
Another Dreadtooth down!

Thanks to Telanis, I got invited along and got him down at 4 stacks! ๐Ÿ˜€ It took a few tries (I think we could’ve gotten it in 2 if it wasn’t for some of the glitches we had), but we did it! And I got a new codex: CORRUPTED.

Now, after speaking to Netto, he said he didn’t get any new codex with 2 but got Corrupted with 3. So, I believe Normal is 1-2 Stacks, Corrupted is 3-4 stacks, 5-6 Stacks is Frenzied, and 7 Stacks is Nightmareish. He can’t have more than 7 stacks so… I know this was kind of debated on, but I feel it’s a bit more confirmed now.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the 7 stack is also where the amulet may drop, if it does drop from him.

SO MUCH SPECULATION T~T I do wonder if a team of 24 right now could get Dreadtooth down on 7 stacks or if they have been planning for that level increase this entire time…

My Codexes

As most people know, I worked really hard on getting my codexes fixed, so this is a list of all the codexes I have XD Including numbers and other things by request @-@ (YOU’RE WELCOME TELANIS). If you’ve checked my codex list and survived by list, you know I’m missing 7 Codexes from Achievements: Epic Enemies (2 which are Survived by ones I should have), 4 PVP codexes (2 which are glitched–1 from Ilum despite having done that while Ilum is still around and the other glitched one is from Novare Coast, the other 2 are from getting my valor rank up), 1 Lore (Tatooine–glitched), and all the new Space Combat ones because I suck at Space Combat.

Anyway, let’s get started :3 And remember, some of these are Jedi Consular only @-@

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Stalking Developer Tracker for Makeb Details :D

So if you usually do not check out the Dev Tracker, I’d recommend doing so ๐Ÿ˜›

Lately, there’s been lots of interesting tidbits about Makeb and things to come like more on the story of it.

On Talent Trees:

We know you’re all very interested to hear about how the new level cap is going to affect your class, and I wanted to share a little information about the upcoming changes with you. As part of the new content, every skill tree will be expanding and you can expect significant updates. Players will earn a new skill point with each level, and new skills will be available in each skill tree. Additionally, a new active ability will be introduced for each Advanced Class. We’ll have more details about many aspects of Rise of the Hutt Cartel as we approach launch, so keep your eyes on the website and dev tracker!

Part of me is excited and part of me not so much ๐Ÿ˜› I wonder what the skill will be… and then I’d have to make room on my bars and yeah @-@ Just lots to do. Though, if I could add points to my existing skills (in case the new one sucks, I see no need for it, or just have some to spare), I’d probably just put another point in Preservation. Other possibilities (though, unlikely) are Egress (although, I’d only see this helpful in PVP), Jedi Resistance, and maybe some of the Force Lift quickness…. I guess we’ll just have to see though. Although, I’m mostly worried about how to organize my bars. And I feel like I may need to save my tree just in case.

For people worried about gear:

! While we can’t address every concern raised in this thread right now, we can reassure you that the gear you’ve obtained in our current endgame will continue to be relevant after the expansion is released, and it will provide a great bootstrap into the higher-level content offered by Rise of the Hutt Cartel. You won’t be replacing your Dread Guard gear with gear you pick up as you level, and thanks to improvements in the way item power is calculated, we won’t be handing out any entry-level gear at the new level cap.

To be honest, I’m more wondering how things may scale, if they scale at all. Will HM Flash Points and current Operations still be 50? Honestly, I’d prefer it that way (and it’d probably be more fair to people who haven’t hit 50 yet), but I’m sure a lot of people will complain about that… still, it’d make Vanity Item questing less torturous. Stupid drop rates.

On what Makeb has to offer:

To give you all a better idea of Makeb’s scope, it’s a planet of equal size to our larger planets and it contains a variety of areas โ€“ sprawling mesas, underground caverns, garden estates, and more. It introduces faction-specific storylines, new Heroic missions and bosses, repeatable mission series, and new Datacrons! The 5 new levels will occupy players for a fair amount of time, and there’s plenty of content to get you there (including a lot of stuff tucked away for the explorers out there). Keep in mind that this announcement is just the start โ€“ as we approach Makeb’s launch, you’ll see more details about the content coming with Rise of the Hutt Cartel!

OMGNEWDATACRONSYAY. DATACRONS ๐Ÿ˜€ DATACRONS. YAY FOR MORE DATACRONS. Oh and story and stuff :3 and probably new codexes~ And Garden Estates sound pretty. Especially if I can have one.

Regardless, if I wasn’t excited before, I am even more so now <3 Just hope more information (and a specific date) comes out soon. I WILL BE UP IMMEDIATELY THAT MORNING TO GET IN AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE ๐Ÿ˜€ SO EXCITED OMG.

Dreadtooth, Alts, and things

First of all, I am starting to give up hope on the Tundra Nekarr Cat ever going down ๐Ÿ™ WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME? Oh, you have money finally? NOW YOU WILL STILL NOT BE ABLE TO AFFORD IT (and/or never see it in the first place).

Moving on, I really wish I could stalk Dreadtooth for groups. See, these are the things I’d usually do, but he has that stupid debuff to everyone outside the group that pulls and has pretty big aggro range (he chased after me at least 3 times now) so it’s just…not really a great area to watch ๐Ÿ™ I still need all his codexes though and haven’t even gotten to fight him once… just bleh. If I could camp him and solo him, I’d spend the day doing that–fighting him from 1-5 or maybe higher for testing loot and theories and things. But finding a group of 24 to do that is fairly unlikely. Nobody really cares about those things and I’m sure the cave would be solved if people were up for more experimenting

I don’t really like depending on people so I don’t ask for favors very much. Mostly because there isn’t much I can usually do to repay the person in the first place. Of course, MMOs require a lot of working together…but I’ve noticed most of the time, nobody has that same curiousity that I do. They just shrug it off and that’s it which means I’ll be alone again. Maybe it may be silly, but is there anything wrong with partaking in an adventure every now and then?

Regardless, hopefully we’ll get Amidaia and Revenent done and then we will probably get on Cellina and Valda…. or maybe I can convince him to help Speederisk 1 and 2 *bricked*

But yes, just trying to keep my hopes up… TUNDRA NEKARR CAT GO DOWN ALREADY GOD.

and I still have to finish space missions too…but…space missions ._.

Pets and Surviving

So, I logged on to discover… MAILS FILLED WITH PETS ๐Ÿ˜€ THANK YOOOOU T~T <3 Now, I just have the Speckled Blurrg and Tundra Nekarr Cat to go for pets ๐Ÿ˜€ Yay! Also got a Remote Control Spaceship <3 And the Mounts are down a bit more... to like 3 million. Title is like 200K. It's nice to feel progress <3 Besides that, due to some discussion on certain codexes... why are the "Survived" codexes so buggy? Some I obviously won't have yet, but others... not so much. Ones I am missing ( Bolded with a * means I should have it -_-): Survived: Warlord Kephess (Nightmare Mode) Survived: Terror from Beyond (Story) *
Survived: Kephess the Undying (Story) *

Survived: Colonel Vorgath (Nightmare Mode) Got it! ๐Ÿ˜€
Survived: Firebrand and Stormcaller Tanks (Nightmare Mode) Got it! Yay!
Survived: Operator IX (Hard Mode) *
Survived: The Dread Guards (Hard Mode) *

Survived: Writhing Horror (Hard Mode) *
Survived: Terror from Beyond (Hard Mode) *
Survived: Kephess the Undying (Hard Mode) *

And of course, Customer Support can’t fix achievement ones :/ Why I still have 2 bugged PVP… …I really should try and win that stupid match and hit valor rank 100 ._. but ew pvp. I know if I do the operations enough, the survived ones SHOULD activate eventually… but I hate repetition .___.

In a different note, I wish there was a good way people in the pet channel could post what pets and stuff they still need ๐Ÿ™

and now back to NM EC

Mari does NM EC – Take 2!

So, I am doing NM EC tonight @-@ and am super scared. We got Zorn and Toth down but it was super scary and there were only 4 of us near the end and I was healing by myself and omgsoscary ๐Ÿ™ BUT WE DID IT! So one new codex! Yay!

Now we’re going to do Nightmare Pilgrim <3 Edit: OMG T~T So, a nice person on the fleet gave me 3 pets! SO AWESOME. So now I have a Micro-Patroller Droid, a Micro-Defender Droid, and a Mottled Blurrg ๐Ÿ˜€ Shall upload with their pictures later tonight <3 So, pets still needed: -Tundra Nekarr Cat -Speckled Blurrg -Lurked Blurrg -Micro-Aggressor Droid -Green-Spotted Gizka But yay for progress T~T Edit 2: NM EC is evil and I hate it ._.

TfB HM @-@ + Gear Progress

So, I was taken to TfB HM tonight as the usual sage is away this week. I wish I could say I did awesome, but I know I was kind of off. My reflexes were kind of iffy due to my sinus headache so my overheal was worse than usual (I’m pretty good at healing but not so much making sure I don’t heal someone to death) ๐Ÿ™ Will probably head to bed soon. Regardless, I did have fun~

Also, Drummer said something really sweet T~T <3 Which made my night~ Annnnd I got the mainhand! Which removes 3 things from my list of horribleness. We will be attempting EC NM tomorrow… I’m scared @-@

And I got another codex from Ancient Hypergate…another from the cubes @-@ Just need to win a match and I should (hopefully) be done.

Finally, going to Cartel Market-ness again… there’s also another throne: Dominatorโ€™s Command Throne -_- At least it doesn’t look like there are anymore pets… but I’m still paranoid ๐Ÿ™

Anyway, new gear needed list: Continue reading

Ancient Hypergates

Well, I seem to have a better idea of it now… god, I hate it :/ I got codexes for getting the Gree Orbs to a Pylon, getting a pylon, and shielding from an explosion… Considering the Gree Orbs weren’t listed on the site I looked at, I’m paranoid.

Regardless, I still need to win a match v-v bleh.

At least we had an awesome Voidstar… got 20 Gold Medals–most I ever had.

Edit: Finally got another Ancient Hypergate match and my entire game freezes and disconnects me T___T *goes to curl into a ball*

1.6 and things

So, Tuesday is 1.6. It’s also the fireworks and I’m pretty sure it’ll probably be any special Cartel Market items or Anniversary/Life Day stuff (and if not, Life Day will probably be either next week or the week after).

I’m kind of excited, but I’m mostly stressing. Still have incomplete goals (Speeders, Gear, Codexes, Dreadtooth…) and I’m going to have to add on to the codexes :/ Should probably look up and see what Ancient Hypergates has…

I’m worried they may actually remove past cartel boxes when they add in new ones which would cause more prices to raise… And with the throne finally under 2 million, I’d rather not see it shoot back up.

Shall try and stay positive @-@ but mostly just paranoid ๐Ÿ™ As it is, I have to work that day so I may not be able to see it right away. There’s a chance it may even be up early even though delays seem more common.

Anyway, Ancient Hypergate codexes:
Ancient Hypergate: Captured a Pylon
Ancient Hypergate: Took Cover from Explosion
Ancient Hypergate: Won a Match

Unfortunately, I still don’t understand Ancient Hypergates as well, but I know the warzone is going to suck as a healer :/

and now I am dragged off to EC HM T~T I guess I can hope for the mount at least…

…I wish they’d remove the ranked requirement on that one stupid speeder ._.

EDIT: EEEE ๐Ÿ˜€ I GOT THE HM EC MOUNT YAY! <3 Edit 2: ack, forgot about the new space missions... will probably pick them all up and cry