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Cartel Pack opening post!

Because a new pack means another day where I torment myself and fail miserably trying to get what I want. And stream live to remember my failures :3 Over!

THE GOAL ITEMS (note: items from past packs that are still needed are not listed):
Silver-Blue x2 (One Crit (for my boyfriend), one anything but expertise (for me))
Thana Veshโ€™s Armor Set (Boyfriend’s request) (Gotten so far: Boots, Leggings)
Troublemaker’s Armor Set (Boyfriend’s request) (Gotten so far: Boots, Pants)
BL-N3 Power Droid
Bloodhusk Lylek
Model XS Freighter (One for me, one for my boyfriend :P)
Music Therapy Probe
Czerka Desert Special
Cartel Hedonist Skiff
Cartel Decadent Skiff
Gurian Lightning
Mood: Goofy
Emote: Fist Pump
Emote: Groove
Emote: Beach Party
Revan Holostatue (Boyfriend’s request)
Contraband Collector
Vice Commandment

Pets are highest priority followed by mounts. So let’s see how this goes…

PACK #1:
Title: Vice Commandment
Thul Statemen’s Upper Body Armor

Pack #2:
Energined Conqueror’s Lightsaber
Mantellian Peacemaker Besh

Pack #3:
Thul Stateman’s Upper body Armor
Covert Hand Energy Armor

Pack #4:
Gurian Lightning
Jawa Gram: Good Job

Pack #5:
Matriarchal Lower Body Armor
Corellian Bunker Buster Besh

Pack #6:
Bastila Shan’s Belt
Restored Triumvirate Belt

Pack #7:
Matriarchal Auxiliary Body Armor
Relaxed Uniform Shirt

Pack #8:
Mood: Goofy
Energized Conqueror’s Saberstaff

Pack #9:
Advanced Silver-Blue Indestructible Crystal
Jawa Gram: Good Job

Pack #10:
Jawa Gram: May the Force be With you
Thul Stateman’s Lower Body Armor

Pack #11:
Thul Stateman’s Auxiliary Body Armor
Relaxed Uniform Pants

Pack #12:
Matriarchal Upper Body Armor
Mantellian Peacemaker Besh

Pack #13:
Emote: Boo-Hoo
Matriarchal Lower Body Armor

Pack #14:
Tarisian Head Hunter Besh
Energized Conqeuror’s Lightsaber

Pack #15:
Advanced Silver-Blue Indestructible Crystal
Bloodhusk Lylek

Pack #16:
Gurian Lightning
Energized Conqueror’s Lightsaber

Pack #17:
Emote: Boo-Hoo
Thul Stateman’s Auxiliary Body Armor

Pack #18:
Gurian Lightning
Relaxed Uniform Shirt

Pack #19:
Corellian Bunker Buster Besh
Holoprojector Disguise

Pack #20:
Revan Statue
Holoprojector Disguise

Pack #21:
Thana Vesh’s Lower Body Armor
Emote: Kloo

Pack #22:
Jawagram: Nice Try
Jawagram: Party on

Pack #23:
Advanced White-Black War Hero’s Crystal
Troublemaker Lower Body Armor

Pack #24:
Mood: Goofy
Energized Conqueror’s Lightsaber

Pack #25:
Advanced Silver-Blue Indestructible Crystal
Emote: Xantha

Pack #26:
Emote: Beach Party
Credit Boom (50,742)

Pack #27:
Jawa Gram – Nice Try!
Relaxed Uniform Boots

Pack #28:
Restored Triumvirate Body Armor
Matriarchal Lower Body Armor

Pack #29:
Energized Conqueror’s Lightsaber
Red Blade’s Lower Body Armor

And that’s all of them!

As usual, didn’t get even close to the priorities (just 1 T__T) ๐Ÿ™ so looks like lots of buying off the GTN.

Cartel Pack Sum-up

Because apparently I hate myself and love to torture myself :/ (especially considering I’ll have to go buy cartel coin cards anyway unless I give up altogether…)

Pack #1:
Genteel Dress Shoes
Relaxed Jumpsuit Gloves

Pack #2:
Mood: Furious
Relaxed Jumpsuit Boots

Pack #3:
Sublime Blurrg
Darth Malak’s Chestguard

Pack #4:
Sublime Blurrg
Organa Stateman’s Lower Body Armor

Pack #5:
Mood: Furious
Darth Malaks Wristguards

Pack #6:
Over-Tuned Conqueror’s Lightsaber
Over-Tuned Conqueror’s Saberstaff

Pack #7:
Rascal’s Toothpick
Over-Tuned Conqueror’s Saberstaff

Pack #8:
Sublime Blurrg
Relaxed Jumpsuit Boots

Pack #9:
Tarisian Head Hunter Aurek
Organa Loyalist Auxillary Body Armor

Pack #10:
Over-Tuned Conqueror’s Lightsaber
Mantellian Peacemaker Aurek

Pack #11:
Aratech Nethian
Relaxed Jumpsuit Gloves

Pack #12:
Tarisian Head Hunter Aurek
Emote: Boo-Hoo

Pack #13:
Balmorran Hand Cannon Aurek
Relaxed Jumpsuit Gloves

Pack #14:
Mood: Furious
Recovered Hero Boots

Pack #15:
Mood: Furious
Corellian Bunker Buster Aurek

Pack #16:
Jawagram: “Good Job”
Recovered Hero Gauntlets

Pack #17:
Credit Boom (44K)
Genteel Dress Sash

Pack #18:
Genteel Dress Shoes
Relaxed Jumpsuit Jacket

Pack #19:
Emote: Xantha
Jawagram: “Party On!”

Pack #20:
The Last Handmaiden’s Boots
Jawagram: Awesome!

Pack #21:
Emote: Kloo
Mantellian Peacemaker Aurek

Pack #22:
Relaxed Jumpsuit Gloves
Organa Statesman’s Lower Body Armor

Pack #23:
Corellian Bunker Buster Aurek
Mood: Furious

Pack #24:
Emote: Kloo
Relaxed Jumpsuit Jacket

Pack #25:
Emote: Boohoo
Relaxed Jumpsuit Gloves

so out of 50 items, I got 3 items I actually wanted, 10 items I’ll probably keep/use, and 3 items my boyfriend will be taking for a total of 16/50… aka only 32% of it were items I’m not going to just try and sell. Lovely -_- (I also reached friend rank –)

edit: and for the record, things I failed to get that I wanted from this pack:
The Last Handmaiden Chest
The Last Handmaiden Legs
Genteel Dress Top
Genteel Dress Bottom
Genteel Dress Bracers
Genteel Dress Gloves
Cartel Luxury Skiff
Cartel Recreation Skiff
Orlean Fortune Hunter
GS-1 Sentry Droid
Model X-70 Phantom
SP-RO Power Droid
Venomcrest Lylek

Emote: Boogie
Emote: Swing
Emote: Point and Laugh
Title: Enforcer
Title: Contraband Collector
Title: Regulator
Jawagram: Nice Try
Jawagram: May the Force be With you

Cartel Pack roulette

Thanks to Mar-gon who is trying to bribe me to go to sleep.

BOX 1:
Imperial Banner
Killik Assassin Larva

BOX 2:
Ball Toss
Covert Torso Energy Armor

BOX 3:
Classic Despot’s Upper Body Armor
Classic Contractor’s Auxillary Body Armor

BOX 4:
Contractor’s Lower Body Armor
Classic Conservator’s Lower Body Armor

BOX 5:
Classic Phantom Auxilliary Body Armor
Forward Recon Auxilliary Body Armor

BOX 6:
Classic Phantom Auxillary Body Armor
Classic Trailblazer’s Auxillary Body Armor

Box 7:
Classic Phantom Auxilliary Body Armor
Phantom Auxilliary Body Armor

Box 8:
Ubrikki Crimson Skull
Republic Banner

Box 9:
Preceptor’s Auxillary Body Armor
Republic Banner

Box 10:
Watchman’s Meditation Hoverchair
Emote: Menace

Box 11:
Advanced Lime-Green Destructible Crystal
Reveler’s Fine Top

Box 12:
Killik Queen Larva
Reveler’s Fine Cap

Box 13:
Conservator’s Auxillary Body Armor
Classic Phantom Auxillary Body Armor

Box 14:
Classic Forward Recon Lower Body Armor
Forward Recon Auxilliary Body Armor

Box 15:
Mossy Mouse Horranth
Classic Conservator’s Upper Body Armor

Box 16:
Killik Queen Larva
Spymaster’s Auxillary Body Armor

Box 17:
Forward Recon Upper Body Armor
Republic Banner

Box 18:
Ubrikki Crimson Claw
Forward Recon Upper Body Armor

Box 19:
Classic Contractor’s Auxillary Body Armor
Reveler’s Fine Top

Box 20:
Forward Recon Helmet
Classic Phantom Auxillary Body Armor

Box 21:
Classic Trailblazer’s Helmet
Mossy Mouse Horranth

Box 22:
Classic Perceptor’s Auxilliary Body Armor
Covert Torso Energy Armor

Box 23:
Lunar Wriggler
Revan’s Gloves

Box 24:
Ubrikki Crimson Claw
Sablefur Kowakian Monkey-lizard

Box 25:
Classic Despot’s Auxillary Body Armor
Phantom Auxillary Body Armor

Box 26:
Contractor’s Auxillary Body Armor
Classic Conservator’s Lower Body Armor

the amount of clothing I got is ridiculous :/ honestly.

And the game is up!

So, 1.7 is officially out and the game is up. Site is still down though which means you can not buy Cartel Coins right now. Regardless, the new pack is out…

Anyway, as for reputation stuff… There’s 2 Gree Reputation pets. They are both 50K each–there is the Data Core at Newcomer and the Miniature Gray Sacant at Legend. I guess this will take a bit of grinding :/

I haven’t seen any of the other Reputation Vendors yet (kind of on Ilum so…), but going through the overview are the following titles:
Republic Battalion – Hero unlocks Hero of Section X, Legend unlocks The Section Guardian
Republic Space Armada – Hero unlocks Hero of Deep Space, Legend unlocks Hyperspace Legend
The Gree Enclave – Newcomer unlocks Gree Research Assistant, Hero unlocks Honored Silver Acute, and Legend unlocks Perfect Gold Bisector
The Voss – Friend unlocks Honored Voss-Friend, Legend unlocks The Chosen of the Voss

You can gain 12,000 a week… which seems like a lot, but I doubt you can get Legend in a week so I’m scared to think of how much you need total. Not to mention this event is only around for 2 weeks so… :/

but yes, shall update this randomly. Time to work on the pet list.


So, a new patch comes and besides fixes, there’s the inevitable edition of new Cartel Items (plus new discounts and the removal of all the Life Day and Anniversary related stuff).

What really caught my attention though is the Czerka CR-17 Incendia. Why? Ignoring my collectingness, it’s actually because of this:

The protection provided from being knocked off this vehicle is greater than Speeder Piloting III.

I’m not really sure what to think about it, but it makes me feel a little down. Especially as I personally prefer 2 other speeders and for the best protection, I’d have to use that one ๐Ÿ™ It also costs 1,800 Cartel Coins X__x And is a model I know a lot of people have wanted.

Besides that, there’s 3 new armor sets: Sand People Pillager Set, The Sanctified Caretaker Set, and the Malevolent Interrogator Set at 1,440 each and a special Preferred Player’s Pack which has a bundle of stuff. I don’t really care for any of them though.

On the bright side, I found someone to sell me a Flamehair Kowakian Monkey-lizard so I have all the pets again. Yay. Just 10 Skip Tracer items and 2 Blockade Runner items to go now…

It’s a nice touch how both Monkey-lizards laugh differently when right clicked too.

Also used the Cartel Coins I got from being a subscriber for another chance at the Skip Tracer packs… Got a Red-Orange crystal and a Republic Banner ๐Ÿ™ *sighs*


So, those lovely credits I had gotten from two awesome people will most likely be gone by the time I get these next two Starfighters and Monkey-lizard considering the prices I’m going to end up having to pay.

Stinks that my needed items from the Cartel Market list just keeps growing. Really starting to get to me v-v

Just random Cartel Market chatter

The first items should start appearing on the GTN around 10PM or so tonight.

The Diplomat’s Meditation Chair has already begun lowering which isn’t too surprising. I expect the new one to actually go for more as I think people will prefer the Blue coloring (I personally prefer the original). I’d actually be able to afford one now, but I’d rather save every bit I can for the 7 pets I still need.

It doesn’t help that the 7 pets I need are all the ones that will probably sell for the most.

We have the Blue-Speckled Gizka. Gizkas are usually pretty popular and only the green (which, while still cute, I do think the other two in the trio look nicer) didn’t sell for too much.

I do think the Womp Weasels and the Larva will sell for the least. They…kind of terrify me ._. I’ll find them cute in their own way soon. I’m sure I will. Once I stop feeling like they may eat me.

The Model Starfighters are what I expect to go for the most for 3 reasons:
1. They are the rarest
2. You’re playing Star Wars. Ships that can follow you around while doing random tricks = appeals to a lot of people.
3. You can apparently have a Starfighter and another Pet out at the same time.

The Monkey-lizard will probably go for a good amoutn to, but mostly be all over.

Everything else will vary a lot, though, out of the random stuff, I think Emote: Backflip and the Holo-Shrub disguise will go for the most.

And supposedly there is a third mount ๐Ÿ™ but I can’t find any information on it.

New Cartel Pack

Skip Tracer Cartel Pack is now out costing 360 like usual. I’m patching (unfortunately didn’t get a chance to patch early like I usually do) I’ve finished patching and will be probably buy some to check it out. I’m expecting pets and knowing my luck, I will probably not get any of them.

I think I’ll just have a nervous breakdown over here :3

Apparently the backflip emote is out and the rare ship pets may be out but we shall see… Also a Holo-Shrub disguise which sounds neat.

12 pets: Desert Nekarr Cat, White Womp Weasel, Black Womp Weasel, Brown Womp Weasel, Killik Drone Larva, Blue-Speckled Gizka, Model Dominion Starfighter, Sub-Zero Mini Probe, Model Liberator Starfighter, Model Redeemer Starfighter, Model Supremacy Starfighter, Flamehair Kowakian Monkey-lizard

Box 1:
Fancy Reveler’s Bottoms
Desert Nekarr Cat

Box 2:
Fancy Reveler’s Top
Covert Torso Energy Armor

Box 3:
Longspur Pacer
Brown Womp Weasel
^Double YES.

Box 4:
Killik Drone Larva <--- more yesing. Ball Toss Box 5: Ubrikki Crimson Claw Black Womp Weasel ^yesing continued Box 6 (and final box): White Womp Weasel Black Womp Weasel (This will be given to someone in the Pet channel! Whoever still needs it once it unbinds~) ^this box also gave me 5 Molecular Stabilizers. Thank you, Box #6 T~T Edit: so, items I need/want out of what I know: Blue-Speckled Gizka
Sub-Zero Miniprobe
Model Dominion Starfighter
Model Liberator Starfighter
Model Redeemer Starfighter
Model Supremacy Starfighter
Flamehair Kowakian Monkey-lizard
Ambassadorโ€™s Meditation Chair
Emote: Backflip
Emote: Flourish
Title: The Skip Tracer
Holo-Shrub Disguise
Mood: Angered
Mood: Enraged
Mood: Disdained
Mood: Ecstatic
Mood: Fearful

obviously, I want any emotes/mounts/moods/pets I haven’t heard about yet though. That’s kind of a given. And then for Cartel stuff I still need… a white crystal, a cyan-blue crystal (that isn’t endurance), and the throne and Meditation chair from the last pack ๐Ÿ™

For reference, the only mount I got was the Longspur Pacer… pets I got–the ones that have pictures and say so in the pet check list, and I didn’t get any titles, emotes, or moods v-v

edit: 2 last boxes…

Box 7:
Fancy Reveler’s Hatwear
Covert Torso Energy Armor

Box 8:
Longspur Pacer
Ubrikki Sand Devil


Also from Patch Notes:

After Dreadtooth is defeated, Dreadful Resurgence no longer persists. Dreadful Essence must be used to increase Dreadtooth’s difficulty.
Dreadtooth’s difficulty when he is affected by 3 or more applications of Dreadful Resurgence has been decreased

About the only part that caught my interest ๐Ÿ˜› Time to save up essences and yay for easierness~

Some Progress on Miisha

Decided to work on Miisha with Mar-gon’s DPS Vanguard yesterday. Originally, we had planned to level them with a friend of his…but let’s just say that didn’t end well.

Thanks to Telanis, Miisha now has the Ice Scrabbler Jerky recipe ๐Ÿ˜€ so once she gets up more, hopefully I will be able to hand those out randomly to pet collectors <3 Anyway, we finished up Taris and will probably skip the bonus series there... Taris and Balmorra are our least favorite planets so... less time we need to spend there, the better. In the meantime, I did buy some Grade 7 Ship Parts as they have gone down a lot (all were under 100K)... Only one I still need is the Laser Cannons, but I didn’t see that up sadly. It costs 500 Fleet Commendations to get (or is 550 Cartel Coins for the Offensive Bundle). Found one on the GTN ๐Ÿ˜€ (also for under 100K) Yay!

Diplomat’s Meditation Chair is staying anywhere between 2.5 million to 3 million. Similarly, the Dominator’s Command Throne is staying around 1.5-2 million so I’ll need to just save up for those as it doesn’t look like they will drop anytime soon.

The White Crystal’s price doesn’t really surprise me considering it was originally 2.5 million to get one anyway. But yeah, chances are I never will get one.

Stupid expensive things ๐Ÿ™


So, my boyfriend surprised me with some Cartel Packs ๐Ÿ˜€ THUS TIME TO OPEN.

Pack 1:
Advanced Cyan-Blue Endurance Crystal T____T – Up for Trade
Credit Boom T______T – Got 43K

Pack 2:
Longspur STAP Royal – Up for trade
Remote Control Starship – Up for trade

Pack 3:
Stylish Dancer’s Bottom – Up for Trade
Credit Boom – 44K

Pack 4:
Revan’s Chest Plate – For trade
Emote: Menace – For trade

Pack 5:
Advanced Cyan-Blue Endurance Crystal T_______T – Up for Trade
2V-48 Customization – WOULD be for trade XP

Pack 6 (Final Pack):
Stylish Dancer’s Top – For trade
Phantom Lower Body Armor – Phantom Boots + Phantom Lower Robe – For trade

*sad forever*