
Random Chat

First of all, there is going to be a SWTOR Encylopedia which I am looking forward to as I’d love to see more about the story. It’s too bad it won’t be out until much later in the year.

Besides that, 1.3 will be up on the test server too and you can sign up to have your character copied over to help test it out. I ended up signing up as I’d love to check things out.

Now, onto actual ingame things:
–Amidaia is currently level 41. We have just a little left on Quesh and then will either be heading to Hoth or Alderaan (the bonus series there). We also finally caught up on flash points and will possibly do The Foundry before heading back over to Quesh.
–Operation progress continues on Marilea. We did a more or less perfect run through of Explosive Conflict on Tuesday so we did Eternity Vault and Karagga’s Palace Hard Mode today. We did get through EV, but ended up getting stuck at Karagga for KP due to a few odd happenings. We’ll hopefully try again sometime before Tuesday.
–Amidaia’s Cybertech is over 300 so 2/3 speeders have been made so far. Yay.
–I’m still super poor. Not really getting any closer to saving up for anything.
–Still no luck on drop pets either or news on Wondrous Egg πŸ™

But yes, it’s nice to at least be getting some stuff done. Now if I just had 7.5-10.5+ million credits and the last several pets I need, maybe I’d stop stressing so much.

Lost Island, Feeling Down, etc.

So, I recently started playing an MMO I used to play a couple of years ago (I wasn’t able to play too much until recently as my old Laptop failed miserably and my computer seemed to hate the game for some reason). I’m still playing SWTOR, but how much I suck at earning credits is really getting to me. If you couldn’t tell by now, I’m a very focused and orderly person–so doing things like playing another character before I have the priority Legacy Stuff (all the Ship Unlocks) is driving me crazy on the inside–as is still needing 5 pets (M0-GUL Thrall Droid, Taunling, Midnight Rakling, Orosquab, and Orochick (Though, this last one is still being figured out how to get…) and it’s just getting to me beyond words and I really don’t know what I can do. Dailies just kill the game for me. And most people don’t really understand that, but I have -so much trouble- with those kinds of things. This is the first time I have ever made an alt in a game. Most likely as the Imperial storyline was different enough, but when it comes down to it, I don’t know if I’ll be able to do much other than want to just rush through the stories unless something is different enough.

I have beaten a lot of games. However, I have never started over my progress and played through it again. At all. If my game got erased? I made someone else play it and told them exactly what to do. If I couldn’t find someone to do that, I never played again. The only exception was Sonic Adventure which was essentially insane and it was only because my Dreamcast would kill the data everytime I got to 60% (It wasn’t until the Gamecube version came out that I was finally able to finish it).

But yes, in short, I’m just out of ideas. I can’t play the market (I’d end up losing money, not making any, and I’d feel guilty anyway), Crafting is just…not something I understand when it comes to making a profit, Dailies essentially ruin the game for me (it doesn’t matter if I run them with friends), and I just don’t know. It doesn’t help that everyone is so busy doing stuff with their guilds and/or doing the new flash point and operation and so nobody wants to go fight Gargath, most people have their Lost Island Groups, and Operations still have lock outs.

And of course, there are some exceptions when there ARE people looking for a healer for Lost Island. Unfortunately, in that circumstance, I’m terrified. Ignoring that Rakghouls make me nervous and that Flashpoint is creepy, it’s just healer heavy and I don’t feel like I’ve gotten the changes down enough in 1.2. I’ve done it successfully 2 or 3 times now. Failed once on Hard (Couldn’t figure out a good strategy for the robot boss at the time) and once on Normal (Tank and Melee DPS would not listen. At all. Also had more health than the Tank and Melee DPS which is never a good sign). There’s just many times since 1.2 where I will actually have all my heals cooling down. All of them. And the robot and first part of the final boss have so much moving around…I mean, when you need to stand still for nearly all your heals (all but one), that is horrible.

This flashpoint also showed me just how bad the nerfs could be. What I find hilarious is they were supposed to be PVP nerfs and I honestly don’t feel nerfed at all in PVP. And I don’t even like PVP. I wish they could’ve made it so it applies to PVP only. They made it so you can’t summon certain things in PVP, would it be that hard to make it so certain nerfs happened only in PVP?

But for the main healing class to essentially need the longest time to cast their big heal? I never realized just how bad that extra second for 2.5 (though, mine is 2.3 on my main character due to Alacrity) was. There are many times where I just barely get it out and I feel horrible. And of course, there are times where I do well and I heal through a missed incinerate or get everyone quickly topped back up, but I’m just terrified. I don’t want people yelling at me for something I can not control.

And don’t even get me started on Noble Sacrifice. In a fight where you are moving around a lot of NEED to stay away from everyone else, you can not be in your AoE heal. And with the healing changes, you can not afford to be healing yourself. If you are the lone healer and have to move a lot or be far away, it can be very hard to keep your force up while making sure you won’t die instantly if an extra enemy or some surrounding traps suddenly smack you in the face.

Once I do get the Mysterious Egg and Midnight Rakling from the flashpoint, I wouldn’t mind never doing it again. Ever.

but yes, back to why this was originally made before I went into a tangent about fears and things… I suck at earning credits and I guess I just wanted to play something (even though I still suck at putting) else for a bit of a break…which really isn’t a break because I’ll be playing SWTOR later anyway once my boyfriend is up *really not feeling well and thus, woke up early*.

…I just need some cheering up πŸ™

From the Patch Notes

“Mysterious, Unusual, and Wondrous Eggs can now be sold on the Galactic Trade Network”

1. THANK GOD. Now I can stalk for Mysterious and Wondrous Eggs. …you know, with all that non-existent money I have .__.
2. This does officially confirm that the Wondrous Egg (and Orochick) is in the game. Now if we can just get some proof as to where.

Tauntaun Ram + Frustration

My Tauntaun Ram came in the mail today! SO CUTE πŸ˜€ I love his little backpack. Was very excited to pick him up.

I had my boyfriend set up the program I use to connect to my computer from my laptop (As I am currently out of state due to working) so I could pick up my Tauntuan. Was super exciting.

However, to my surprise, I got a whisper inviting me to try and form a Gargath group! I explained how due to being out of state, I probably shouldn’t go as I wouldn’t be able to do anything, but they told me to come along anyway as they knew how much I wanted to get Taunling. So, I was slowly moving myself to my ship to go to Hoth when the internet here died.


I could not get it back (Currently using my phone) and I’m beyond upset right now. The chance doesn’t come up much to begin with and I just feel absolutely devastated right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Taunling finally dropped just to spite me :/

blah, I just want to cry.

Edit: They were nice enough to understand what happened T~T (And figured as much). Also, apparently nothing dropped…I still feel bad though.

To Rakghoul or not to Rakghoul: That is the question

At this point, we have gotten everything we’ve wanted (Well, my boyfriend is thinking of collecting the other companion skins for the heck of it) and finished the containment officer outfit, so we’re wondering if we should even still continue? Main reason we’re even debating it is there may be something special at the end, but I really hope they don’t do that. We were hoping to maybe grind up our Imperial alts until we found out that the dailies are essentially…literally dailies. You have to do them each day for the new quests to pop up and with the event ending Tuesday (And I actually have to leave on a trip next week so I will be packing Sunday and Monday), there’s not enough time to do it which is kind of depressing as I know he really wanted the Imperial Containment Suit too (and it’s unfortunately bind on pick-up).

With those out of the way and with Taunlet now gotten, however, that brings us back to just needing groups for the other pets which is a pain to get together and then a lot of them will probably want the pet too and fsl;afkafl;asf;lafs X__x I don’t mind helping people get their pets. I have no issue going back after getting mine and helping them out, but with my horrible drop luck and OCPD, I just like getting them out of the way ASAP. It helps me relax a lot more and then I’m not panicking every 20 10 5 seconds always. At the moment, I’m just sitting by Karagga’s as I haven’t been there in a while and when it comes down to it, I really like doing things in order so if I chose how to get pets, it’d be:

1. Karagga’s Palace – Due to being pre-1.2
2. Taunling – Gargath – World Boss = before Hard Modes
3. Midnight Rakling & Mysterious Egg – HM Lost Island (newest Flashpoint)
4. Wondrous Egg – Still unconfirmed, but supposedly from Explosive Conflict (New operation)

So yeah, I like to take care of them in foremost and then if they came out at the same time…by difficulty since that’s essentially the order I would get them in while leveling up.

In the meantime, my computer is having a mental break down πŸ˜€ And I really need a new computer (and a new laptop as well because apparently the overheating issue is actually a manufacturer error and it could explode :3) which doesn’t help things either.

Besides continuing on my Pet Quest (and keeping the Tauntaun and Rakling/Other unmmentioned 1.2 pets threads updated on the official forums), I’m also continuing to save for Legacy Ship stuff–as for how it’s going, I have about 560K because I really really really suck at this πŸ˜€

Plans are still as follows:
1. Repair Droid – 1 million
2. Neutral GTN – 5 million
3. Mailbox – 500K
4. Both Dummies – 1 million

After that, I’ll probably either go for the Rocket Boots (2 million) or the Twi’lek race (1.5 million) so I get the other colors and can finally remake my Smuggler. I know my boyfriend also wants me to get the Zabrak Race I want to get for my Trooper (1.5 million as well), but if I do my Twi’lek first (most likely–I expect Trooper/Commando will be last for me out of all my characters), I’ll probably go for the rocket boots next. As for character playing, I expect it to be:
1. Sage (My main)
2. Sorcerer (Main Imperial)
3. Smuggler (Scoundrel) or Imperial Agent (Operative)
4. Whichever I don’t do above first
5. Bounty Hunter (Mercenary)
6. Trooper (Commando)

Also, since I’ve been asked why my blogs rarely ever have pictures… I usually type these on my laptop while I’m playing the game on my computer. If I had two screens on my computer, there’d probably be more pictures but since whenever I take a screenshot, it is on my computer and I can’t really minimize the game, it’s just a huge hassle. I’d love to have pictures, but just can’t ATM πŸ™

Oh, and I’m probably going to edit the categories a bit today and make things a bit more orderly. (OCPD, away~)


Big thank you to Vorg for making my Jerky! It took me a while to find it (yes, it is down below), but I’m happy I did πŸ˜€ Taunlet is adorable. I almost was a bit too slow–panicked a bit there. Now I just need Taunling and my Tauntaun collection is complete! It’ll probably take a while for the Orobird and Rakling collections to be complete though πŸ™

Oh, and I have to say, if I ever do finish the new operation, I think I’ll just stay a while and explore. There’s just SO MUCH to see. It’s insane. Would love to just stay for a while and take screenshots.

Various going-on’s for the day~

Firstly, Newly Infected = worst quest. That is horrible T__T *CREEPED OUT FOREVER* Unfortunately, it gives both the chest and belt so if you want both…you have to do it again 😐

Anyway, we’re getting our dailies done a bit late tonight. I had gotten home from work late and while we had planned to start after dinner, I was then brought along to a 16-man Explosive Conflict. This was only my second 16-man and my first time going to Explosive Conflict. We got the first boss down and Denova is just absolutely beautiful. So many waterfalls T~T

But yeah, we may try again later/tomorrow so that could be fun. (And we got another guild invite @-@ Though, as I said, we’re just kind of going solo right now due to depressing feelings)

I was hoping to get Taunlet today–found people who may be able to make it…but my computer crashed while talking to the one person (He made one…but then ate it by mistake πŸ™ Luckily, I had extra stuff but…bleh) and when I got back on, he was gone ._. The other person I just couldn’t catch. I do hope I get it soon.

But yes, that’s mostly what was done today. Not too much. Anyway, I shall hopefully get screenshots up for my character’s page eventually… just need to stop forgetting.

How to get Taunlet

Some people did share when they figured it out πŸ˜€ So big thank you to everyone on the forums. I wish I could’ve helped more, but now I don’t feel like such a failure considering I couldn’t get the hand on the jerky to test around with that @-@

But, the coordinates are: X:834, Y:759. You need to have the buff you get from the Ice Scrabbler Jerky applied which lasts an hour AND the NVSCSS Gun. Specific Details:

Use the Jerky before you enter the little crack. Once you enter, red text saying “A WILD TAUNTAUN APPEARED” will show up (POKEMON BATTLE TIME). Use your NVSCSS to capture the Frightened Taunlet before it goes away to get your new Tauntaun pet.

Honestly, this is adorable and amazing and omgsoexciting. My only issue is that the way to get the jerky is a pain in the butt. I mean, even if you’re Biochem, it’s not like you get it either. I just wish level 37-40-ish mobs could drop it. I think that was part of why it took so long to figure out.

Taunlet is found! …Just not revealed yet :/

…Just not shared yet, however. πŸ™ If you’ve been checking the Tauntaun topic on the forums, you’ll know it was recently found πŸ˜€ However, it hadn’t originally been shared. As for why, it’s because they “do not want to ruin it for those who still want to figure it out”.

I have never understood that excuse. Especially on a forum with spoiler tags no less. If someone doesn’t want to know yet, they do not have to read it. Nobody is forcing them to. It always seemed like a cheap way to try and avoid having to go and tell people.

While another user figured it out as well…apparently the person they tried to find it for did not want them to share the coordinates either right now (though, supposedly a video link will be up in a day). I guess, I just, don’t really understand that? You know people have been trying for ages, I don’t know why someone wouldn’t want to celebrate and let everyone know and be happy the mystery is solved? But maybe that’s just me? Regardless, it makes me feel a little sad…ignoring the sadness that you do need to jerky which I have yet to find anyone on Corellian Run who can make it (or is willing to).

But yes, hopefully full information will be out soon (I’ll update when this happens).

If you can make Ice Scrabbler Jerky and are on Corellian Run, please let me know. Or if you have the schematic, I can give money, jerky, and ice ferns for it. It’d mean SO much to me T~T


As most people know by now, we are currently not in a guild. We have, at the time of writing this, received a total of 7 Republic Guild invites and 2 Imperial Guild invites. We have an idea of who we will end up joining, but the reason we’re not in a guild right now is a very simple reason:

We do not want to bring anyone down.

What happened on Thursday, despite the 1.2 awesomeness, really hit us hard and put a very bitter taste in our mouths towards the game. And it’s very hard to try and just shrug it off. And even a simple reminder of it reminds us why we haven’t joined a new guild yet.

However, it’s a catch-22 because right now, a lot of the stuff there is to do kind of needs a guild (seriously) as finding a pick-up group is a pain. The only other thing for us to do is PVP (Which neither of us care for much. Just trying to get our valor up every so often plus the codexes we need for Novare Coast…I think the interruption one is glitched though), dailies (so cruel–but need to start doing them again for the Black Hole Relic plus speeders…and money. I really want the ship stuff .___. Nearly everything can be two-manned except that heroic in a heroic with the Eshkah on Belsavis), and alts (which I have a lot of trouble being in the mood to play).

So it’s like, with so few things to do, it makes it even harder and more depressing about the old guild drama. At the same time, everything we really want to do needs a guild–and I know there won’t be room for us to raid to begin with as we’ll be the new group. We might be able to fill in…but that’s about it. And that’s kind of depressing.

And it’s like, we don’t want to bring people down. Or be unable to help and just taking space because our attitudes are a bit dampened.

and of course, this just makes pets being random drops even more frustrating as well as everywhere they drop also involves needing to be able to get a group together.

And when it comes down to it, I’m just not very good at it. But we don’t want to bother a guild either with stuff unless they would be all for helping and whatever.

Stupid catch-22’s.
Stupid random drops.
Stupid drama.
Stupid ship stuff being 7.5 million credits.
