Finally won a match in Ancient Hypergates T~T Thank you Agent York, Delta, and Tourch! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.
Tag Archive | Ancient Hypergate
TfB HM @-@ + Gear Progress
So, I was taken to TfB HM tonight as the usual sage is away this week. I wish I could say I did awesome, but I know I was kind of off. My reflexes were kind of iffy due to my sinus headache so my overheal was worse than usual (I’m pretty good at healing but not so much making sure I don’t heal someone to death) Will probably head to bed soon. Regardless, I did have fun~
Also, Drummer said something really sweet T~T <3 Which made my night~ Annnnd I got the mainhand! Which removes 3 things from my list of horribleness. We will be attempting EC NM tomorrow… I’m scared @-@
And I got another codex from Ancient Hypergate…another from the cubes @-@ Just need to win a match and I should (hopefully) be done.
Finally, going to Cartel Market-ness again… there’s also another throne: Dominator’s Command Throne -_- At least it doesn’t look like there are anymore pets… but I’m still paranoid
Anyway, new gear needed list: Continue reading
Ancient Hypergates
Well, I seem to have a better idea of it now… god, I hate it :/ I got codexes for getting the Gree Orbs to a Pylon, getting a pylon, and shielding from an explosion… Considering the Gree Orbs weren’t listed on the site I looked at, I’m paranoid.
Regardless, I still need to win a match v-v bleh.
At least we had an awesome Voidstar… got 20 Gold Medals–most I ever had.
Edit: Finally got another Ancient Hypergate match and my entire game freezes and disconnects me T___T *goes to curl into a ball*
1.6 and things
So, Tuesday is 1.6. It’s also the fireworks and I’m pretty sure it’ll probably be any special Cartel Market items or Anniversary/Life Day stuff (and if not, Life Day will probably be either next week or the week after).
I’m kind of excited, but I’m mostly stressing. Still have incomplete goals (Speeders, Gear, Codexes, Dreadtooth…) and I’m going to have to add on to the codexes :/ Should probably look up and see what Ancient Hypergates has…
I’m worried they may actually remove past cartel boxes when they add in new ones which would cause more prices to raise… And with the throne finally under 2 million, I’d rather not see it shoot back up.
Shall try and stay positive @-@ but mostly just paranoid As it is, I have to work that day so I may not be able to see it right away. There’s a chance it may even be up early even though delays seem more common.
Anyway, Ancient Hypergate codexes:
Ancient Hypergate: Captured a Pylon
Ancient Hypergate: Took Cover from Explosion
Ancient Hypergate: Won a Match
Unfortunately, I still don’t understand Ancient Hypergates as well, but I know the warzone is going to suck as a healer :/
and now I am dragged off to EC HM T~T I guess I can hope for the mount at least…
…I wish they’d remove the ranked requirement on that one stupid speeder ._.
Edit 2: ack, forgot about the new space missions... will probably pick them all up and cry