Archive | December 2012

Don’t worry, I’m still here :P

A few people have noticed I haven’t been on much…the reason for this is actually because I’ve been sick. I wasn’t feeling too well when the TfB run was happening and while we didn’t finish (we did start late), I was doing pretty miserable by the end of it and I ended up getting worse than I expected. Regardless, I am okay (allergies are just evil) and getting better! So I look forward to playing more soon~

However, despite not being on too much, things have been a bit crazy and I’m just wishing it’d stop. I seem to be cursed with these kinds of things and I’m pretty tempted to just… stop being in guilds altogether. It’s just depressing at this point.

stupid raids needing guilds and junk.

Crates + Wonderousness

So, apparently the Czerka Crate-o-Matic has been going for crazy prices. Not only is one up for 250 million, but apparently one sold for 90 million. Dear god. I don’t know how I managed to get mine for a million.

Besides that, despite the Wonderous Egg being said not to exist, there’s still a few people going around saying they swore they saw one. While I can understand people mixing up the birds, which bird comes from which egg, and/or where each egg comes from, mixing up the words Unusual, Mysterious, and Wonderous is a bit harder.

I just wish more could be done about it. Unfortunately, nobody knows the names of people who sold them…or if they even sold and if they did, who bought them, it’s just a giant mess.

…and I’ll admit, part of me is still paranoid ._.

and now stuck PVPing @-@ but I hit 80 valor! Yay!

Progressing slowly

We didn’t get too much done on our characters yesterday, though, I think Cellina is in the last stretch of her story quest on Belsavis. I was kind of confused though when I got all these letters about SCORPIO from Vector though… Vector, we don’t have her yet ๐Ÿ™

I’d like to think we’ll be finished with Belsavis the next time we play [those characters].

Eeee T~T

First of all, Happy Christmas Eve to everyone! …or if you’re seeing this on the 25th, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Or if you don’t celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays/Happy Life Day! ๐Ÿ˜€

I just wanted to say Thank you to everyone who gave Holiday wishes T~T And Thank you Mirin for the lovely gifts! <3 I love them muchly ๐Ÿ˜€ *PUTTING ON HER NEW EARPIECE NOW* YAY FOR PET CARE PACKAGES <3 Wriggles has decided to celebrate in various ways:


And now, to work on Cellina a bit too ๐Ÿ˜€ and then head to bed to wake up to gifts from Santa! yay! <3 ...or whoever gives gifts for Life Day? (Dear Devs, I would really really really really really really really really really like a Ubrikki War Rider (because PVP is stupid) and/or a Wonderous Egg, please. Love, Mari. P.S. I will also be happy with credits of any amount because I suck at earning them and then I can run around fleet throwing credits and stuff at people. P.P.S. A Princess title or light pink version of Elegant Outfit = also acceptable. :P)

Some Progress on Miisha

Decided to work on Miisha with Mar-gon’s DPS Vanguard yesterday. Originally, we had planned to level them with a friend of his…but let’s just say that didn’t end well.

Thanks to Telanis, Miisha now has the Ice Scrabbler Jerky recipe ๐Ÿ˜€ so once she gets up more, hopefully I will be able to hand those out randomly to pet collectors <3 Anyway, we finished up Taris and will probably skip the bonus series there... Taris and Balmorra are our least favorite planets so... less time we need to spend there, the better. In the meantime, I did buy some Grade 7 Ship Parts as they have gone down a lot (all were under 100K)... Only one I still need is the Laser Cannons, but I didn’t see that up sadly. It costs 500 Fleet Commendations to get (or is 550 Cartel Coins for the Offensive Bundle). Found one on the GTN ๐Ÿ˜€ (also for under 100K) Yay!

Diplomat’s Meditation Chair is staying anywhere between 2.5 million to 3 million. Similarly, the Dominator’s Command Throne is staying around 1.5-2 million so I’ll need to just save up for those as it doesn’t look like they will drop anytime soon.

The White Crystal’s price doesn’t really surprise me considering it was originally 2.5 million to get one anyway. But yeah, chances are I never will get one.

Stupid expensive things ๐Ÿ™

Malgus’ New Power

So, apparently, Darth Malgus can bring people back from the dead.

More or less, I was helping Duhtect with his random HM Flashpoint and Mar-gon came along too ๐Ÿ˜€ So, we just needed a tank and we got a pop right away, but that tank never accepted… second pop and we went and it began!

unfortunately, our tank wasn’t too great. Mar-gon and Duhtect were constantly taking aggro and even I took it once or twice. Regardless, he tried really hard!

Anyway, we got to Darth Malgus and I asked if we were doing the pillars or stairs strategy. He says pillars so I headed over and got myself situated…only for our tank to be pushed off the bridge to his death ๐Ÿ˜

We get the *NAME* HAS BEEN DEFEATED message and figure we can just try and 3-man it or something since Duhtect was on his Vanguard….when suddenly, the tank reappears. It was his turn first for the whole “face Malgus alone” junk and it RESURRECTED HIM FROM THE DEAD.

You learn something new everyday.

Anniversary Picture!

Sure, we TECHNICALLY started playing SWTOR the first day of Early Start (and even got in the first batch) and TECHNICALLY our real life dating anniversary is the 20th, but I had fun taking a picture anyway for their anniversary photo thingys ๐Ÿ˜›




Duhtect surprised me with a Tundra Nekarr Cat! T~T WHICH MEANS MY PET COLLECTION IS COMPLETE AGAIN. YAAAAY.


And now we’re doing HM TfB @-@ I got gloves and all the HM Survived by titles so yay! Too bad it’s not a DKP run though–maybe I could’ve used some of it already. ๐Ÿ˜› But oh well, at least I got something.

And then we even went to Dreadtooth ๐Ÿ˜€ YAYNESS. And Tourch was nice and gave me the mask so now I have part of the puzzle! WOO.

And even my boyfriend got to come <3