherwise noted. Please do try these with all 16 people as well)

  • Entering with everything unequipped and no items in inventory.
  • Entering with certain Vanity Pets: All tried except Orochick (for obvious reasons)
  • Going in with Shockfrozen Water
  • Going in with the Normal Water Buff
  • Going in with an Orobird Egg (I think this has been tried anyway? Feel free to correct me if not)
  • Going in with both the Egg and the Water Buff (I think this has been tried anyway? Feel free to correct me if not)
  • Going in with a Magenta Adegan Crystal
  • Going in with a Magenta Crystal
  • Going in with a Rough Magenta Shard
  • Going in with the Ice Scrabbler Jerky
  • Going in with the Ice Scrabbler Jerky Buff
  • Having everyone in there at much and having a Dance Party (okay, maybe not that last part)
  • Dragging monster’s into the cave and killing them.
  • Going in with the Nightmare Pilgrim Debuff only
  • Using the Galactic Party Bomb
  • Going in with the buffs from Outlaw’s Den
  • Going back after finishing the instance on HM 16-man for the first time. (EMPTY/Locked-out INSTANCE)
  • Entering with a Deep Wriggler Vanity pet.
  • Go in with the Red rhombus title
  • Typing “You feel a strange and chilling presence.” while in the cave
  • Checking it after completing the story quest.
  • Go in with your UI disabled – Ctrl U once
  • See if anything in on ceiling
  • Use /stuck in cave
  • Revive someone in cave.
  • Using the Rhythm Augmentation Droid
  • Try using an AoE all over the cave.
  • See if you can use a heroic moment in the cave (due to the “supposedly can be used in some situations as an exception with no companion)
  • Going in with a Pristine Adegan Crystal
  • Dueling in the cave.
  • Trying to go in with a specific mood.
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal
  • Going in with a Bondar Crystal
  • Going in with both a Rubat Crystal and a Bondar Crystal.
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal plus a Color Crystal
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal plus an Adegan Crystal
  • Going in with a Bondar Crystal plus a Color Crystal
  • Going in with a Bondar Crystal plus an Adegan Crystal
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal, a Bondar Crystal, and a Color Crystal
  • Going in with a Rubat Crystal, a Bondar Crystal, and a Adegan Crystal
  • Entering with both Mainhand and offhand unequipped.
  • Going in with Hydro Ice Thinner
  • Using the Party Instigator (Social 5)
  • Checking it after completing it on both story and hardmode.
  • Use some sort of Stealth Detection item/skill in cave.
  • Going in with Zero Buffs. I.E. Right Click everything on your bar to remove them.
  • Entering with only mainhand equipped.
  • Entering with starter gear
  • Using a specific action while in cave (I’d recommend going through all of them)
  • Dragging the Mini Boss into the cave.
  • Go into cave with Dread Guard Mask on
    Things that still need to be tried:

  • Going in with Womp Rat Fever
  • Going in with the Nightmare Pilgrim Buff
  • Checking it out the next time you do it (NOT locked-out/Empty instance) after finishing the instance on HM 16-man for the first time
  • Everyone (all 16 people) entering with a Deep Wriggler Vanity pet.
  • Entering with ONLY Mainhand unequipped.
  • Entering with ONLY Mainhand unequipped and a specific mood.
  • Entering with ONLY offhand unequipped.
  • Going in with Red Detonite
  • Using certain food item buffs (Specific items tried so far: N/A)
  • Going in with only a relic that requires Light V or Dark V equipped.
  • Using both the Party Instigator and Galactic Party Bomb in cave (Requires 2 people as they share a cooldown)
  • 16 people in Meditative Mood all using their Health Regen
  • From Yul, one of our commenters:

    ALSO, the RED and BLUE features and plants in the cave seem WAY too coinincidental to be in there set COMPLETELY away from each other. (Red obviously symbolizing the Empire and Blue for the Republic). Maybe either Empire Raid groups need to stand on the Red side and draw their weapons facing Blue or stand on Blue and draw their weapons. Visa versa for Republic raids.

  • Using HK-51 Part Scanner in cave.
  • Using a Dreadful Amulet in cave.
  • Using a Dreadful Amulet in the cave with the Dead Guard Mask in your inventory.
  • Using a Dreadful Amulet in the cave with the Dead Guard Mask on.
  • Just having the Dreadful Amulet in your inventory with the Dead Guard Mask on.
  • Just having the Dreadful Amulet and Dead Guard Mask in your inventory.
  • Use Amulet on the mobs outside the cave to see if it chases them inside it.
  • Use the Dreadful Orb and Dreadful Amulet together.
  • Dreadful Orb, Dreadful Amulet, and Dread Guard Mask together.

My main ideas are that whatever you do, it either:
A. Summons a boss (My main instinct is a Force Ghost) that drops something special.
B. Gives a Pet
C. Gives a Color Crystal (Main instinct is black-cyan due to this)
D. Summons a Chest that has something special

Nightmare Denova confirmed to have new pet

Bolded important parts 🙂

12:38 Mizunosakura: I was actually hoping that during the Acquisition’s Race, we’d be able to go to the starter planet of the other faction
» if only for more datacrons
» Well, will more bosses be dropping pets in the future?
12:39 Martin_smith: yep
12:39 Mod Bloodguts: i want a gree larva pet! :3
12:39 Martin_smith: omg
» nightmare denova
» pet

12:39 Mod Bloodguts: YES
12:39 Mizunosakura: A new pet? T~T
12:39 Scorpiux: Schweet.
12:39 Mod Bloodguts: a tank pet
12:39 Martin_smith: take your guess what would drop from nightmare denova
12:39 Mod Bloodguts: FIREBRAND PET
12:39 Mizunosakura: hmm
12:40 Scorpiux: Yeahhh a droid tankw ould be awesome.
12:40 Mizunosakura: Bomb droid pet? XD
12:40 Scorpiux: Orrr a drouk
12:40 Mizunosakura: Or a battle droid? Since Kephess summons a few of them
12:40 Mod Bloodguts: miniature Droug?
12:40 Mizunosakura: Mini Drouk would be interesting
» Are you going to tell us if we guess right? XD
12:40 Martin_smith: nope

12:41 Mizunosakura: darn it!

Hmm… + Cave Speculation + Tatooine

Well, after a very awkward PVP match last night (though, we won and it finished the daily), I hit valor rank 78. Yay.

Besides that, with 1.4 possibly looming overhead (still no announcement though–my guess is they are hoping to get it out tonight, but there may be some issues and they aren’t sure if they will be able to so no patch yet tonight. It is possible it could be later this week then if this week), I’m feeling a bit down that once again my goals are nowhere near complete. Sure, I managed to finish the gear-related ones…but while important to even do the new content, it is not as important to me 🙁

I technically still need gloves, but it isn’t a big thing. Only non-gear related stuff I finished were some of the quests I still had to go 🙁

I mean, I guess I’m making progress… but I still wish some of the first goals in my list could be done (Ship Legacy stuff–still need 6 million for that… and Orochick T__T).

Moving on, cave stuff! So, currently, from CKN’s livestream:

10:30 Particulate: you want to know what’s in the cave?
10:30 Particulate: only what you bring with you.
10:31 Martin_smith: oh damn, troll and true at the same time

If that sounds familiar, well… this will be why.

It really makes me feel it is most likely something you can bring in that can change. I stated some stuff there, but it really makes me think of a color crystal with that kind of thing. Maybe an Adegan Crystal or a rough shard or the pristine version?

Besides that, went to Tatooine and pulled people up on the sandcrawlers again. That was fun. Someone even gave me 10K! So nice.

And may play alts again today~

Edit: According to my boyfriend, the KOTOR games also hint to this cave from the movie and thus, this could also be a hint to those. Must look up KOTOR stuff too. And of course, all of this coincides with the “old school” hint.

For the whole scene with the cave in Episode 5, see below:
Continue reading


Playing on Cellïna for a bit with my boyfriend’s bounty hunter while waiting to start HM EC tonight. Lets hope the tanks go well.

A part I’m pretty excited for is coming up and since my screenshots love to break while in instances, I figured a recording is a good way to remember the moment 😛

Shall edit when recording has stopped~

Edit: My robot suit was invisible T_________T Regardless, looks like we need to switch now so shall end recording~

….robot suit

Well, that’s one way to kill someone’s mood.

Someone is accusing me of cheating in PVP. That’s…really rude and obnoxious.

I have never cheated before or anything. I have always played honestly 🙁 So this was really frustrating and the person thinks I’m lying.

This sucks. v-v Just because I know how to get over to a thingy fast or neat ways to sneak a cap doesn’t mean I cheat 🙁 It just means I can be a Princess-healing-Ninja.

Edit: or being accidentally flagged and killed by a bunch of Imperials

More TfB @-@

So, I’m helping out with healing a little in HM tonight. If only my gear didn’t suck so much on the test server… Anyway, a friend is streaming if you’d like to watch ;3 They are on the puzzle boss (aka best one).

Shall edit when it is over (or when I am done helping as I’m locked out of story mode and they plan to do that tonight at some point).

Edit: All over! 😀 Thank you to those who watched <3


So, I am home and now reading over the Q&A (Yay for transcripts. I shall definitely watch after). To be honest, I’m super sad that I didn’t get to watch live 🙁 Regardless, yay for new information! If only it was longer.

BUT YES, ONTO THOUGHTS. I won’t comment on everything and mostly just highlight what I am excited about…but yeah XD

-Confirmed that Free to Play is coming in November.
-Some early gear sets. Also some experience boosts separate from legacy.
-New daily questing area coming soon~ (And we already knew about the Hypergates and stuff)
-Paid transfers are coming.
-” In a future update when we release Mekab there will be continuation of where the story left off.” yeeeeeeeeees.
-“you will see that a couple weeks before we launch the FTP option players can go into the PTS and our intent is for anybody that logs into PTS to get some Cartel Coins that they can play with only on PTS – those don’t xfer to the live game! We will have items for sale on PTS that people can go in, make purchase and give us feedback.” more yeeeeeeees. As for why this would excite me, it’d be nice to see stuff I’m going to want in the main game along with learning prices of things like…oh…I don’t know… PETS.
-Looks like the 350 BH Commendation Implants may be a mistake and not actually coming out immediately: “The side effect of PTS is that occasionally items that are not intended for live made it up there and unfortunately that specific item was the case of that. So that item in particular is going to be removed, reviewed, and hopefully a better version will come out in a future update.”
-While HK-51 will be out by the end of the year, Cathar may take somewhat longer: “Cathar and HK-51 are both in the works. HK-51 I am confident that you will see before the end of the year. Cathar have no definite timeframe at this point but we intend to introduce them as the first species in SWTOR.”
-Mounts and Pets for the Cartel Shop! Also some gear sets, but will have no impact on endgame. Sounds interesting: “The gear you will find will be interesting to everyone because it is not going to be restricted by class or by faction and all moddable”
-“We also have a really cool thing called Cartel packs. Cartel packs you buy give you a random assortment of really cool items and a chance to get some of the cooler items that maybe in the game (not powerful, but very cool – they going to make you look AMAZING!)” I just hope it’s just a pack of various items over some kind of random item box.
-Nightmare EC and Nightmare TfB will have various differences besides just being harder.
-Whether the XP Boosts and Rocket Boots will be overlaps of the legacy system or just alternate ways to purchase currently unknown as they couldn’t say.
-Cathar can be purchased with Cartel Coins (as well as credits I think? Wording is kind of odd). More may be available to as well over using credits.
-Hood toggle option still coming.
-More content for smaller groups of players coming.

There wasn’t really anything else in particular. Wish they answered some of the stuff I was really wondering about 🙁