Archive | October 11, 2012


Today really hasn’t gone as planned 🙁 But the HK-51 quest looks REALLY awesome. Can’t wait for that.

However, it sounds like the World Boss will be a pain to get all the codexes of. Will have to stalk it or something I guess.

And from what I heard, Nightmare EC is (unsurprisingly) REALLY hard. Hopefully it works out okay though as due to the lack of character transfers, I don’t think many people will be able to test 🙁


So here I am at NYCC and I hear 1.5 is out on the test server…sheesh, that was fast. Guess they really are doing that 6 weeks thing.

I am expecting 1.5 when free to play comes out. Soooo patching when I get home, plus keeping an eye out for NM EC stuff…need to see what the pet is from there.

Anyway, time to figure out what to do… sorry for typos *on cellphone*


Got to go into TfB today surprisingly. I wasn’t supposed to but something came up so I was brought along.

Unfortunately, this will also be my last go. Not just because I will be busy tomorrow (not that I’d have been taken to go on 8-man anyway), but because 3 sages is just not…good to take on HM 16-man TfB. I’ll just glare about the nerf I guess and wish I was a better healer so that wouldn’t matter. But I suppose I won’t ever be good enough and thus, my Deep Wriggler dreams will be put off much much longer 🙁 (and my stress will grow and I shall probably get more sad)

On a happier note, Prongs is awesome and helped me get this beautiful legacy ship stuff and I wish I could be as happy as I should be (and I know I’ll be ecstatic later), but right now, I don’t think anyone would believe these tears are “happy”.


and why can’t sages be considered as awesome as scoundrels and commandos ._.