Archive | August 2012

New Header

Yep. I did say I’d be getting a new header up sometime soon and Sakonma finished the art I commissioned sooooo 😀

So pretty <3 I'll probably keep this header for a long time or maybe do a random header with various pieces of artwork if I ever get more. Actually, that idea could work especially if I get art of my other characters. Speaking of which, as to why I do not have any art of my other characters... I don't want to get any art of them until I'm sure of what they'll be in and what they will be keeping so it's going to take a while. Like I definitely want to keep the shirt style Amidaia is wearing, but I did see a redder one and if I can find an orange version of that, well… Looking through databases isn’t super easy as a lot of icons are wrong sadly 🙁 And while her shirt and skirt will be good, as will her lightsaber,–it’s still a matter of gloves, boots, bracers, and etc.

Most of the other characters, while I have their tops thought out…nothing else yet (with a few exceptions like Zoara’s pants). And heck, Zoara still needs 1.5 million to be made. I also can’t really get any good pictures yet since most of them aren’t high enough to wear what I want them in 😛 And I wouldn’t want to confuse an artist so I’d rather wait until it’s all ready.

…not to mention I don’t have the money to commission that many pictures in the first place (because I have no art talent at all).

In which I was right

So, the HM Team is up and it is as I expected. The two Healers I expected (both of which don’t care for me), the Tank I expected (who hates me) and I am officially not even back up.

I’m mixed honestly. On the bright side, I don’t have to decline now if they ask. On the otherhand, for obvious reasons, I’m upset.

Thanks for forcing me to change my outfit for absolutely nothing now. Sorry all that work and trying was for nothing because apparently you can only be serious with a set bonus.

Risha = Miisha’s BFF

So, just finished Coruscant and got my ship! Yay! The ship is pretty neat–though very orange. Wish I could’ve had the guy make it pink 😛

Risha is pretty cool. I really like her outfit and hope she keeps it. I didn’t know she was a brunette–I’ve only really seen her with blonde hair. I guess that’s a customization.

Also, I love the Gonk Droid and Male Shanjaru Beast on the ship T~T I hope they don’t have to go and that they make a Vanity Pet of the Shanjaru Beast. (and maybe the Gonk Droid too)

The guy in the carbonite is kind of creepy though.


So much ugh.

So, if last week’s run was bad, this week has managed to top it. About half of each raid group was missing so we ended up doing some mixing and matching and it just…wasn’t very good. Our other tank didn’t seem to know what they were doing a few times (and thus, at the tanks as they got out of my sight, it was totally my fault for not healing enough 😐 STILL CAN’T SEE THROUGH LOGS/TREES).

And after we got the tanks down (took us 2 hours to get to that point), when one of our DPS had to go, it was used as an excuse to stop…even though we had another DPS on who could come. So we just went to the chest for commendations and stopped since nobody else wanted to continue. And I just hate that attitude. Seriously.

As it is, most of my credits are now gone too thanks to repairs. It was just horrible.

Moving on, besides not feeling like an officer whatsoever (It seems it’s mostly the GM, the co-GM and then a officer who was supposed to be temporary who end up doing all the talking about junk), there is a “selective” HM EC group happening on Thursday.

I…hate that. I really don’t like Elitism at all. So, I already figured my boyfriend and I are not going. Eventually, as we may be heading down to VA on Thursday (most likely Friday, but maybe Thursday) and I was asked if I wanted to do a HM run by someone else due to us doing story mode today, I decided to ask.

The response? For my boyfriend, no. For me, I was one of the “unconfirmed” slots. Aka a maybe. And since they never asked me, that means:
1. Either they need to talk and see if anyone would mind (And I’m sure I can guess some of the people in the group and thus, who would mind)
2. They have better healers in mind and are waiting to hear back.

Even if I do get picked, just because I can tell I’m not really a definite choice and the fact that they kicked my boyfriend to the curb, I will probably decline it. I just…don’t like that. At all.

So maybe I’ll do HM with a different group on Thursday. If I do it at all. However, if I do, I just hope I don’t disappoint them.

Besides that, as expected with the news (see last entry), some people are just being obnoxious jerks. Including friends. Some are excited to play, others are kind of okay and are looking forward to playing just not with you and others are being complete buttheads. And that’s really what’s upsetting me.