As most people know, I worked really hard on getting my codexes fixed, so this is a list of all the codexes I have XD Including numbers and other things by request @-@ (YOU’RE WELCOME TELANIS). If you’ve checked my codex list and survived by list, you know I’m missing 7 Codexes from Achievements: Epic Enemies (2 which are Survived by ones I should have), 4 PVP codexes (2 which are glitched–1 from Ilum despite having done that while Ilum is still around and the other glitched one is from Novare Coast, the other 2 are from getting my valor rank up), 1 Lore (Tatooine–glitched), and all the new Space Combat ones because I suck at Space Combat.
Anyway, let’s get started :3 And remember, some of these are Jedi Consular only @-@