Archive | September 29, 2012

Eee :D

Doing Story Mode TfB again! We just beat Kephess! So excited. We downed it on our first shot once we got a better healer @-@ I think the first healer who volunteered was actually DPS…

ANYWAY, about to start the final boss! I hope we can get him down. I also hope that maybe there is a rare chance he drops the Deep Wriggler on Story mode… I can hope anyway T~T

Edit: WE DID IT. YAY! So happy <3 And I did my first 8K heal! even if it was on myself No pet though 🙁

More information on Deep Wriggler :)

After getting responses from 3 very nice guilds, it seems like the Deep Wriggler is 100% drop rate or at least very high.

Lovely photos thanks to CaliKilledNox (Congrats on your 16-man kill!):

Judging by the description, this definitely seems like the Gree Larvae 🙂

Which makes me wonder, does it have something to do with the cave? It is very Gree-themed and it seems to have a very high drop rate which is the first time for a pet… VERY SUSPICIOUS.

Edit: I couldn’t resist. I’m not sorry:

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