
My Codexes

As most people know, I worked really hard on getting my codexes fixed, so this is a list of all the codexes I have XD Including numbers and other things by request @-@ (YOU’RE WELCOME TELANIS). If you’ve checked my codex list and survived by list, you know I’m missing 7 Codexes from Achievements: Epic Enemies (2 which are Survived by ones I should have), 4 PVP codexes (2 which are glitched–1 from Ilum despite having done that while Ilum is still around and the other glitched one is from Novare Coast, the other 2 are from getting my valor rank up), 1 Lore (Tatooine–glitched), and all the new Space Combat ones because I suck at Space Combat.

Anyway, let’s get started :3 And remember, some of these are Jedi Consular only @-@

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Stalking Developer Tracker for Makeb Details :D

So if you usually do not check out the Dev Tracker, I’d recommend doing so 😛

Lately, there’s been lots of interesting tidbits about Makeb and things to come like more on the story of it.

On Talent Trees:

We know you’re all very interested to hear about how the new level cap is going to affect your class, and I wanted to share a little information about the upcoming changes with you. As part of the new content, every skill tree will be expanding and you can expect significant updates. Players will earn a new skill point with each level, and new skills will be available in each skill tree. Additionally, a new active ability will be introduced for each Advanced Class. We’ll have more details about many aspects of Rise of the Hutt Cartel as we approach launch, so keep your eyes on the website and dev tracker!

Part of me is excited and part of me not so much 😛 I wonder what the skill will be… and then I’d have to make room on my bars and yeah @-@ Just lots to do. Though, if I could add points to my existing skills (in case the new one sucks, I see no need for it, or just have some to spare), I’d probably just put another point in Preservation. Other possibilities (though, unlikely) are Egress (although, I’d only see this helpful in PVP), Jedi Resistance, and maybe some of the Force Lift quickness…. I guess we’ll just have to see though. Although, I’m mostly worried about how to organize my bars. And I feel like I may need to save my tree just in case.

For people worried about gear:

! While we can’t address every concern raised in this thread right now, we can reassure you that the gear you’ve obtained in our current endgame will continue to be relevant after the expansion is released, and it will provide a great bootstrap into the higher-level content offered by Rise of the Hutt Cartel. You won’t be replacing your Dread Guard gear with gear you pick up as you level, and thanks to improvements in the way item power is calculated, we won’t be handing out any entry-level gear at the new level cap.

To be honest, I’m more wondering how things may scale, if they scale at all. Will HM Flash Points and current Operations still be 50? Honestly, I’d prefer it that way (and it’d probably be more fair to people who haven’t hit 50 yet), but I’m sure a lot of people will complain about that… still, it’d make Vanity Item questing less torturous. Stupid drop rates.

On what Makeb has to offer:

To give you all a better idea of Makeb’s scope, it’s a planet of equal size to our larger planets and it contains a variety of areas – sprawling mesas, underground caverns, garden estates, and more. It introduces faction-specific storylines, new Heroic missions and bosses, repeatable mission series, and new Datacrons! The 5 new levels will occupy players for a fair amount of time, and there’s plenty of content to get you there (including a lot of stuff tucked away for the explorers out there). Keep in mind that this announcement is just the start – as we approach Makeb’s launch, you’ll see more details about the content coming with Rise of the Hutt Cartel!

OMGNEWDATACRONSYAY. DATACRONS 😀 DATACRONS. YAY FOR MORE DATACRONS. Oh and story and stuff :3 and probably new codexes~ And Garden Estates sound pretty. Especially if I can have one.

Regardless, if I wasn’t excited before, I am even more so now <3 Just hope more information (and a specific date) comes out soon. I WILL BE UP IMMEDIATELY THAT MORNING TO GET IN AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE 😀 SO EXCITED OMG.

1.5 Data Dump – More pets may be coming? + Story Mode Ops

Or being updated. A LOT of these match current pets so… of course, this could also mean new colors for some but… ANYWAY, quick list:

1. Acklay/Lylek x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
2. Battle Droid x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
3. Orobird x6 – 3 were added in 1.2, although, one is still missing.
4. Blurrg x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
5. Akk Dog x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4 and 3 released in 1.3
6. Horranth x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
7. Dragonbat x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
8. Flutterplume x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
9. Gizka x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
10. Gree Larva x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4 and the Deep Wriggler did come out at the least.
11. Manka Cat x14 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
12. Monkey Lizard x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4 and still one confirmed to be for the Cartel Shop.
13. Mouse Droid x2 – There is a chance this could refer to the TOR-CE from Beta or the normal Mouse Droid that has been available since live.
14. Mouse Droid/Minimech Collector’s Edition x2 – Could be the Minimech CE (since live) or TOR-CE from Beta (which was rumored to be the original CE pet)
15. “Karagga’s Mouse Droid” x2 – Most likely referring to the M0-GUL Thrall Droid which was added in 1.1. I really don’t think (and hope not) that there’d be another which makes me continue these are just updates to make them look better over new pets (or at least overall)
16. Mouse Droid/Sandcrawler x3 – Probably referring to either the Mouse Droid and/or Little Sandcrawler which have both been out since live.
17. Probes x12 – Most likely referring to the probes mentioned in Data Dump 1.4 and the Interrogation Droid that has been out since live.
18. Rakghoul x6 – Added in 1.2. All 3 were released so this could possibly be more colors or, well, like I said…updated graphics.
19. Tauntaun x10 – Added in 1.2. All 5 were released–although, Smelly from Beta has technically not been (however, people say Tauntaun Ram is just Smelly renamed)
20. Vrblthr x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
21. Womprat x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4
22. Wraid/Lobel x6 – Mentioned in Data Dump 1.4. Also Lobels were released in 1.3–2/3 have been able to be gotten with the Lobelode still not released yet.

As usual, I won’t really list anything until I see a more…understandable list on some of the databases, but as much as I love pets…that is a lot. Just…so much. And if the majority aren’t upcoming for the Cartel Shop… I’m not sure how they will be gotten. For reference, here is the 1.4 Data Dump. Due to the fact that there really isn’t anything new (of course, more colors are an option), I do feel this may just be a graphic update over brand new pets.

Going to the latter subject real quick, I was dragged into a random story mode operation for commendations…after dealing with lots of glitches, we managed to get KP. However, rather than Bonethrasher 1-shotting the Band, they came down and actually began to help us fight. It was kind of awesome. I made sure to heal them too (which was harder than it sounds when you’re the only healer to begin with). If only my screenshots worked 🙁

Also helping people with the +10 datacron now <3

If you’d like the specific data dump lines from this place, here are the pet ones: Continue reading

Datacrons + Disappointment

If you don’t mind not leveling super fast, it doesn’t hurt to go a bit out of your way to get datacrons. The reason I say this is because something I noticed when going back to help people with datacrons…it feels like it takes forever.

If you keep an eye out for where datacrons should be while heading there, it is actually a bit shorter since a turn out of your way and then back to your quests isn’t so crazy as going all over and deeper and then the long ride to a whole other section of a planet (or off it) when you finished it a long time ago.

Regardless, I still like helping, but I’m glad we did it the way we did on our main characters. Going back for some on Amidaia will suck 😛

Now, moving on to the latter part of my subject…I know a lot of people knew I was working very hard to save up for the Zabrak race so I could make Zoara, right?

I hit the 1.5 million so I asked my boyfriend to lend me 150K so I wouldn’t be completely poor. He did as he was excited too. I buy the race, I delete place-holder Zoara, I go to make permanent Zoara and there’s a problem. I noticed that when you had something special unlocked with Twi’lek, there were little yellow lines (along with the text being a glowy yellow with a little shield icon) where the unlocked stuff were–these were not there for Zabrak. I shrugged it off and went through the skins but nothing. No pink skin at all.

So, I hop on the Imperial side and check classes that normally do not have Zabrak as an option (Like Imperial Agent). They have just the Republic options. When I check a class that normally does (for example, Sith Warrior), they just have the Imperial options. It’s…very odd. I had no issues with unlocking Twi’lek, but Zabrak seems to be a mess. I went and sent a bug report in 🙁

I just hope they can fix it ASAP or like activate something in the background for it rather than having to wait for a patch…because next patch, the Vendor is being removed and I’ll feel…really bad. Just need to hope there’s some support around to answer my ticket today 🙁 Shall be online most of the day praying for it, really~

Too many flashpoints/operations X__x

So today, besides contacting customer support (as seen below), I put up my Advanced Black-Green Hawkeye Crystal (if you’re in Corellian Run, do think of buying it >>) and then decided I’d go Area Quest hunting! …except I was all alone so I got bored 🙁 not to mention there are actually no good guides for Area Quests surprisingly. I remember when I found that random one in Hoth and I can’t even find that one anywhere.

I’d probably make an Area Quest guide myself, but it’d require so much backtracking and all my other characters are just really low right now 🙁 But, if I can afford my Trooper, maybe I can make one then? (Plus an Imperial one with my Bounty Hunter)

Anyway, I was dragged off to an Operation by Stoic…then a flashpoint then a flashpoint by some friends in my current guild then another flashpoint by Stoic and another and omgsomany. I really hate repeating things >> but at least it was with people I like.

I may start joining in with those few people on Sunday to try doing HM EC. While I don’t mind dying for learning, I don’t know if I can afford repairs 🙁 credits allude me. But at least I feel wanted.

Moving on, I am now helping a friend with datacrons so yay~