
Free to Play revisited

I briefly touched upon this before, but felt like talking a bit more about it again due to things I’ve seen. One thing I’ve noticed is people can’t seem to just enjoy the game without comparing it to a bazillion things. Who cares if it beats WoW or not. WoW is incredibly addictive–it was made that way. I, personally, never got into it, but I do know plenty of people who did.

Regardless, because people keep comparing it to WoW (and more often than not, things WoW didn’t come up with in the first place.), nobody is really looking at the game for itself. I’ve seen a lot of my friends quit WoW recently, expressing that the expansion seems “too cartoony” and a few people saying how they are heading towards Free to Play anyway. Just because they didn’t throw it on immediately doesn’t mean they’re not. And just because SWTOR did doesn’t mean it failed.

A lot of games have been going Free to Play. It’s not such a bad thing that is cursed or whatever. Many games have done even better due to it. But just like without being able to talk about the game with comparing it to someone else, people can’t seem to see Free to Play as anything but negative.

Personally, I’m fine regardless, but I wish people would stop being jerks about it.

As for the actual Free-to-Playness, I just hope there won’t be any obvious advantages or it won’t become a big thing of nearly everything costing Cartel Coins. I also hope they don’t do random boxes with special items (like mounts or pets) because I really hate those. v-v Hoping they come out with an unbind item feature though. So want these PVP Speeders out of my bank.

I know some people are thinking they are giving away too much which all 50 levels free…but we may have a level cap rise soon and I guess we’ll see how the unlock system goes.

What To Do

So, recently, it hit me exactly what day today is. It is Thursday which is our new EC Normal Day due to the HM run being on Tuesday (as Reaper can’t run Thursdays).

I…don’t really want to go. Of course, I still feel loyal to the guild, but I am just so frustrated. I don’t really care about having things on farm. We’re not helping anyone with this run (nobody needs anything). We’re just doing it. Why? To remember that we were kicked from the HM group? And considering last week we only managed to get 2/4 (due to several changes), I don’t want to go again. I just don’t.

One person already went Hiatus from Raiding. I can’t help but wonder if it is partially due to this.

But, to make things more difficult, as you know, I went and raided a HM 16-man EC run (And I have to say I love 16-man as it really helps me learn the positioning of a fight) and due to the glitch with Mine-guy, we could not finish…they did, however, fix the glitch and so I have been invited to finish it up and get my final two codexes–plus my Aratech Midnight.

I am inclined to go with that as:
1. I hate leaving things undone. Seriously.
2. It was a raid with a lot of people I knew from outside the guild who I happened to be friends with.
3. It was actually fun–sometime I haven’t felt since all the HM EC stuff in our guild.
4. It will finish off almost all my codexes. I’d only need Nightmare KP ones (the title included) and then the rest are just glitched.

Of course, regardless of which I’ll pick, I will feel bad. As it is, my boyfriend isn’t feeling too well regardless (and is beyond pissed off with the whole situation) so he will most likely not be raiding tonight. I actually do have to bake cookies with my sister (once again I have been volunteered to make cookies for people 😐 ) so I may not even be on for the EC Normal raid which starts at 8. I should be on by 8:50 though, when the EC HM raid starts (and this is why I can’t just do both).

I also just…don’t feel wanted? I mean, when the person who you originally thought hated you (later learned he just has a kind of dry sarcasm) seems to be the only one who cares about you being there or staying, there is something wrong. Or you know, if you mention not being on due to being in a car accident and get only responded to by that same person while after a pause, the other people just go back to talking about some concert or show they saw. Thanks for the concern, guys.

In the meantime, I’ve been getting even more focused on gear. This is because I just want to get out of this outfit so badly (unfortunately, I only have like 400K so not sure if I can afford too as while other stuff was lowered to like 25K, Campaign/26 stuff is 30K :|) and I’m so pissed off with them right now and just want to show I don’t suck. And it wasn’t my fault. No, I don’t know or care how your other two healers are doing it, but apparently you’re just scraping by and it seems to be luck as it still takes several goes. I think the only operation boss I’ve always seen take several goes are the two tanks in EC just because of how much precision is needed. One single lag spike could kill everyone.

The Campaign chest and gloves drop from Mine-guy while the Main-hand and Helm drop from Kephess. At the very least, I really hope I can get the chest. Then I’d at least have the chest and pants and it wouldn’t be so horrible. I would say after that, I’d really want the gloves because giant pads on the gloves are just awkward. Of course, I’d love all 4, but I’d feel like a jerk unless nobody needed them. And I still need the boots from Nightmare Pilgrim, but I have to do him 2 more times anyway for the Aratech Coral. Still, hopefully then I will never see him again. He’s not so bad for a Healer though–just need to heal A LOT and avoid circles. It’s really mostly the DPS who need to make sure they listen so they don’t kill themselves.

Going back to more gear specific stuff, I actually saw 3 Advanced Mettle Mod 26 yesterday T__T They were about 500K each and thus, I couldn’t afford any of them. Not to mention 1.5 million is also how much I’d need to make Zoara (which I really want to–I hate having a slot just filled up for no reason. I want to get her made the way she is supposed to be) or I could get the two Ship Dummies with 500K to spare. And yes, Ship Legacy stuff is still super priority to me! But I’m no where close to ever having 5 million for a GTN 🙁 let alone the 1 million for the Dummies (which are probably the lowest priority). Not to mention I still need like 200K-300K for Miisha’s exp. stuff :/ (and I still need to get Amidaia to 50 already! And get all her companions up ._.)

Getting back to my original subject… unfortunately, when I checked this afternoon (though, still can’t afford it), all 3 were gone 🙁 I really should’ve seen if someone could loan me credits considering how rare it seems to be that a Mettle Mod 26 shows up in the first place (I’ve seen plenty of 25’s and many 26B’s and some 26A’s but just 26 is a foreign concept).

Overall though, I still need quite a bit–even though I have been prioritizing the mods. So, list time:
Hat: Campaign Headgear Armoring
Top: Campaign Vestments Armoring, Advanced Mettle Mod 26, Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 26 (375K-500K. I could afford one right now, but it’d be all my money 🙁 )
Gloves: Campaign Gloves Armoring
Bracers: Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 (None for sale right now, but usually 2 million v-v)
Belt: Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 (see above)
Skirt/Pants: Advanced Mettle Mod 26
Boots: Campaign Boots Armoring, Advanced Mettle Mod 26
Main Hand: Advanced Resolve Hilt 26 (Campaign Main Hand), Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 26 (See Top.)

So, I need 2 Advanced Resolve Armoring 26, 5 Campaign Drops for Armorings, 3 Advanced Mettle Mod 26, and 2 Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 26 for a grand total of lots of emotional pain from EC HM and roughly 6.5 million credits. Lovely.

can I just have a pile of credits? please? ._. then I’d be able to finish all this junk and help my boyfriend get geared too and work on our alts so he can have more to go raid and just earning credits sucks. And while some people in our guild are starting to get these high mods, the whole making people pay for materials that everyone in the guild worked together to get really rubs me the wrong way :/ it may be cheaper (in some cases–though, I don’t believe they can make any of the ones I need ATM anyhow), but the principal of it bothers me too much.

A mix of confidence

Well, I went on the Raid with Stoic today. Unfortunately, some people weren’t available so others were picked up and a few just…didn’t have very good DPS and so we fell short on the DPS-amount and yeah 🙁 On the bright side, my healing was fine (Could’ve been better, but he already knew I was getting used to positioning so).

There was one time it was my fault when I somehow immediately died. We’re still not sure what caused it.

Regardless, it’s too bad we couldn’t get further. We got to enrage each time (it didn’t help that the same one or two people kept dying during red circles) due to lack of DPS, but I had fun. Everything was organized and done well and this strategy worked a lot better.

However, Sage nerfs still suck and ruined the necessity of the healing class which was further confirmed with some discussion about how when 1.2 started, nobody wanted to take sages. Kind of like how a lot of people take Sentinels due to the buffs they could give, Sages have a fancy circle.

I wish they’d just reverse the nerfs. And stop making things that hate Melee 🙁

I’m just going to say I hate difficulty levels and I wish there weren’t codexes attached to them. I don’t mind a challenge, but I hate repeating content and I hate the Elitism it brings.

and I want to find the Wonderous Egg already. Bleh.

But I think, if there is anything I’ve learned, I don’t like raiding. I wish whatever stupid stuff they could get could be sold or something and there were no extra codexes because I just want to see the story and never see it again because it’s not worth crying over.

In which I was right

So, the HM Team is up and it is as I expected. The two Healers I expected (both of which don’t care for me), the Tank I expected (who hates me) and I am officially not even back up.

I’m mixed honestly. On the bright side, I don’t have to decline now if they ask. On the otherhand, for obvious reasons, I’m upset.

Thanks for forcing me to change my outfit for absolutely nothing now. Sorry all that work and trying was for nothing because apparently you can only be serious with a set bonus.

So much ugh.

So, if last week’s run was bad, this week has managed to top it. About half of each raid group was missing so we ended up doing some mixing and matching and it just…wasn’t very good. Our other tank didn’t seem to know what they were doing a few times (and thus, at the tanks as they got out of my sight, it was totally my fault for not healing enough 😐 STILL CAN’T SEE THROUGH LOGS/TREES).

And after we got the tanks down (took us 2 hours to get to that point), when one of our DPS had to go, it was used as an excuse to stop…even though we had another DPS on who could come. So we just went to the chest for commendations and stopped since nobody else wanted to continue. And I just hate that attitude. Seriously.

As it is, most of my credits are now gone too thanks to repairs. It was just horrible.

Moving on, besides not feeling like an officer whatsoever (It seems it’s mostly the GM, the co-GM and then a officer who was supposed to be temporary who end up doing all the talking about junk), there is a “selective” HM EC group happening on Thursday.

I…hate that. I really don’t like Elitism at all. So, I already figured my boyfriend and I are not going. Eventually, as we may be heading down to VA on Thursday (most likely Friday, but maybe Thursday) and I was asked if I wanted to do a HM run by someone else due to us doing story mode today, I decided to ask.

The response? For my boyfriend, no. For me, I was one of the “unconfirmed” slots. Aka a maybe. And since they never asked me, that means:
1. Either they need to talk and see if anyone would mind (And I’m sure I can guess some of the people in the group and thus, who would mind)
2. They have better healers in mind and are waiting to hear back.

Even if I do get picked, just because I can tell I’m not really a definite choice and the fact that they kicked my boyfriend to the curb, I will probably decline it. I just…don’t like that. At all.

So maybe I’ll do HM with a different group on Thursday. If I do it at all. However, if I do, I just hope I don’t disappoint them.

Besides that, as expected with the news (see last entry), some people are just being obnoxious jerks. Including friends. Some are excited to play, others are kind of okay and are looking forward to playing just not with you and others are being complete buttheads. And that’s really what’s upsetting me.

Last Day

So, today is the last day to participate in the transfers for the Gannifari! (and well, 25 Black Hole Commendations, but pfft, who cares about those)

I am excited as that means it’ll hopefully come out soon. I am hoping it may be given out tomorrow then (Due to an update), but I know it probably won’t be until August 1st-7th.

I’m also hoping maybe the next event will start soon.

of course, right now, I’m really in just a horrible fight with myself over not wanting to do EC HM due to drama, but wanting to do it so I can get out of this stupid outfit. :/ blah.

The “Simplicity” of Hello

I actually started this last night, but due to some frustration, just headed to bed. Anyway, between traffic and a lightning storm, getting home is taking forever and I figured why not work on writing even though I have motionsickness. Moving onto the entry…

Despite my shyness (and thus, would have much trouble doing such .a thing in real life), I always try and say some kind of greeting whenever someone logs in. Mostly guild, though, sometimes I will say a greeting to General chat wherever I happen to be. Or to the Global and Pets channels (ignoring that nobody is really in the latter). While I don’t expect a response usually from most places, it seems I more often get a response from a stranger than a friend or guildmate…which is kind of depressing, don’t you think?

Of course, people can be busy. Or miss messages–that happens. I am a bit odd in the fact that I have several channels set up above my chat box:
1. General – Anything not in Other. Though, also features server announcements and item rolls.
2. Party – Group, Ops Chat, Item Rolls, anything relating.
3. Guild – Anything guild related minus ops.
4. Whispers – Just whispers
5. Global – Just Global
6. Pets – Just Pets
7. Other – Anything that isn’t actual players talking.

Essentially, the only thing I don’t have something for is “Say” which is because it is rare anytime I end up using it that the chat would be too busy to keep up.

Like I said, I’m sure most people do not do this. I am just incredibly organized. But it’d be nice if it wasn’t a rare surprise to be greeted or responded to.

Kind of like when you ask someone a question and they just disappear. That is just frustrating. And things happen, sure, but you are going to tell me they will never get back to you? Sometimes I have to disappear and someone asks me something and when I get back, they are offline. I always try and send a message with an apology and the answer.

But maybe I am a bit overly touchy after everything that happened laat week. Or the fact that I received over 10x the birthday wishes AND gifts from a site I had only been a member of for a week and a half than people I have known for much longer. I don’t even care about gifts, but is it truly so hard to wish someone a Happy Birthday?

I just wish people would stop joking so much and remember what common courtesy is.


After having Nightmares two nights in a row now, I’m pretty sure it’s a safe bet that I am more than a little stressed. Most likely this whole situation and trying to still enjoy my trip while still feeling sad and frustrated = horrible dreams.

I probably need to take a break (though, whether I actually will…) from playing, or at least my Sage. Maybe my Sorcerer as well.

I just can’t deal with the drama. Especially as I don’t feel like anything was cared about or done. Before I continue, I shall put a Read More now as while this entry does do with the game–it’s more about me and my feelings instead of my feelings as I play the game. Continue reading