
Eeeee! :D

I was brought on an emergency run with Stoic’s main 16-man HM Group when one of their healers had to suddenly leave. Unfortunately, the mine boss is glitched right now due to the next patch, but we got the first two done and I got Campaign pants and I’m just so excited! New codexes and one item changed (and I even got the enhancement I needed for it!) Was like 200K to change stuff around though πŸ™ This makes me more impatient to get 3 Advanced Mettle Mod 26 however.

Now we’re waiting for Nightmare Pilgrim πŸ˜€ if he loads up before like 12:15AM, we shall do him and that would make things even more epic T~T

Edit: We did it! We beat Nightmare Pilgrim! OMGYES.

Edit 2: And it looks like the patch is going in tonight for Thursday as expected :3 And apparently Elidibs has a spot again so maybe I can finish EC AND THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME OMGYAY.

The Infernal

Yep! We got the title πŸ˜€ Did it within 2 hours (Only wiped a little on Soa and slightly on the Pylons (we got out alive more or less though) due to the puzzles starting before we even started them up).

Very exciting! Not to mention this means I have EV 100% done! Well, sort of, I still need the Normal mode mount, but that drops from KP too and Kaon. Hopefully we’ll do KP Nightmare and Nightmare Pilgrim soon!

Besides that, I just need one more Advanced Mettle Mod 25 (or 4 26–only have gotten 25’s, but 25 is minimum I need so!) and 2 more Advanced Aptitude Mettle Mod 25/26. And I’m just 8 BH commendations away from the Implant I need.

Depending on how it goes, it seems I may actually need more Aptitude mods…and of course, I’ll have to play around with the enhancements. I wish I had more credits so I could just get this stuff done and over with.

Return to EV NM and Hurt feelings

So, firstly, I’m a very dedicated person. I may run late sometimes (due to whatever), but I will almost always be there. We ran to the store tonight and 15 minutes before we got back, I was replaced by another healer for KP Hard Mode. Now, as everyone should know, I’m pretty much farming KP due to pet-ness. So that hurt. A lot. I’m still kind of upset. Thankfully, the pet didn’t drop, but I just wish they could’ve waited a bit more–at the same time, I’m upset with myself as if I didn’t go to the store (which actually didn’t take long–the lines were what took so long), I would’ve been there.

Moving on, since everyone was still on, we decided to give Eternity Vault Nightmare Mode another shot. And, well, we did it. Took 3 tries, but the first try Soa was aggro’d early (3 of our members weren’t even there yet), second we somehow missed a pylon (finally know why you need to hit 5 of them though), and thus, the third everything went well and smooth (well, more or less, we missed a pylon at the end to break his shield so he enraged–we did pretty well though, but lost 3 people near the end).

We’ll have to go back again though to try for “the Infernal” title…but I think we can do it.

A little down

Today, I got to do my first try at Eternity Vault Nightmare mode! We got all the way to Soa, but didn’t finish.

It took us an hour on the droid. Most of the time due to deaths which were my fault πŸ™ I’m…not very good with positioning. It might just have to do with my bad aim that makes me have so much trouble with it, but once someone explains more how I’m supposed to stand, I am good. It can take me a bit to get used to if I have to move a lot position-wise though. Anyway, after getting situated: first time getting to 7% while several other times 5%…finally figured out a good way and got him fully down. Considering he only needs to get to about 3%, we were very close. Rest was very easy… Soa…well, it seems people were having issues with the lightning balls again.

So, Lightning Ball tips:
1. If you’re low on health, USE A MED PACK AND ASK A SAGE FOR A BUBBLE. Holding off will actually make it worse as the lightning will follow you and send electric shots.

2. Always run straight through the boss–do not run around or wait.

3. CLICK THE LIGHTNING AND SEE WHO IT IS TARGETING! Or if you do not have target of target, just head either left or right and see if the lightning you are closed to follows or not.

4. Stay away from the other person’s ball. The explosion will hurt you more than it will hurt them–the other ball can also shock you.

After that, we didn’t reset because it would kill our chance and if we did it perfectly, we’d have just made it… unfortunately, Soa glitched and had enrage-level damage so everyone died almost immediately… which ruined our last shot. Essentially we were screwed either way because if we reset the instance, we’d have lost the timed run buff too.

I just… wish the lightning didn’t seem to give people so much trouble? Besides that, we actually had several people who weren’t full (or had like 0-2 pieces) Rakata so considering, we did really well.

I guess I’m just kind of disappointed as we pretty much had it. Yay for two new codexes at least. We shall hopefully be getting the group together again at another time to try doing Nightmare Soa again so at least if we do, we’ll get another new codex, even if the title will have to wait until another time…

Battle of Ilum, The Foundry, Population, Valor Worries + more

So, quite a bit to talk about :3 Shall go in order~

Battle of Ilum:
Finally got to do Battle of Ilum HM! My boyfriend and I went with two of our guildmates πŸ™‚ And we even did the bonus boss! It went really well and I had fun. We’re hopefully going to do False Emperor tomorrow and then I’ll have my Aratech Ice <3 What was really fun is we got to go through the Secret Tunnel πŸ™‚ It is an old thing left during development/Beta when they wanted to put some Datacrons in Flash Points. It has a bunch of the crates you can break to get further along with the Bonus Boss and a Security Chest! It's in the giant crystal cave area :3 Just look for a tiny cove on the map with a few enemies and then look carefully for a tiny opening that turns into a path and it is so cool. The Foundry: Found some time to pop on Amidaia today and took care of the Foundry for the first time. We finally hit a flashpoint we couldn't do with just two companions, but luckily were able to find someone who was going to do it with us πŸ™‚ I have taken Amidaia back to Quesh so hopefully maybe we can get some leveling in. Population: SO MANY PEOPLE. We had 300-400+ people on the Republic Fleet during Prime time and about 500 on the Imperial Fleet! PVPers were in their glory and everyone seemed to be getting along, though, I did see some rude people. I'm hoping to maybe see people looking for groups for Gargath as I'm pretty shy :/ I have seen lots of KP groups though so if our guild doesn't have time to during the week, at least I should be able to go to one! I just hope to see people asking for Gargath. However, due to experiences, I think I'm really too shy to join someone's Looking for group for Lost Island. It just is...a flash point that makes me really nervous and I know a lot of people really have no respect for mistakes and I'd rather not cry for feeling like a failure. Especially as I hate giving up. Wish I could find someone to do Lost Island normal already though. But yes, was nice seeing so many people--even if we were full at one point and had to wait like 20 minutes to get in πŸ˜› Valor Worries: Guild said that due to other games, there was a chance with Ranked Warzones that Valor would be removed eventually. At the moment, I am valor level 73. I still have 27 levels to go to max out valor for all the titles. That's... a lot, especially at this high and the idea is just stressing me out completely. Moving on to other subjects: Our Guild has a new GM as the old one feels they will be too busy. I do know the new GM better than the old one so it's not too much of a change--most people are also in that boat. I actually got promoted to Officer though which was a nice surprise! Right now, they're trying to figure out recruiting along with what to do with Raid Groups. They are thinking of making our Raid Group the first one (we are #2) at the moment and vice versa--I kind of hope they do that as I really like the group I raid with. Besides that, I re-maxed Slicing πŸ™‚ And am continuing to try and use that to earn some money. Hopefully I'll have a good amount of credits soon. Edit: And speaking of awesome guildmates, I received a special gift when I got up this morning: 10

Week Highlights

Despite being away in Florida for work again, I did find some time to pop online while there and try out the game on my laptop. In general, it tends to work a lot better (definitely loads better and I’ve been getting new kinds of lag spikes on my computer which are incredibly annoying), but I definitely need to get used to the controls and bigger screen. As it is, it seems my interface is a bit glitchy on my computer lately as well which is all kinds of annoying.

Moving on, I got to raid with my guild a bit a few days ago. We did Normal EV to get rid of the daily, a complete HM Karagga (But still no Pet drop! At least I finally have all the HM codexes there) and then yesterday a complete run of Normal Explosive Conflict. We (as in the group I am in) may even do HM soon which I’m more than a little nervous about.

EC makes me very nervous. As it is, I almost screwed up the entire raid on the tanks due to:
1. Not realizing they wanted me on the inside of the lightning tank.
2. Not realizing I could run through the actual tank.

Once I realized though (and re-fixed my camera), we did it perfectly fine. But I’m still worried about positioning and stuff with the first boss when it comes to HM after what happened last time.

Also managed to go to Gargath with a random group which was nice… no pet there either but of course now he keeps dropping the Ice Scrabbler Schematic 😐 spite I tell you.

As for the PTS, I’ve done about 5 runs with Group Finder. Have gotten Hammer Station everytime though (using my lower level character as then it doesn’t matter if I get healing or DPS).

PVP also went okay today. Ups and downs but had a really good (and close match) earlier that ended with us winning while we had 2% left in Novare Coast. Was super suspenseful and action packed and just kind of awesome.

I just wish I could get the pets already. With 1.3 so close, I’m feeling more stressed out by the second. On the bright side, I officially have enough for one of the pets when 1.3 comes (and halfway to the other–will need to re-earn 2K normal Warzone commendations essentially). Now if I could just refer a friend who would actually get the game v-v And actually earn a good amount of credits. Out of stims and can’t afford to buy more. Most of my money is going to repairs (Though, usually I won’t have too much more than the Guild Funds I can use. I just sometimes forget to use the Guild Funds), stims, companion gifts, and random oter things. v-v

For now, back to the Test Server.