Archive | November 2012

Cartel Market Items

So, SWTOR Spy recently put up a list of items that will be in boxes…

I don’t think all of these will be available immediately (someone in the comments says that some are for later) and I noticed some I got on the test server aren’t there as well so I’m not sure what to think…but it does give a bit of idea.

…so many mounts and pets ._.

Edit: So those are apparently the Super Rare items. Which means a good amount of the pets are “Super Rare”. Super Rare = special bonus item not included of the 3/5.

I’m going to go cry 🙁

An interesting Boarding Party

So, we decided to do Boarding Party real quick before we started… We found a sniper looking for a group and invited them, but still no luck finding a tank.

After waiting for who knows how long, we decide to just try and do it with a tank companion.

When we get through several mobs after the first boss, group finder finally pops. We accept, even if it means we will be starting over and off we go…

and the person leaves IMMEDIATELY after we travel there. thus, we do it all over again and are queued for a replacement.

Sometime during several mobs after the second to last boss…we have someone join us for the final mobs and the final boss. XP

We didn’t do too bad though 3-manning so much of it. The 2nd to last boss = pure evil

Mari continuing to play Cellina







be happy I still care and am a nice person and like helping people T__T even if you’re a lying two-faced jerk.

also, Watcher X get out of my head, like I don’t remember your voice. I’d love to know how you’re still alive though, but I guess I didn’t really want to kill you anyway *shrug*


1.5 – November 15th

So, in a week, 1.5 will be upon us. This will bring:

1. Nightmare EC (I will have to add that stupid tank mount to my list. I also have only a week to try and get all the speeders I still need… I don’t see myself getting the Ranked Warzone one–EC HM one is iffy… but I can always try to save for the ones I need to buy*)
2. HK-51 and new dailies + new world boss. I will be on immediately when patch goes up. FYI CERTAIN PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHO THEY ARE.
3. The Cartel Market

So, in Nightmare EC, there was confirmed there would be a pet. I do feel it may be the Wonderous Egg (afterall, how did that rumor start?), but there is no confirmation… if it is though, at least it can be traded so I can just hope someone pities my sad existence outside the doorway.

I’ve already prepared enough gifts to get HK to 10K so yay. I’ll probably be camping myself near where the NPC will spawn the night before so I can grab the quest and head on over to Section X. I don’t really care about getting him geared out right away–I don’t expect to use him much afterall. I just want to see is story.

Still mixed feelings on the Cartel Market. Apparently it will be 5 dollars for 450 Cartel Coins so a bit under a direct transition which kind of stinks.. however, that’s been the kind of thing most cash shops have done lately :/ Still stinks though. I’ll be getting 2800 complementary though… plus a bonus 250 during the actual launch. I still feel it may be slightly off though… and well, I hope that 500 per subscribed month after launch is true. That’d be nice. I plan on buying the speeder and pet available plus 2 of the tops…rest will be spent on packs though.

I just really wish they’d make a list of everything you can get ._. Regardless, I have prepared a trade page and everyone in the Pet Channel is awesome so… shall just hope for the best.

*I have been asked a lot why I didn’t just buy these when they were cheaper. To be honest, if I could, I would have. However, my choices were between stuff that would be GONE and thus, would probably go up to ridiculous points or just the speeders sticking around. In the end, the money went towards the Koreallis Speeders, one of the Prime speeders that was rumored to be going, and to help my boyfriend get his white lightsaber crystal. Sure, I wanted one too, but I knew he wanted it more so that is where all my money went. And it sucks I couldn’t get the speeders at a lower price, but I don’t regret what I did use the credits for.


Got to do Nightmare Pilgrim tonight~ I was going to do TfB, but the person I was filling in for came back. I’m not bothered though–I kind of feel awful tonight 🙁 Allergies are just super bad.

Though, he said if wanted, he’d be more than willing to swap whenever which is really nice 😀 So hopefully maybe I can take him up on that one day~ And then I can gear and stuff. Yay~

Play time~

So yesterday and today, my boyfriend and I worked on our Agent and Bounty Hunter some more :3 We are slowly going through Taris. Chance is nice and not a butthead like the rest of that team full of jerks. Doctor Lokin also seems okay.

Kaliyo is super glitchy though so I’ve started to use Vector. She just…kept aggroing things. Like I’d stealth out and she’d ATTACK SOMETHING WHILE WE WERE IN STEALTH AND KILL IT. WHAT THE HECK, KALIYO? 😐

Besides that, we did Story Mode TfB on our mains today! They ended up needing a healer and one of the tanks was willing to go on his healer and let a DPS tank so both of us could go! 😀 I’ve wanted my boyfriend to be able to do more operations and he DOES need the black hole commendations as he still needs to fix his gear! Unfortunately, the tank-healer had some loading issues at the end so we couldn’t finish 🙁 But I had fun~

Also, by finishing the weekly, I was able to get the first of the implants! Yay!

It’s too bad 1.5 won’t be this week… I’m guessing next week maybe? Oh well, I have lots to do anyway! (now if I just didn’t suck at doing what I need to)

Oh! And yesterday, I helped someone hatch their Orobird egg! <3 I always love helping people hatch their eggs :3 and we spoke about stuff and I helped them with the sandcrawler datacron (and a Sith person who also missed the one you have to drop to! I let him jump to me :3). I love helping~


So, at my grandparents’ house because we still have no power! Thus, I will be quickly doing a livestream to play around with boxes.

I will edit when it is over :3 But recording will stay up so I can further analyze percentages~ yay~

Edit: All done. Didn’t manage to get a Gizka, Vrblett, or Monkey Lizard, sadly. Didn’t really get much new from my last one and still have yet to get a color crystal. I will go ahead and throw this under “wow, my luck sure does suck”.

Edit 2: We have power back now :3