Archive | May 8, 2013

Dates and Things

So, if you read the forum, you’ll know the current aimed dates are May 14th for 2.1 and June 11th for 2.2.

I didn’t expect 2.1 to be so soon @-@ So I’m pretty excited about that. However, I really hope we won’t see another Cartel pack. I mean, it’s likely we will since it’s kind of a cartel coin update, but I feel there will be enough to spend Cartel Coins on without that added factor X__x now if the stores around here would actually start carrying the cards… ._. (Pets T~T)

The Gree event should also show up inbetween the two… maybe I can finally get the other pet… but I don’t know if I could deal with the repetition and PVP still makes me sad. v-v

June 11th doesn’t surprise me TOO much. That is also the day E3 starts and I’m guessing it’ll be mentioned there (lucky people going to E3 *envies*) plus be a good thing to bring up.

A lot of people think the game is dying or it’s not very good and that’s really really silly (also comparing to WoW is silly in itself because WoW copied many things from other games too–like the stuff that makes an MMO an MMO in the first place). Due to not feeling too great lately, my sleeping has been a mess–so I have been playing at quite odd times. Despite that, I can find up to about 150 people and multiple instances on some of the lower level planets and people chatting away. The game isn’t perfect, no, but I’ve never played a game that didn’t have its flaws.

If I had to pick one flaw (and let’s be honest, there’s a bunch I have–like with the reputation system or my problem with set bonuses and how they work and etc.), I would mostly say it’s with raiding.

Not everyone wants to be in a guild. After three bad experiences, I just… I don’t want to be in a guild ever again, to be blunt. And yes, Netto, Telanis, I know your doors are always opened 😛 I honestly just don’t want to do it anymore though. I had my very first MMO ruined due to guild drama along with 3 friendships that will never heal. And while some people have stayed friends with me despite these guild dramas in recent time, I’d be lying if I said everything was okay because it’s not. And there’s always so many lies–so many lies on why someone left or what they were trying to do or how they did this or that. The funny part is, I was never needed in any of those–I was always a back-up and a last resort. So if something went wrong suddenly due to my leaving, I will tell you right now–it wasn’t my fault.

So, unsurprisingly, I’m more content playing with my boyfriend and some friends. Of course, you can’t do raids with 4 people (unless you get super overleveled or something and even then, certain puzzles would definitely have a problem).

But that isn’t my biggest issue either–it’s that in a story-based game, you can not access that story without a guild. I mean, recently (with the really strange gear changed), EV ad KP were just kicked off group-finder… this is a story-based game. They have story elements in them that take place before the current content. You can’t just write them off.

And people who play for the story can’t just go and do them and that stinks. This is the first game to ever make me create characters to not be just item mules. Why? Because the story interested me. I was able to create characters and this world they live in and when it comes down to it, the only one who can (and I would) raid on is my sage. But I wish I could still access that story. I wish I could see it. But I have no interest in running some crazy raid ops and doing dailies and other junk on my other 6 characters (Speederisk and Speederisk2 don’t count).

I also hate that vanity items have only been dropping on HM or higher only. Story mode is essentially for those who want to witness the story (although, you still need to find 7 people for it -_-), but I am unable to collect them all without actually raiding on harder modes and even then, it’s a lovely luck of the draw. It just really stinks. People who are doing it on harder modes are usually doing it for gear in the first place :/ so yeah, there’s my other complaint on raids.

But since I mentioned story, I guess I will mention my other big complaint during the leveling process… I’ve seen all the planet quests. Every side quest and every main quest. I do not want to do them again. And no matter how many experience boosts I buy, I will never be able to play just the class story and that’s super disappointing. They just don’t give enough experience. All 5 class story boosts, all 5 exploration boosts, and a major experience boost plus tons of rested experience just… it doesn’t do that much. You will be levels behind and get to a point where you can’t even continue without help or backtracking to do other quests and that really stinks.

So yeah, despite those isues, I do enjoy the game–it’s why I still play it, afterall. Anyway, shall be looking forward to the next patch.