Archive | April 2012


yeeeeees, I finally have mine! So exciting! I took out my old +33 one for a few reasons:
1. Sentimental–It was really a lot of fun getting it so I wanted to save it.
2. Some of the ingredients to make it = pain.
3. I can give it to an alt or companion

I do expect pretty much all my characters to have a pink lightsaber/pink bullets so they all will have one eventually, but I wouldn’t mind some companions getting them either. I’ve essentially thought out most of them:

Qyzen – Green. I don’t even know if this would effect his weapon though. 🙁
Tharan – Cyan. He already has his 😛
Zenith – Purple.
Iresso – Red.
Nadia – White. Unfortunately, this won’t happen for a while :/

And while I don’t know enough about my other companions yet, I figured out to some extent regardless (of course, these are subject to change):
Khem Val – Red
Andronikus – Orange or Purple
Ashara – Pink and Purple/Black-Purple
Talos – Yellow or Green
Xalek – Red or Purple

Corso – Orange or Blue
Bowdarr – Green
Risha – Yellow
Akaavi – Red or Purple
Guss – Yellow, Green, or Cyan

Kaliyo – Purple
Vector – Orange
Doctor Lokin – White or Blue
Raina – Yellow
SCORPIO – Green or White

Mako – Purple
Gault – Red
Torian – Cyan
Blizz – Green
Skadge – Orange or Red

Aric – Orange or Red
Elara – White
M1-4X – Green or Orange
Tanno – Yellow
Yuun – Orange

and if I ever decide to suffer through a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior:
T7-01 – Cyan or Green
Kira – Red
Doc – Purple
Sergeant Rusk – Blue
Lord Scourge – Red

Vette – Cyan or Green
Quinn – Purple
Jaesa – Green, Purple, or Red
Lieutenant Pierce – Orange
Broonmark – White, Blue, or Cyan

Raids with New guild!

So, yesterday we did Karagga’s Palace Normal (Sadly, no pet drop! There was also no mount drop but I don’t care as much about that) and today we did Eternity Vault Normal and Hard Mode! 😀 I was my first time finishing EV Hard Mode and we got Soa down in one shot (despite him enraging at 20% and losing our tanks twice)! Robot at the beginning is definitely the hardest.

I even received a new Codex entry since it was my first time killing Soa on HM 😀 And if that wasn’t enough, I got the Rakata Bottoms, Rakata Offhand, AND Rakata Gloves! Woo! I just need the Rakata Hat and Mainhand and then I have everything Rakata…ignoring that it’s not the top tier anymore but that excites me muchly.

Unfortunately, I’m incredibly poor ATM as my boyfriend and I put our money together for a Advanced Magenta Schematic (The +41 version!) and then the little I had left was used for ripping mods out (how much they cost slipped my mind again… As it is, I still have 1 left which is about 38K to remove) and repairs (I still have about 22K left in repairs). So I’m down to 10K which really sucks :/

But yay for new gear and hopefully a pink crystal soon! We also need more Corusca Gems though…

Tauntaun Ram + Frustration

My Tauntaun Ram came in the mail today! SO CUTE 😀 I love his little backpack. Was very excited to pick him up.

I had my boyfriend set up the program I use to connect to my computer from my laptop (As I am currently out of state due to working) so I could pick up my Tauntuan. Was super exciting.

However, to my surprise, I got a whisper inviting me to try and form a Gargath group! I explained how due to being out of state, I probably shouldn’t go as I wouldn’t be able to do anything, but they told me to come along anyway as they knew how much I wanted to get Taunling. So, I was slowly moving myself to my ship to go to Hoth when the internet here died.


I could not get it back (Currently using my phone) and I’m beyond upset right now. The chance doesn’t come up much to begin with and I just feel absolutely devastated right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Taunling finally dropped just to spite me :/

blah, I just want to cry.

Edit: They were nice enough to understand what happened T~T (And figured as much). Also, apparently nothing dropped…I still feel bad though.


I decided to upload some of the screenshots I took in Denova–some from the first time when we were going through and some from the second time when someone let me go in and see after they finished (So I was able to turn my graphics up and kill my UI for fancyness). I had a lot of fun~

[combogallery id=’1′]

Also, character page has been updated with pictures. I’m desperately looking for a nice top for Amidaia that fits the following:
1. Is mostly red or pink (To match this skirt)
2. Is an actual shirt–no tube tops or bikini tops.
3. Does not have an ugly big collar thing.
4. Has no hood.
5. An orange item as I’d be looking to keep it forever.

I really liked the Neophyte Robe (Sith Inquisitor Starting top), but there’s no orange version that I can find 🙁 and I accidentally sold mine anyway so… (plus, starting top so it would’ve been bad to wear something with such low stats).

If you know of anything that could fit, please let me know! Thank you <3

Lost Island Hard Mode!

Managed to do it today 😀 Robot is DEFINITELY the hardest. Most of the other bosses are easy if you listen to strategies and pay attention to what the bosses do and the only other challenge really comes with the final boss. The first part is pretty hard (but expected rather than cruel) but the second part is MUCH easier–you just have to be very quick and kill him before you die (It’s essentially a giant room of poison at that point).

Sadly, neither pet dropped 🙁 But I got a Columi Main Hand AND Rakata top! Woo! Even though set bonuses are glitched, I’ll probably just pull the mods. The Healing Trance bonus doesn’t make that much of a difference and I missed this outfit so much.


While most bugs don’t bother me, especially ones that seem to bother other people (like the sound glitches), some things do get to me.

Like the whisper glitching right now where if someone whispers you while you are talking to someone else and have the whisper set to that someone else, the whisper will be sent to the most recent person to whisper you.

And the ticket glitch which unfortunately I only know of myself to have where my tickets refresh themselves and I have to reclick each one so the notifier isn’t there anymore.

Most importantly though, this glitch makes me incredibly paranoid so I hope that’s fixed soon :/ I managed to get the Longspur Scout recently so I have 9 ATM. But I also have 12 pets at the moment with 5 to go (6 counting the Ram Tauntaun we should be getting in the mail soon) so I’m paranoid if that may have the same issue 🙁

Besides that, sometimes getting stuck somewhere sucks, but I can really deal with most.

Anyway, back to trying to find groups for pets now… I have to say the worst feeling in the world is knowing you have stuff to do, but have nobody you can ask to help :/ (or in this case, not enough people)

Normal Battle of Ilum and onward

If there’s one thing I rarely ever see, it’s Normal Battle of Ilum and Normal False Emperor (Also Normal Kaon and Normal Lost Island). I can at least say I’ve seen Normal Kaon once, but as for the other 3? I have yet to.

The reason why is obvious–when you hit 50, you can do hard modes and that is what people run to. But I still don’t understand exactly why people skip normal.

Yes, you get better gear when you do them. But there’s still stuff to learn! Not to mention normal is still part of it. Plus there’s codexes and you have to do the normal versions for the final parts of Ilum’s planet story quest.

Now if only other people felt that way too 🙁

To Rakghoul or not to Rakghoul: That is the question

At this point, we have gotten everything we’ve wanted (Well, my boyfriend is thinking of collecting the other companion skins for the heck of it) and finished the containment officer outfit, so we’re wondering if we should even still continue? Main reason we’re even debating it is there may be something special at the end, but I really hope they don’t do that. We were hoping to maybe grind up our Imperial alts until we found out that the dailies are essentially…literally dailies. You have to do them each day for the new quests to pop up and with the event ending Tuesday (And I actually have to leave on a trip next week so I will be packing Sunday and Monday), there’s not enough time to do it which is kind of depressing as I know he really wanted the Imperial Containment Suit too (and it’s unfortunately bind on pick-up).

With those out of the way and with Taunlet now gotten, however, that brings us back to just needing groups for the other pets which is a pain to get together and then a lot of them will probably want the pet too and fsl;afkafl;asf;lafs X__x I don’t mind helping people get their pets. I have no issue going back after getting mine and helping them out, but with my horrible drop luck and OCPD, I just like getting them out of the way ASAP. It helps me relax a lot more and then I’m not panicking every 20 10 5 seconds always. At the moment, I’m just sitting by Karagga’s as I haven’t been there in a while and when it comes down to it, I really like doing things in order so if I chose how to get pets, it’d be:

1. Karagga’s Palace – Due to being pre-1.2
2. Taunling – Gargath – World Boss = before Hard Modes
3. Midnight Rakling & Mysterious Egg – HM Lost Island (newest Flashpoint)
4. Wondrous Egg – Still unconfirmed, but supposedly from Explosive Conflict (New operation)

So yeah, I like to take care of them in foremost and then if they came out at the same time…by difficulty since that’s essentially the order I would get them in while leveling up.

In the meantime, my computer is having a mental break down 😀 And I really need a new computer (and a new laptop as well because apparently the overheating issue is actually a manufacturer error and it could explode :3) which doesn’t help things either.

Besides continuing on my Pet Quest (and keeping the Tauntaun and Rakling/Other unmmentioned 1.2 pets threads updated on the official forums), I’m also continuing to save for Legacy Ship stuff–as for how it’s going, I have about 560K because I really really really suck at this 😀

Plans are still as follows:
1. Repair Droid – 1 million
2. Neutral GTN – 5 million
3. Mailbox – 500K
4. Both Dummies – 1 million

After that, I’ll probably either go for the Rocket Boots (2 million) or the Twi’lek race (1.5 million) so I get the other colors and can finally remake my Smuggler. I know my boyfriend also wants me to get the Zabrak Race I want to get for my Trooper (1.5 million as well), but if I do my Twi’lek first (most likely–I expect Trooper/Commando will be last for me out of all my characters), I’ll probably go for the rocket boots next. As for character playing, I expect it to be:
1. Sage (My main)
2. Sorcerer (Main Imperial)
3. Smuggler (Scoundrel) or Imperial Agent (Operative)
4. Whichever I don’t do above first
5. Bounty Hunter (Mercenary)
6. Trooper (Commando)

Also, since I’ve been asked why my blogs rarely ever have pictures… I usually type these on my laptop while I’m playing the game on my computer. If I had two screens on my computer, there’d probably be more pictures but since whenever I take a screenshot, it is on my computer and I can’t really minimize the game, it’s just a huge hassle. I’d love to have pictures, but just can’t ATM 🙁

Oh, and I’m probably going to edit the categories a bit today and make things a bit more orderly. (OCPD, away~)


Big thank you to Vorg for making my Jerky! It took me a while to find it (yes, it is down below), but I’m happy I did 😀 Taunlet is adorable. I almost was a bit too slow–panicked a bit there. Now I just need Taunling and my Tauntaun collection is complete! It’ll probably take a while for the Orobird and Rakling collections to be complete though 🙁

Oh, and I have to say, if I ever do finish the new operation, I think I’ll just stay a while and explore. There’s just SO MUCH to see. It’s insane. Would love to just stay for a while and take screenshots.