Tag Archive | Characters

Earpiece down!

So, I managed to find someone who could make the Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay! Yay! 😀 I was able to get everything for it (Thank you Anlorn (who is super super super awesome) for the Mandalorian Iron 😛 <3 and the guild for the Grade 8 stuff :3) so just waiting for the person to respond back with it ^___^ They wanted 100K with the materials supplied and that's about the usual so :3 Also, according to Ask Mr. Robot's forum, 1.4 stuff should be up soon :3 so yay! Will be nice to get my stats all set. Right now, at the very least, it is a 5.6 Healing Bonus increase. Slight Crit drop (Still 34% though), but it's actually only 1 point less Crit (and 1 point less Willpower) and the boost to everything else seems better. I'm sure once I get more of the new gear, that'll be back up to where it should be. I think my Crit should be 35% once I get everything, but I suppose we'll see for sure when everything is updated and I can update my page correctly~ in the meantime, people are apparently posting this blog on the forums? (whhhhhy. *dies*) Umm... at least more people care about the cave? 😀 Yay for more cave research!

The longest mission

So, in an attempt to cheer me up, my boyfriend suggested we finish up Chapter 1 on two of our alts. We were in Alderaan (And I have to admit, while I was kind of iffy about Vector, there are some interesting things about him–like his trident. His trident is awesome.) and finishing up there… still sad I didn’t get to have dinner with the Akk Dogs. Akk Dogs are awesome. Stupid backstabbing baroness. Though, the actual stabbing of her by her husband (or well, their army I guess) was a bit surprising.

Moving on, Cellïna’s end of class story mission was ridiculously long. I think it was like an hour between getting there, the HUGE cutscene, the 3-4 fights, and the amount to do in the middle. I’m sure it is shorter if you pick the darkside options, but Cellïna doesn’t let people die, okay? XP

As if the urgency over HEYTHESHIPISGOINGTOEXPLODE wasn’t enough, we then got an alert that the game was going down in 15 minutes. I’m expecting either some fixes to the lag issues and/or the GTN.

Unfortunately, while we did finish mine, my boyfriend’s was unable to be completed (as we ran out of time).

Regardless, our characters are a bit underleveled so we will probably need to go back and hit the things we skipped 🙁


Playing on Cellïna for a bit with my boyfriend’s bounty hunter while waiting to start HM EC tonight. Lets hope the tanks go well.

A part I’m pretty excited for is coming up and since my screenshots love to break while in instances, I figured a recording is a good way to remember the moment 😛

Shall edit when recording has stopped~

Edit: My robot suit was invisible T_________T Regardless, looks like we need to switch now so shall end recording~

….robot suit

Offhand Things

With the update possibly coming soon, I decided to re-check some offhand stuff. With the update, those who can usually not modify their offhands will now be able to. However, you will not be able to modify the Black Hole one (which is the best for me) so I have been working hard to figure out what to do.

Each offhand that can be modded can have:
1. An Armoring
2. A Mod
3. An Enhancement
4. A Color Crystal

And of course, an Augment can be added.

So, I decided to calculate and see if what I am planning to put in mine would be better. Right, now, my Black Hole offhand (with an Advanced Resolve 22 Augment) has the following stats:
+99 Endurance
+120 Willpower
+102 Power
+649 Force Power
+57 Surge Rating

Without the Augment:

+87 Endurance
+102 Willpower
+102 Power
+649 Force Power
+57 Surge

What I am planning for mine:
-Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 (still need – 10 Durasteel, 6 Mandalorian Iron, 4 Molecular Stablizers, 2 Synthetic Energy Matrix, and 10 Zal Alloy)
-Advanced Aptitude Mod 26
-Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 (still need – 2 Corusca Gem, 2 Molecular Stabilizer, 4 Primeval Artifact Fragment, and 4 Upari Crystal)
-Advanced Magenta Hawkeye Crystal (Still need. Will probably just buy from the GTN–about 300K)
-Advanced Resolve Augment 22

That would give my offhand (without augment):
+108 Endurance
+162 Willpower
+123 Power
+57 Surge

With Augment:
+120 Endurance
+180 Willpower
+123 Power
+57 Surge

So…That is going to be amazing. And just looking at that, you can imagine the kind of stuff currently in my BH Off-hand then in comparison to what I will have come 1.4 (if I can get everything in time!). That’s really going to be…a huge improvement for a lot of classes if they use it right. (and maybe the Willpower increase will get me back to 35% Crit!)

I expect Force Power to be higher…but I don’t know how to calculate that so.

Servers are up

Aurorra and Cellina did have to be changed. They are now Aúrorra and Cellïna respectively. Every single one that was voted was taken or the accent didn’t work in the one picked so… yeah.

I feel sad v-v

Edit: Remade the Pets channel. Feel free to join :3

Also, had to re-do all my chat settings 🙁 blah

Corellian Run Yesterday, The Shadowlands today

I get what “The Shadowlands” are in Star Wars lore (and my boyfriend is constantly reminding me)–unfortunately, I can not see that and think of that. Seriously, just call it the Tree Canopy or something then 😐

Moving on, I shall be watching carefully for the servers going back up. If your names are taken (which, thankfully, they should be going by whoever made them first…), whoever is on first obviously gets first shot at getting the change they want. So yes, you do have to be fast and yes, this means any names you tried to reserve yesterday will mean nothing. Also, all Legacy names will be reset (even if nobody has taken your name) due to the new system of them no longer being unique. This is your free reset so if you want to change your legacy name, THIS IS WHEN YOU WILL DO SO. Speaking of which, let’s bring up those poll results and… …seriously guys? 50/50? XP Okay, well, I guess since it is a tie, it’ll just have to go to the original name. ~*ORIGINAL NABERRIE AWAY*~

I already know Aurorra and Cellina are gone due to the High Population Server test. Here are some spellings I thought up… Vote on which you think is best? (and hopefully we won’t have a tie again):

(Obviously, no guarantee these names will not be taken but…)

Moving onto some of the brighter things… a lot of us will be playing together! YAY! Please do join the Pets Chat Channel, while an excellent source of your daily pet information, we also supply mystery solving, theory speculation, and completionist discussion.

(Note: We do have it on the Imperial side too! …I just don’t play that as much 🙁 )

(edit: and for those who have send some worried messages, yes, I am honestly still upset 🙁 this has essentially been me since the announcement. I’m doing my best to look on the positive side, but if you couldn’t tell…change and I don’t get along and Corellian Run meant a lot to me)

Meant to post this yesterday but…

So, the raid happened last night. Unfortunately, we didn’t have 2 of our DPS regulars (one of them being our highest DPSer, the other being the one who has missed each one) and that kind of pulled us down a bit for a bit. When things did finally get together…DPS was just too short. We got Toth down though so improvement! …but yeah. It also didn’t help that I was exhausted from Apple Picking and the Renaissance Fair. I felt like a huge failure 🙁 (and certain things happening in guild chat didn’t make me feel better) Of course, this is also why I didn’t post this last night–was exhausted and still had to take a bath so I did that and then passed out in bed.

My boyfriend hit the minimum this time too which was nice–he’s been getting better…but still low for a Sentinel which we both know. We just really need to get his gear in order. Even if the mods aren’t 26’s, we need to at least get the right ones fixed. Unfortunately, that power crystal is going to suck to get. I may try seeing if I can just switch a mod around to make up for it as that is much more manageable.

Speaking of mods, the Black Hole offhand is not going to be moddable which means I need to find another Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 and Advanced Adept Enhancement 26. I, thankfully, ended up already having an extra Advanced Aptitude Mod 26. I believe this will give me the same stats (or better) than the Black Hole which is Power + Surge related. I can hope anyway. Regardless, that has put me in quite a bind as, unsurprisingly, I can’t afford it. I could technically get an Adept from Black Hole stuff for 50 Black Hole Commendations, but I really want to save those for those overpriced new implants coming out in 1.4. Still hoping that price is a typo or something :/ otherwise if a nice Biochem may want to make me one >> 😛

And I was sucessfully able to just change one of my boyfriend’s mods so now he can keep his crit cyan. That makes things a bit easier 😛

Anyway, right now, I’ve just been debating on what to do. I really should work on getting more BH Commendations…too bad I hate every single way you can get them. I also just really want to look more into the Cave and Wonderous Egg. While the Cave is still a big mystery in itself (MYSTERY TWINS AWAY! …please ignore that I don’t have a twin), the Wonderous Egg may FINALLY be close to being solved and I am more than a bit antsy waiting for a response back.

Speaking of mysteries, however, I’m still not sure how people are finding this site in the first place~ Unless they know me ingame and cheat. *LOOKS AT PEOPLE IN STOIC AND ARJAC* XP But umm…thank you for putting up with my rambling? XD

I do wish I was better prepared for 1.4 though 🙁 the constant failureness of preparing is really getting me down and I don’t think people realize just how much. I’ll just queue for everything for now and hope it doesn’t go horribly wrong as I really can’t afford repairs :/

Now that Mr. Robot is back up…

So, looking through Gear Changes..

Offhand stats of mine are Power and Surge. Dread ones are Power + Alacrity OR Crit and Surge.

I’m…going to have to do a lot of messing around with Mods again depending on how this goes which I won’t look forward to. :/

Both of my Implants are Power + Alacrity. Hazmat Forcehealer’s MK-4 System are as well:
-93 Endurance
-108 Willpower
-76 Power
-60 Alacrity

Stats on what I currently have:
+87 Endurance
+102 Willpower
+71 Power
+56 Alacrity

So, that is definitely an improvement which means I need 2 Hazmat Forcehealer’s MK-4 Systems which are 350 Black Hole Commendations each. Fun. >_>

Going back to the offhand, I could possibly switch to Crit & Surge and then switch a Crit Mod to Power if that matches up?

On the otherhand, since you can modify them now, I can probably just switch stuff around to begin with. Will probably need an Aptitude Mod and Adept Enhancement for it. So, I just want to get 27’s of everything and switch a few things in the Off-hand to make it the same stats as mine, but better. …So, I mostly just need to (besides save up for those armorings/mods/enhancements and/or do a lot of Campaign) worry about saving up Black Hole Commendations for the implants… or hope someone who has like a bazillion BH Commendations gets lucky and can make them.