Tag Archive | Goals

Prices, revisited!

Prices, are of course, still unstable right now and subject to change (well, most anyway), but I decided to take some time and update the prices since my last post–not just to keep track of things, but also update on where I am (hint: not far).

Currently, I need roughly 2,220,000 to get all the Speeders before their prices rise. Considering 1.5 million of that is the Exchange Bandit, That leaves just 720K for all the other speeders.

Besides that, the only thing left is for me to get two more Sorveigns from friends (though, a friend of mine thinks I should get a bunch to sell or something–I’d feel bad though) and save up money to actually be used in 1.2. I mean, obviously, there is still the 2.5 million for the white light saber crystal and the 250K for the purple crystal…but I don’t think that will happen. And considering the white would go to Nadia and the purple to Zenith, they’re not as high priority-wise. I also still need that bank slot.

So, before 1.2 totals:
2,220,000 – Speeders
2,500,000 – White Lightsaber Crystal
250,000 – Purple Lightsaber Crystal
+ 400,000 – Bank Slot

So about 5.4 million. And of course, I still want the 200K to make sure I get Taunta (and maybe 100K for repairs and just to have) so that brings it up to about 5.7 million because even though Taunta is technically 1.2…it’s too big of a priority to wait ๐Ÿ˜›

But yes, if I had to narrow it down… it’d be the 300K (Taunta + Safety), plus the 2,220,000 for speeders and then the bank slot for priority. After that, probably either saving up for 1.2 stuff (specifically the ship upgrades) or trying to get those lightsaber crystals.

Going into upcoming 1.2 stuff (minus Taunta):
1,000,000 – Ship Repair Droid
500,000 – Ship Mail Box
1,000,000 – Both Training Dummies (500K each)
5,000,000 – Neutral Trade Terminal
600,000 – All 3 Emergency Fleet Pass Cooldown time Reducers
600,000 – All 3 Quick Travel Cooldown time Reducers
2,000,000 – Rocket Boost
2,500,000 – Both Rocket Boost Cooldown time Reducers
310,000 – All 4 Social Emotes Free!
+ 250,000 – Alignment Ability Free!
13,260,000 12,800,000

Yep… Expensive. I don’t know the price on the valor rank stuff that lets you attack without a weapon (I believe in PVP only), but I don’t really care either. I’ll probably get them eventually though, just to have.

So, priority order:
1. All ship stuff
2. Social Emotes
3. Rocket Boost Unlock

Then probably a tie between the Cooldown Reducers (Probably Quick Travel + Rocket Boost first followed by the Emergency Fleet Pass) and the Alignment Ability.

Regardless, I don’t think I’ll have 13,260,000 (or the roughly 20 million total with both added) before 1.2. Unfortunately.

If I had to pick, I’d probably like at least the 7.5 million for all the ship stuff…and maybe the Social emotes too.

But yes, so if we go with just priority:
2,220,000 – Speeders
400,000 – Bank Slot
1,000,000 – Ship Repair Droid
500,000 – Ship Mail Box
1,000,000 – Both Training Dummies (500K each)
5,000,000 – Neutral Trade Terminal
310,000 – All 4 Social Emotes Free!
+ 300,000 – Taunta + Emergency 100K
10,730,000 10,420,000

…Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to happen ๐Ÿ™
(And if I really had to narrow it down, I’d probably remove the bank slot, as much as I need it, 3 of the Social emotes (so just the dance one left which is 10K), and the Training Dummies (probably the one I’d want to remove the least, actually) which would only drop it to 9,030,000 ๐Ÿ™ (And if I kept the Dummies, just to 10,030,000)

…Blah T___T Being poor sucks. And these don’t even count the price of races! (Which is still like 3 million last I heard so that’d be about 23 million here)

Progress/Amounts Achieved:
300K – Taunta + Emergency 100K – Achieved!


So, Bad Motivator Units invited me to go on a Karagga’s normal run today ๐Ÿ™‚ While neither the pet or car dropped, I’m just happy I got to go and finish the normal version! I got the last two normal codexes I needed and even finished Hutt Hospitality.

It was a lot of fun and I said Thank you a bazillion times and I’m just so happy I could go. Totally made my day T~T

I also got a schematic, some Tionese gloves, a Columni belt (both went to Nadia), and the Perpetual Healing Device which I am using! ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s so awesome. They said it’s the second best one for me ^_^ …I wonder what the first is. (I’m guessing the Relic of Residual Mending with an augment slot though).

Progress vs. Gear

Now, I’m a very organized person. I like going in order and don’t like skipping ahead (I do not care how hard this quest is–I want every quest in the area done before moving to the next one) and want things done a certain way. That’s just how I am. That doesn’t mean I never cut corners (Space Missions and PVP stuff I obviously put off until the end), but in general, especially with PVE, I liked to do things in order. Planets, quests, flash points…and that includes difficulty levels.

That doesn’t mean it’s been completely followed (For example, I did Kaon Under Siege on Hard Mode before Normal Mode), but that was never my choice to do it. And despite doing False Emperor and Kaon, I still have yet to do Battle of Ilum on either difficulty because I can’t find anyone to go with. And I’d be lying to say it didn’t bug me.

I don’t really care too much about gear. I know it’s important, but when it comes to priority…it’s probably 3rd or 4th on my list. 4th if I count Codex Entries and Lore as a separate thing. But yes, so in order:
1. Completion/Progress
2. Collecting (Codexes included)
3. Gear

I do know better gear will make certain things easier…but only harder versions of raids. The level cap isn’t rising yet. The new quests that are coming in 1.2 are just level 50 dailies. Sure, it still makes things easier, but it shouldn’t be priority at this point.

And that is part of why it bothers me so much that the guild, while thankfully finally doing Karagga (even if they still aren’t listening to me completely), seems to just care about gearing up (and more so than not, the ones who are already geared to some extent. Those in the Green/blue gear? Go have fun.). I do have a good amount of Columni–in fact, all I still need are the offhand and main hand. I do not care too much for the main hand as I like my Pink Crystal, but the offhand would probably be helpful. Regardless, since we have Columni, we should apparently just go for Rakata.

But it bothers me that we’re skipping a normal difficulty mode for that kind of reason. What about learning the fight? What about codexes? What about actual progress? Can you really say you just did everything if you skip normal mode? I don’t think so.

And it could be practice. To get the titles from those, you need to be able to down them on Nightmare mode within 2 hours. While you may be the time to just rush into things on the hardest difficulty, isn’t that kind of rash?

You could learn the fight and then learn the new mechanics. Or you could learn everything new while dying much more. We’ve gotten to the 4th boss on normal. We KNOW what we need to do, but they haven’t tried. Do you really expect me to believe you’re going to want to do it on Hard Mode? Are we even going to get there with such few practices on normal?

Target of Target isn’t needed, despite pleas of saying things. Will it make it easier? Sure. But it is not needed.

And the giant fight against normal (soon to be Story mode) not only takes away from some of the experience and learning, but also from the chances to earn things. Some people DO still need Columni even if Rakata is better. And some people just want the experience or the codexes.

Why should everything constantly be put behind the “priority” of gear? Maybe it’s just me, but I’ll always find that a silly concept–after all, what’s the point of better gear if you’re not trying to complete that story in the first place?

Orobirds (Continued) and PVP

So, to start, the Orobird mystery has gotten even bigger beyond just the incubator issue. There has been a confirmation for more than one. I’m guessing besides the Unusual Egg, it’s also the Wondrous and Mysterious Eggs. The Orobird egg is most likely just a data-mined thing. I mean, obviously, it could just be one other egg, maybe not both, or it could even be an egg that’s not even known yet.

The question now is if the eggs are all on Alderaan or if the other one(s) are on [a] different planet(s). Regardless, I had enough mysteries with the incubator and Tauntaun–knowing there’s more Orobirds (and on 8 hour times no less) just makes me more stressed. On the bright side, they are tradeable, so hopefully I could get people to camp places.

Moving on to PVP, I’m 64 and slowly making my way to 65 today. I need to get a total of 4 of the Sorveigns (1 for myself, 3 for friends) which will sadly take a bit due to commendation caps (otherwise I’d surely have enough) and the fact that Mercenary are a pain to get in themselves.

While I’m not a PVP expert, I’ve noticed most losses are due to either being put against people who are obviously better geared and/or should be on a PVP server or silly mistakes. I don’t think I’m good at PVP, but I’d like to think I’ve improved in these last few weeks of grinding the horribleness that it is. So, I decided to put up some things I’ve learned in each of them.

Hutt Ball:
The main issue with Hutt Ball is the fact that it’s incredibly hard to earn medals while actually trying to follow the objectives (Thankfully, this changes in 1.2). Because of this, people have the tendency to forget the actual point of the game–to get the ball to the other team’s goal and score a total of 6 points or just have more points than the other team before the match ends.

Helpful tips:

  • Keep an eye out for team mates. While Passing is hard (so many stuns), it can sometimes help a lot, even if it’s just to allow you to heal back up.
  • Similarly, it doesn’t hurt, if you know your team is following the next bullet on this list, to throw your ball to absolutely no one.
  • Control the middle and where the ball spawns. When a team scores and/or when a pass fails, the ball is respawned by at center. You should always have 2-3 people in the middle. When one takes the ball, have someone replace them if there aren’t people still there and have that one person switch out whenever the original instated middle-people have the ball. (Obviously, if they pass, they can always run back) There is no reason every single person needs to run after the ball carrier. And if the middle is controlled correctly, someone could get a complete scoring streak just by having that one person on the team grab it and continue a chain before someone else can.
  • If possible, make a chain of people to throw to. This isn’t always possible (pushes and death don’t really help), but if people are quick enough, passing along to the goal can be a huge life saver and make things go very quickly (but you probably won’t get many, if any, medals this way until 1.2).
  • Look out for sages! Not only to push them if they are on the other team (unless it’s me. Be nice to me. PVP is like torture to me), but because they could pull you. However, remember it has a 1 minute cooldown so it can’t just be used whenever.
  • If you fall into a pit, your focus’ (after doing your best to stay alive) should always be if there is a sage around to pull you or if someone is near the endzone before trying to walk all the way back. It’s not always necessary and can cost the ball.

Civil War:
This is probably one of the games where you need to move around the most. It’s not necessarily hard, but it really puts a lot of stress into speed and making sure you can take on people properly.

  • The best plan is to send 2 left (right if Imperial), everyone mid, and maybe 1 person right (left if Imperial) to help stall. Obviously, if you know your players are geared enough, you can experiment.
  • The best group to go cap is a Jedi Consular (Force Speed) and someone with a speed boost (For example, Sentinels have Transcendence). Have the speed booster use it near the consular, then jump off and use Force speed to head towards a ramp leading up to the platform. Jump over the little fence and keep your cursor out until it’s yellow letting you know you can click and click ASAP. This should usually help you get the turret before the other side so if middle is a complete stalemate, you should win. (If the other team is ahead, the pressure is on you to get middle as otherwise they will win by just a few seconds) This is why the second person needs to make sure they can stall and keep the others off the consular claiming.
  • You do not need to be right up next to the turret to claim. While it may seem safer and less easy to get hit, which are true in some cases, sometimes doing it a bit away from the turret will cause you to avoid some attacks and still be out of sight.
  • Always fight and keep your eye on the turret! DO NOT CHASE. Last thing you want is someone to sneak in because you are focused on an enemy in the opposite direction or decided to run out and get your kill.
  • If you do manage to get 2 turrets (or even all 3), the best thing to do is have 4 middle and 2 on each side. The 4 can be in the tunnel if you have right over middle, but it helps if people can run back and forth as needed. If you have middle and a side, 2 people should be on the side and at least 3 middle with once again, others just running as needed.
  • Sneaking isn’t bad. If you see them all rushing to help grab something, trying to sneak off towards one they have isn’t bad. Just do your best to sneak in and maybe you’ll score a surprise victory.

This is probably the smallest warzone and also the shortest when it comes to lasting the full time (though, it’ll probably go even quicker when 1.2 happens unless you’re just doing crazy speed runs in Hutt Ball). It has two rounds–one with you attacking and trying to plant the bombs and the other with your team trying to prevent them from planting the bombs.

  • If you are attacking, always try to plant (unless you see someone doing it already–then try stalling). Maybe try switching sides. It helps to tell most people to go one side while others (usually stealth) can sneak to the other. If you don’t try and just focus on killing all the time, you won’t progress and that puts a lot more pressure on the defense phase.
  • If are defending, keep your eyes on the door at all times. It also helps to fight on it as they can’t plant if they are getting hit.
  • If only one bridge is up, try running under the stairs on the other side and heading towards the other door. Sometimes it can slip someone’s mind to protect it and that could score you a quick bomb planting.
  • It is possible to jump the middle gap using force speed (though hard) and possible to hit the terminal for the bridge from nearly any part of the terminal.
  • Like with the turrets in Civil War, you do not need to be right up next to something in order to plant or use something. And in this case, it’s usually a lot more helpful not to be right there next to it.

But most of all, and this is for all of them, DON’T GIVE UP. Them scoring once/planting once/grabbing a turret or two does not mean the end of game. I’ve seen people get all 3 right when the other team was about to win and turn it around. It’s not impossible if you keep putting the effort into it.

And with that…

The final page is up. I know not everything listed is currently available–some who knows when they will come out and others for 1.2, but I wanted to list them regardless. At the very least, it does help. For example, I would need roughly 4,200,000 Credits in order to get all the speeders currently in the game before the price goes up. That’s probably not going to happen though…however, I am trying really hard to get the Baron which is 2 million of that price which leaves only roughly 2,200,000 Credits left.

If I added the final bank slot, that’s 400K more. And of course, I definitely want 200K for Taunta and maybe an extra 100K for repairs and things like that.

And of course, if I did add on the white crystal and purple crystal, which is an extra 2,750,000 Credits… yeah.

So, total is:
4,200,000 (Speeders)
400,000 (Bank)
300,000 (Taunta + Safety amount)
+2,750,000 (Crystals)

Yep. Honestly, if I could, I’d love to have 10 million just on the side and ready–get all that out of the way and then be able to fully focus on 1.2. Supposedly you’d need about 11 million to unlock everything Legacy-wise, but I don’t care too much about getting all the races unlocked. I probably will just unlock the Imperial Zabrak and the Twi’lek to unlock more colors.

So, if we added in the currently listed Legacy prices (ignoring that I really need to get to Legacy 35, if anything)…
3,000,000 (Races)
250,000 (Legacy Alignment Attack)
250,000 (Mailbox)
1,000,000 (Repair Droid)
500,000 (Both Training Dummies)
5,000,000 (Neutral Trade Network)
300,000 (3 Fleet Pass levels)
300,000 (3 Quick Travel Levels)
+ 5,000,000 (Speed Boost)

Yep… That’s more than 11 million so I know those prices are outdated (or heck, maybe the 11 million is. For crying out loud, all may be outdated before 1.2 comes).

So, for max safety, I’d probably want to have 16 million by 1.2. If we could the Math from before… 20 million before 1.2 to get stuff out of the way and be ready for that. …unfortunately, there’s no way that is going to happen.

Priority-wise, I really want all the ship stuff the most which is a total of 7 million. After that, probably the Fleet Pass, Quick Travel, and Speed Boost stuff as I’m not too ready for more alts yet (besides my Sorcerer) and that’s what the races would be for.

But yes, a girl can dream, I suppose.

First real entry.

Well, I’ve been wanting to write for a while and Guild blogs have been down so this is kind of as good a time as any. Even though I can easily keep track in my head, for some reason, I just like to write things down too.

Currently, our days on SWTOR involve doing PVP dailies (as we try to get to 65 Valor) and then sometimes a few other misc. things. Plus a raid if there is one. I don’t care for PVP, nor does my boyfriend, but I do like collecting things and with the Korrealis speeders discontinuing…we do need to get that out of the way. Of course, I still have two others to get. The Baron, which costs 2 million credits, and the Prince, which is an Imperial PVP speeder. I do not see myself getting that, so my hopes are currently lying with one of our guild mates…otherwise, I’ll have to stalk the market and save up even more money. And getting money has never been easy for me.

While it’s true that dailies do exist… they suck and I hate them XP Too repetitive and just not worth it for me. Unless I could like easily get them done in 10 minutes or something. As it is, I’m still having issues with space dailies. I’m just not very good at them.

But yes, for now, my main focus is to make sure I get the Sorveign and Baron speeders before 1.2 at the very least, plus have 200K on hold for Taunta (from the Collector’s Edition Vendor) among a few other things. I’d have liked to get a white lightsaber crystal for Nadia and maybe a purple one for Zenith, but that’s an extra 2,750,000 and I just can’t afford that and I mean they’ll be back eventually (well, white in a few months and purple somehow? Still kind of iffy on the details there).

Other things I’d like to do before 1.2 hits that probably won’t happen:
1. Get as much lore and map clear-ness as possible.
2. Buy some more Advanced Resolve 22 Augments.
3. Maybe Buy some Enhanced Insight 25 stuff. (Critical+Alacrity stuff)
4. Get full Rakata Gear
5. Finish Eternity Vault on Hard Mode (Just Soa to go) and Nightmare mode (Everything but pylons and Solo fight)
6. Finish Karagga on Normal (Fabricator onward), Hard (everything), and Nightmare modes (everything)
7. Do Battle of Ilum, False Emperor, and Kaon on normal.
8. Do Esseles, Directive 7, and Battle of Ilum on Hard mode.
9. Get Legacy to at least 35–preferably 50.
10. Save up to about 10 million or so for various legacy things. (Specific prices will be up on the “When it comes to Collecting” page.)
11. Get the Gold Pet from Karagga’s <--- Pretty much priority along with getting 65 valor and at least about 2,300,000 credits~ (2 million for Baron, 200K for Taunta, 100K so I'm not super poor and can afford repairs) 12. Finish class story (at least the first part) on Test Server for title (already hit level 10). 13. Finish Hoth Bonus Series (About the only main quest series thing I still have v-v; ) 14. Finish up Space Missions and have all the Ship parts. 15. Completely open up all my Storage Bins I will probably set up pages either later today or sometime this weekend regardless. They will mostly be used for checklists, but I suppose the pet page will be helpful to people regardless. Anyway, there isn't too much to say...but my plans for 1.2 at the moment are currently to log off by the Collector's Edition Vendor to immediately buy Taunta then rush over to Voss to try and find the Voss World Boss due to the Mastercraft Magenta schematic...as I want my upgraded pink lightsaber. Also, a little down as this adorable Tauntaun is being given out at PAX East. I will most likely not be going :/ As 3 day tickets are sold out and I can’t justify the price for the hotel, gas, and tickets if I’m just going one day. It’s also Easter weekend which is a big deal in my family. I just hope I can get one somehow.

Now that most of that is out of the way, I will say that the Sorcerer story is interesting and less creepy than the Sage one can be at times, though, I do still prefer my sage. Sorcerer’s grandfather is pretty cool though (I know he’s like a great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather, but I could care less and just saying grandfather is shorter). It’s too bad Lord Zash is going to betray you (too many people say it at this point and I read enough so yeah), but it’s not too surprising I suppose. But she was so nice ๐Ÿ™ Though, I totally called Syo being the first son in the Sage storyline too (okay, maybe not exactly the first son, but I was suspicious of him being evil).

On the bright side, this totally makes my character a noble and thus, I proclaim them Princesses. Because I can.