Tag Archive | Speculation

Speaking of that event…

Considering all these weird boxes that recently appeared, I think it might not be too far off. I’m placing my bets on Sunday, since that’s when the Rakghoul Event started. …I also really hope that as I’m going to be busy Saturday πŸ™ So I’d prefer it start a day where I will be free for a while (As for why I didn’t say Thursday or Friday, I’m expecting it to be another “can’t miss a day” thing).

Besides that, depending on what rank you get, the Repair-Vendor Droid looks different. I’ve seen Rank 1 and I have Rank 3 so I wonder what Rank 2 is like. I also wonder if the Mail Droid looks different too.

Upcoming Events and talking about Pets (Speculation)

Now, most people don’t realize I have no issues with spoilers. And when they do, they are very confused. I tend to view finding out about something equal to reading a brochure about a place you’re going to go. You can prepare for it, but actually experiencing it is something completely different and no matter how much you learn or hear, it won’t change that.

However, with spoilers also comes rumors and things that are subject to change. While looking to see if anyone has found any news on the other Akk Dogs and Lobels, I found something interesting.

Discussion about what may possibly be the next event (For those who have forgotten, the last event was the Rakghoul Pandemic). And what has been found? The Grand Acquisitions Race.

What it sounds like it is a Scavenger Hunt that requires you to do various tasks on various planets to get all the items. And it seems as you reward, an item similar to the DNA Samples. And at the very least, not only have the Devs said they are planning another event (though, the when was never stated), the Event section of the codex has now been bumped up to 10.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the pets were gotten through it (I’d love if all 4 were, but I know it probably won’t happen) considering the some of the Raklings were. Not to mention a mount and weapons too.

However, the question is where would this event start? Part of me thinks the guy will just appear on the fleet, but who knows. I kind of hope a hint is given beforehand as I just…don’t care for surprises and waiting in Tatooine was fun too (and less murderous for my computer).

Now, what if the pets weren’t from the Event? It is completely possible they’re not (and if they are, probably only one of each or just the other 2 of one of the species) afterall.

So, I decided to think about where they could be. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

Well, the only place I can think of them are Quesh. There is a world boss on Quesh and it’s not like a pet hasn’t dropped from a World Boss before. Now, would a robot actually have a Lobel? Who knows. But it’s about the only thing I can think of right now. (though, because of this, I feel Lobel may be more likely to be the Event Pet over the Akk Dog).

Akk Dogs:
Now, the M0-GUL Thrall Droid drops from Karagga. Kephess is rumored to drop the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg (really wish we could have some confirmation already). Each Operation has speeders that are dropped, but Eternity Vault has no pets speculated…there are, however, a lot of Akk Dogs in there, so I think the idea that Soa (or Gharj) could drop it is interesting. Of course, that only helps one (Unless both Soa and Gharj could have different ones, but I don’t think they’d do that…on the otherhand, they did it with a Flash Point (Lost Island)). It could also be a first for a different pet received depending on difficulty (which I…really hope not). It’s just…something to think about.

As for the other (if only one was in the operation), I honestly have no idea. There are Akk Dogs on Tatooine (So Tatooine World Boss is possible)–not to mention there is always the possibility still of it being one of each for the upcoming Event too.

Also, on the subject of patterns:
Crimson Rakling
Orokeet/Unusual Egg

Midnight Rakling
Orosquab/Mysterious Egg

Pale Rakling
??? *

*Only one pet hasn’t been found yet from 1.2–The Orochick that hatches from the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg. Could it be that it needs to be purchased, but where? I’d like to think someone would’ve stumbled across it by now if so, but there are people who still didn’t know you could purchase Taunta an an example. And it’s possible a new/secret vendor was put in as well.

So, if we went by that subject, both of the new pets found would be under Purchased–leaving one of each for dropped and one of each for Exploration… it’s just something to think about, isn’t it?

…I wish I knew more people who cared about pets. Maybe we could test some things out πŸ™

Time, Random Event Rambles, and Characters

If there’s one thing that the game manages to have me think a lot about, it’s time. If you play both the Imperial and Republic storylines, you will get to a few instances where the planet you end up visiting takes place before or after the other faction has been there.

For example, you end up seeing Balmorra much earlier in the Imperial Storyline while you see Taris much later. It is reversed in the Republic Storyline. The effects of those earlier story lines end up being part of the later ones and the connection is very neat.

We had just finished Balmorra on the Imperial side so it was interesting to see the differences. Cessik, in particular, made me feel really bad about the Colicoids. I can’t help but wonder what happened to him.

But I remember watching my boyfriend go through the Jedi Knight Storyline during when he gets his last companion, the timing was very vague. It wasn’t stated just how long he was there–it could’ve been weeks, maybe months, and that is another aspect of just how time is.

There’s also instances where you may see companions of other classes featured while doing stuff with your companions on your character, for example in Qyzen’s story, there is actually a scene with him and Mako. I do wonder if you get Mako up, if you can find out why she owed Qyzen by any chance, as it’s not really detailed how she owed him a favor.

Similarly, for Jedi Knight’s, Doc ends up having Kaliyo in his storyline. Does Kaliyo ever vanish in the Imperial Agent Story line? Just all kinds of interesting questions.

Though, one that made me sad is that Vette never interacts with Risha. If you have seen Vette’s storyline, you will understand why this is pretty depressing.

I guess I’d love to get an idea on how the timing goes. I mean, when you’re doing the consular’s storyline and if all classes end up on Ilum at the same time, where are you while the Knight is being brainwashed? It’s just a lot to think about. Especially if you’re playing with each of the classes on your journey. For example, I totally ended up finishing off the Emperor when I was helping my boyfriend in his story. It’s not ever mentioned because technically there is no consular in the story–I was an unseen presence mixed in who totally replaced Kira.

I don’t expect them to make it recognizable–that’d be far too much work, but I think seeing some mixed things would be neat. I know there were occasional mentions of Player-Player romance and remember thinking that it’d be neat if each player had a few choices to pick from in those environments to kind of show what happened rather than just going into a family tree and setting spouse or something.

Speaking of family trees, I ended up remaking my Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter. I had yet to do anything on either of them (besides pick up my mail) and had wanted to remake them for a while. I’ll hopefully remake my Smuggler soon, but that’ll cost 1.5 million and I do not have that… (Similarly, my Trooper which I do not have yet will be 1.5 million as well)…and let’s be honest, if I had 1.5 million, it’d be going to ship stuff.

…I really want the ship stuff πŸ™ Why must dailies be the only way to get a nice amount of money T__T

Going back to the topic of family trees, I did end up making my Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent sisters. I’m not really a big RPer, but it’s sometimes fun to think of character’s backstories. (Similarly, my Sorcerer and Sage are cousins, as will my Smuggler and Trooper be). Especially intertwined with the class stories.

And heading back to the original subject of time, that brings up a good idea of the event. Just how long does it last? Was the crash really that Sunday (ignoring that the area showed up earlier than that) or did they just finally get out Sunday? If the latter, why wasn’t it inspected earlier? How long exactly was the Shaman looking for a cure? It sounded like a long time, but it didn’t happen that long ago. Was there another incident? Just how does a day in RL translate to the time going in the game? Or does the time depend on just how much you do in the game? (and yes, I know I’m probably overthinking it)

Regardless, there is a new daily today, following the format. I expect the top to be out tomorrow unless they do end up giving everything (bracers, belt, weapon, etc.), but something tells me they won’t. Also, for those who also did not get their title, you’ll be happy to know it’s “fixed” now. In order to get your title, you must re-defeat the Infected Bantha in Outlaw’s Den. While I am happy it’s fixed, I really wish it could’ve been ANY of the infected bosses and not the hardest one considering that needs the biggest group and for crying out loud, it’s the one in the PVP area πŸ™

Finally, to end this off, after talking to someone with the gold minimech today *ENVY*, it hit me the other big reason why I wanted to get it before 1.2. As with any big patch of new content…that’s what everyone wants to see. Thus why so many people on Tatooine (I hadn’t seen multiple instances of it in a very long time) and on the fleet trying to do the new flashpoint and operation. Ignoring who they will probably do the new content with….the old content is, well, old, and if you didn’t finish it before, it’s going to be even harder to find a group now πŸ™

New Pet Overview + Feelings and thoughts

Okay, at this point, most of the pets have been figured out, so I figured I’d just do a quick overview post and then explain my thoughts/feelings after because…well, I write a lot, god. XP


1. Taunta – Can be bought from the Collector’s Edition Vendor for 200K
2. Taun Fawn – Gotten from a code from PAX East
3. Ram Tauntaun – Gotten for being an active subscriber.
4. Taunling – Dropped by Gargath
5. Taunlet – Head to X:834, Y:759 on Hoth with the Ice Scrabbler Jerky Buff on (gotten from eating the Jerky). It will lure out Taunlet who you need to use the NVSCSS on to capture them.


1. Orokeet – Hatched from Unusual Egg found on Alderaan.
2. Orosquab – Hatched from Mysterious Egg which is dropped from either the second or final boss (or the first and third if not counting minibosses?) on Hard Mode Lost Island.
3. Orochick – Hatched from Wonderous Egg which either drops from Warlord Kephess (the final boss) on Hard Mode Explosive Conflict OR apparently spawns in a nest in the new operation, Explosive Conflict, after defeating Warlord Kephess. Difficulty unknown. NEITHER CONFIRMED. Both have been said, but at this point, there has been no proof.

All Orobirds are hatched on Tatooine through the same method.

1. Midnight Rakling – Dropped from the bosses on Hard Mode Lost Island.
2. Crimson Rakling – Gotten from completing the “Tracking the Origin” Quest during the Rakghoul Pandemic Event on Tatooine.
3. Pale Rakling – Bought from Jeelvic in the Dune Sea (X:-896, Y:-925) for 60 DNA Samples which you get from completing quests and/or exploding from Raghoul disease during the Rakghoul Pandemic Event on Tatooine.

So far everything except the Orochick has either been confirmed with screenshots and/or multiple confirmations. However, considering the new operation has Orobirds running around and considering how you get the Mysterious egg, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true.

Now, since I don’t think anyone cares about my thoughts, I shall just say continue reading if you do~
Continue reading

So many rumors/theories…

So, currently, the following has been said:

1. This really does drop from Gargath and is how you get Taunling which leaves Taunlet as the special Hoth mission pet. <-- While originally just a theory, two others have confirmed this at this point besides the original so even without a picture, it seems likely this is true. 2. Someone else said the Mysterious Egg actually dropped from the second boss for them in Lost Island (Hard Mode Difficulty) which could mean the Mysterious Egg could drop off any boss in the flashpoint. 3. However, they said one of the Rakghoul/Rakling pets dropped off the final boss for them. Edit: We now have a picture:

4. Snowblind seems to definitely drop the Jerky Schematic so if there is a Biochem on Corellian Run who gets it and would like to help make Jerky, it’d be greatly appreciated πŸ˜›

While the Mysterious Egg has given a picture (How we got the picture of Orosquab), we are waiting on pictures about the other two. (Edit: Picture of Rakling given and due to multiple confirmations of Taunling…)

All I really have to say though is…I hate random drops ._.

Tauntaun & Orobird Theories

Due to the NVSCSS Topic in the PTS forum being deleted (though, it was apparently brought back recently), I had decided to make a thread about trying to figure out the Tauntauns on the forum as it can help to just discuss things with another. I would’ve made it for both the Orobird and Tauntaun, but I was beaten to the Orobird thread. But let’s just say these topics are what fueled my rant about random drops πŸ˜›

I’m just going to quote myself here for a moment….

“We’re still going to at least wait on a screenshot of the item from Gargath as that may be something completely different. A boss drop doesn’t really equal a mission and then the NVSCSS would still be useless as well.

Since the second Orobird egg has been found (which probably means the third is available), it wouldn’t be a stretch to say there may be more than one Tauntaun to be gotten on Hoth.

And considering one Orobird was found traveling around Alderaan and the other through a boss drop in a flashpoint… yeah.

There were 2 listed in databases besides Taunta (Taunlet and Taunling) and the crate says it summons Taunling which would mean Taunlet would be the “mission” one. There’s also still Smelly, who was hinted to previously, but it could’ve just been a hint to Tauntauns in general.
(Not to mention with Smelly included, that would be a total of 3 to be randomly found just like the 3 Orobirds).”

Out of context, this will be a bit confusing, so I shall take a moment to break it down a bit.

Recently, someone posted in the Tauntaun thread that Gargath, a World Boss on Hoth, dropped the Exotic Animal Crate which, according to Torhead, gives Taunling. That someone did not manage to get screenshots from the person who got the drop, so there is currently no confirmation.

Does that mean it’s a complete lie? No. It just means we don’t know and while it’s something to look at, it’s not proven yet.

However, even if it is true, that isn’t really a “mission on Hoth”, as I previously stated. Of course, with the Mysterious Egg being found as a drop and the Unusual Egg being more like an adventure, it’s completely possible that there is more than one way to get a Tauntaun with the Hoth mission being one and a World boss drop being another.

The patch notes do say “Tauntaun Vanity pets can now be acquired on the planet Hoth, though the exact means of acquisition are a mystery.” so it is completely possible.

And while someone can claim that the mission on Hoth could be killing the World Boss, especially as it is required for one of the new vehicle quests, there’s still the mysterious NVSCSS then which would have no use if that was true, not to mention that one of the hints the developer gave was that it involved 2 planets and both had already been stated. Not many planets were mentioned yet (I believe just Hoth, Ilum, and Alderaan) and due to the NVSCSS on Alderaan suddenly appearing, Alderaan was decided to be second (though, people have still been checking Ilum, however, other than drops of the liver (used to make the Jerky with the schematic) which can also be found on Hoth, nothing has really showed up that would make Ilum a possible candidate) and Hoth was kind of the default due to the patch notes.

But yes, due to the Orobirds seeming to be different (With one being an adventure and the other being a drop), I wouldn’t say it’d be impossible to be in a similar boat.

Then it’s just a matter of if Smelly is still in the game (though, at the moment, I think not. I think he is being replaced with the Legacy Ram Tauntaun) and where that final Orobird egg is. It’s times like these where I wish confirmations like “One Tauntaun is a mission, one Tauntaun is a random drop, one Orobird is adventuring, one Orobird is a drop, and one Orobird is *whatever* and those are all the new pets” so nobody is looking forever or doing something that won’t go anywhere so we can make progress rather than being stuck. (Not to mention just a clarification of exactly how many to begin with would be such a beautiful thing)

…And why would they make pets random drops in the first place T____T *sad due to rotten luck*

Anyway, when the servers come back, I will definitely be wanting to try doing some farming of the new flashpoint (the Single go for the day on Hard and a bit on normal) and exploring around Hoth and taking on World Bosses to try out theories and things. So if you’re on Corellian Run and would like to come, I’d be happy to have you πŸ˜€ (maybe we can even run to Karagga’s (who can be done twice a week–once on normal and once on Hard/Nightmare) and try and grab M0GUL-Thrall Droids!) It could be a giant pet parade where we’d make sure every single person got the pet in order until everyone has one :3 At least I think that’d be fun~