Patheticness in PVP

So, I was dragged off to do some PVP today. I really do need to work on getting it done so as much as I hate it, I know I have to do it and appreciate the dragging. Someone else who needs dragging is my boyfriend who has to work on his relics already 😛

However, besides some people having disconnect people, there was one match where someone quit because one of the nodes had been taken. Of course, while I got it back very quickly, the person had quit the match (after cursing everyone out) leaving the node they were guarding free to take and that is why we lost because nobody could get over there quick enough.

So, I would like to say that if you quit because a match isn’t going well…just wow. The #1 reason I heard for people quitting a match is because people on their team sucked. But you know what? At least they continued to do the match. At least they tried. I have seen comebacks. I’ve seen people succeed. And if you’re so great, go ahead and turn a match around…but leaving says just the opposite.

And there are SO MANY complaints about people who’s first time it is in PVP at level 50.

…we’re on a PVE server. NOT EVERYONE is going to do PVP. I only do PVP for collection-y issues. I try ridiculously hard even though I hate it with a passion and want to cry everytime someone kills me, but I still try. And there is NOTHING worse than being told off because “omg why didn’t you practice at a lower level”

The only PVP I did at a lower level was the single lower level quest and I NEVER did PVP again after that…at least until level 50 when I was put into the position of codexes (which I kept putting off) and a speeder that would be removed.

And a lot of people have NO interest at doing PVP before 50 because they want all their skills. And no, not everyone will take recruit armor because expertise is stupid if they don’t plan on PVPing all the time, it isn’t as important to them. They’d rather use the money for other things instead.

And guess what? Everyone has to learn at some point. Nobody went in their first time and automatically knew everything. Stop being such a jerk.

Besides, if PVE is so stupid and PVP is so much better, what are you doing rolling on a PVE server in the first place?

I’m sure I’m a bit edgy today. Still feeling sad. Probably going to just go lay down with my face in a pillow now.

Earpiece down!

So, I managed to find someone who could make the Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay! Yay! 😀 I was able to get everything for it (Thank you Anlorn (who is super super super awesome) for the Mandalorian Iron 😛 <3 and the guild for the Grade 8 stuff :3) so just waiting for the person to respond back with it ^___^ They wanted 100K with the materials supplied and that's about the usual so :3 Also, according to Ask Mr. Robot's forum, 1.4 stuff should be up soon :3 so yay! Will be nice to get my stats all set. Right now, at the very least, it is a 5.6 Healing Bonus increase. Slight Crit drop (Still 34% though), but it's actually only 1 point less Crit (and 1 point less Willpower) and the boost to everything else seems better. I'm sure once I get more of the new gear, that'll be back up to where it should be. I think my Crit should be 35% once I get everything, but I suppose we'll see for sure when everything is updated and I can update my page correctly~ in the meantime, people are apparently posting this blog on the forums? (whhhhhy. *dies*) Umm... at least more people care about the cave? 😀 Yay for more cave research!

Eeee :D

I got to join in on 16-man HM tonight 😀 Yay! Tried some cave theories…none yet. Got the 3rd boss down (They had gotten the first two last night) and I even got boots!

So excited 😀 Shall update with how it goes~

Edit: Kephess is so evil T__T


Hardcore vs. Casual

More often than not, I have been described as being at Point A and Point B at the same time. You could say I like to multitask so much, I may just have too many feelings.

I have been referred to both of the above and if you have been reading this (and why are, you guys confuse me, god :P), you may have seen aspects of both yourself.

In general, I am a determined person. I also hate starting things without finishing them. Part of why I hate when new content comes out when I haven’t finished something is that it makes my list even longer, stresses me out more, and then I feel even more behind. I still have 6 million I need to somehow earn not counting added things for alts, the increased prices for speeders since 1.2, and other issues. It sucks, honestly.

But because of that determination, if I start something–whether it be an operation or flashpoint, I would be with the worst group possible and I wouldn’t give up. I would do it all day, I’d stay up all night, and I’d keep doing it until it was done. I don’t like leaving things unfinished. Ever.

Despite that, I think repeating things over and over is stupid. I don’t understand how someone could do dailies more than once. The credits just isn’t worth it enough for me, as much as I need them.

In general, when it comes down to my priorities, Gear and Credits/Commendations are at the bottom of it. Unfortunately, those are the same things needed to actually get my goals. It’s a horrible Catch-22 and while I do work hard on my gear, I really can’t do much with dailies as then I just…don’t want to play. Even if I get like 1 million in just a few days, I would essentially not be playing for about a week because it ruins the game for me. Like, I can’t stress that enough. It just completely kills it for me and I can’t deal with it.

I can somewhat deal with flashpoints and operations (unless it’s EV), but even then it’s still somewhat iffy. It’s for that reason I’m a pretty “all or nothing” person in the fact that I don’t want to keep repeating the same things over and over to just get to where we ended up being stuck before. I just want to keep going and going until we have where we’re stuck down, finish it now, then try and get what we need so we never have to see it again.

I do like to help people though and more often than not, I won’t have an issue helping someone out. Even if I have everything I need~ However, I do not like being used and there are times I may want to do something for myself and I do not like or appreciate being guilt-tripped to go and do someone a favor (and then hear them criticize me).

And as most people know, I do a lot of these things to collect. Knowing there is a possible and actually confirmed pet at the end of TfB waiting for me to repeatedly kill that guy to get it and the cave mystery is driving me crazy that I just can’t experiment with it more is essentially making me nuts. The Orochick upsets me in the fact that it has been CONFIRMED to be ingame and the whole thing is just a mess and I would really appreciate if they could just give me a straight answer on the Orochick being bugged or not.

But regardless, I suppose my go go go go go go until it’s dead and crazy collectiony policy clashes a lot with my repetition sucks, gear is silly and shouldn’t be so important, DAILIES ARE THE DEVIL policy. It also confuses people how much I hate PVP but keep doing it due to Ranked-speederness and the fact that I need 100 Valor for codexes. And it makes me sad when everyone wants to stop 🙁 (which is usually everyone but me but still).

Or even all the speeders when I think some of the colors are super ugly. I mean, I’m not like this in all games (and my boyfriend has pointed out that a “casual” collector would just be happy of a color of each and not care about getting every single one in every single color)–for example, in racing games with garages, I will usually just get one color per car unless there’s another color I REALLY like or something. But this game doesn’t have a crazy crowded garage–it just has an inventory thingy (though, wouldn’t it be cool if you had like…a speeder garage on your ship?).

In general, I’m just… a bit different I suppose. But I guess that just makes me… me.

The longest mission

So, in an attempt to cheer me up, my boyfriend suggested we finish up Chapter 1 on two of our alts. We were in Alderaan (And I have to admit, while I was kind of iffy about Vector, there are some interesting things about him–like his trident. His trident is awesome.) and finishing up there… still sad I didn’t get to have dinner with the Akk Dogs. Akk Dogs are awesome. Stupid backstabbing baroness. Though, the actual stabbing of her by her husband (or well, their army I guess) was a bit surprising.

Moving on, Cellïna’s end of class story mission was ridiculously long. I think it was like an hour between getting there, the HUGE cutscene, the 3-4 fights, and the amount to do in the middle. I’m sure it is shorter if you pick the darkside options, but Cellïna doesn’t let people die, okay? XP

As if the urgency over HEYTHESHIPISGOINGTOEXPLODE wasn’t enough, we then got an alert that the game was going down in 15 minutes. I’m expecting either some fixes to the lag issues and/or the GTN.

Unfortunately, while we did finish mine, my boyfriend’s was unable to be completed (as we ran out of time).

Regardless, our characters are a bit underleveled so we will probably need to go back and hit the things we skipped 🙁

Server Firsts and 1.4

So, if you haven’t noticed, 1.4 is up 😛 While they had one delay, it seemed this went well overall… well, besides the GTN being down and no ETA on when it will be back.

I already changed my offhand and got my new healing skill. Much excitement. Hoping Mr. Robot will have the 1.4 stuff up as I want to update so badly and figure out what I need to aim for 🙁

Unfortunately, the Hazmat Implants are still 350. So much for them being a mistake. That is ridiculous. Seriously. Especially with the changes to BH Commendations. :/ I need 2 of the Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-4 system so if you are a Biochem and learn those and feel like helping me out, let me know? 😀 Since I don’t think I’ll have even 350–let alone 700 anytime soon.

Anyway, while I try to ignore my obvious frustration, I will probably need level 27 stuff (that is 63 right?) so I should try and figure that out. Not to mention due to the whole set bonus by armoring, I will need at least one Advanced Resolve Armoring 27 through the random Hazmat gear off the first boss in HM. That will probably be the main focus, although, getting any of the armorings would be helpful.

In the end, I would at least need 2 made–for my belt and bracers, so I need to hold out for that 🙁 Then worry about getting one for my Top and Hat and Offhand x__x



Regardless, I won’t switch my hat until I do get it as people still keep making such a big deal over this 4-set piece bonus. Oh well, it’s not an issue now. No declines, so may as well just deal with it as with no worry, it’d be silly not to take the bonus (even if I know how to heal without it). While Mr. Robot hasn’t completed updated the Denova Gear (equal to the Dread Guard Gear stat-wise) to reflect the hat and boots armorings correctly, it still has 3/5 right so. And yes, I am using it even if they haven’t properly updated. This blog wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for my OCPD 😛

Unfortunately, I don’t know how long I can just keep holding on to the Rakata Ear Piece. It’s getting behind and Crit + Alacrity isn’t popping up. What I may have to do is switch to a Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-3 Relay (of course, I’ll need to find someone who can make it or get it as a random drop) and then switch out an Aptitude Mod for a Crit mod to get my Crit back. I will need another Augment Kit then, but at least I do have an extra Resolve Augment on me (Actually, I’ll need 3 Augment Kits since I’ll need 2 for the Implants as well…thank god I have enough actual augments) Will be playing around with my stats to see if that will work, anyway. A Mettle Mod 27 actually gives me back the exact crit lost for switching the ear-piece so definitely good. …I suppose maybe I should go and switch the mod already though then and just find a Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay in the meantime. …Does anyone have a Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay they may be selling or they could make?

So, in general, what I need:
Advanced Resolve Armoring 27 x3 (Dread Gear Offhand actually has a 61 armoring) It seems to be roughly the same cost as a 26 armoring (of course, this could be wrong), but at the moment, that means I’ll need (for a total of 3): 30 Durasteel, 18 Mandalorian Iron, 12 Molecular Stabilizer, 6 Synthetic Energy Matrix, and 30 Zal Alloy. EDIT: May just need 1! (10, 6, 4, 2, and 10) Apparently Belt and Bracers can be modifiable.
———-And for my records, specific Advanced Resolve Armoring 27: Head, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Bottoms
Advanced Mettle Mod 27 x5 x4 (-1 if either ear piece mentioned hasn’t been gotten yet)
Advanced Aptitude Mod 27 x3 (+1 if either ear piece mentioned hasn’t been gotten yet)
Advanced Adept Enhancement 27 x4
Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 27 x2
Advanced Battle Enhancement 27 x1
Advanced Resolve Hilt 27 x1
Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-3 Relay
Hazmat Force-healer’s MK-4 System x2 (350 Black Hole Commendations each 🙁 )

What I can use ASAP:
Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay
I already have a Advanced Mettle Mod 26 ready to go so.

…that will add another Augment Kit I need however 🙁 THANK YOU PRONGS FOR THE AUGMENT KITS. <3 DEPENDING ON HOW THE OFFHAND IS (As Mr. Robot doesn’t have that modified yet but you can see my new updated wishlist to get an idea!), may try switching 1 Advanced Adept Enhancement 27 to an Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 27–if it’s still 75% surge, keep the switch…if it’s not, keep the slighter higher surge with the Adept)

moving on, I really wish I could HM TfB. I want that pet so badly. 🙁 But it most likely won’t happen as things never drop from me and when they do, the chance of me losing is pretty high. Only time I won on my first try was the M0-GUL Thrall Droid (and that took forever to drop…and I’ve seen it 3 times since now -_-). Also want to do 16-man HM so I can help with the caveness.

So, now to the first part of my subject: I’ve stressed myself out so much, this is going to be short and sweet: I think Server firsts are silly and people should just work together.

If I wanted a server first for ANYTHING, it’d probably be a certain pet…but it’s not a necessity…and I don’t think I’d care anyway (I’d be too happy just having the pet to care if I was first or not).


Sometimes, I wish there was a better handle on flagging. In general, I am a pretty helpful person. I like healing people when their health is down (even NPCs!) and buffing if I’m buffed and just helping people out.

This also tends to mean I accidentally get flagged a lot. In fact, I remember early on, my boyfriend and I were on Tatooine and suddenly I was buffed by someone! They had a green name and I actually thought they were an NPC. I was all “OMG an NPC buffed me! I didn’t know they could do that!” and without a second thought, buffed them and gave them a bubble. Imagine my surprise (and paranoia) when I suddenly heard a sound and learned I flagged myself for PVP.

Unfortunately, more often than not, I still respond mostly on reflex and thus, do not always notice (I also don’t always have nametags on so). What really upsets me, however, is how many times I’ve been killed on sight for being flagged.

I do not attempt to hurt these people. I do not try and attack them. In fact, there have been times where I just tried to have a nice conversation, somehow manage to accidentally get flagged, and am immediately killed. That sucks. I was trying to be nice and when I don’t even try to do anything and to just get attacked because somehow, my name became green. Or maybe a friend (I have so many friends who keep themselves flagged through Warzones or were on Ilum and then drag me along) was doing something with me or needed help with a quest and I get flagged and it is just miserable.

And what’s worse? When you tell them to leave you alone, you’re laughed at, insulted, ridiculed as they kill you or continue to try to… And honestly? When you do that, you just look like a complete and total butthead.

So, before you go and jump someone just because they’re flagged (obviously, PVP servers are different stories but…), maybe try seeing if they attack you first before making yourself look like a complete and total butt.