So, the stream is over (thank you those who watched) and we got 3/4~ Yay! They were all super happy 😀 And considering only 3 of us have beaten EC HM (Myself and our two ranged DPS), the 5 who hadn’t were just super happy. It’s too bad we couldn’t try more, but hopefully we do well next week.
Archive | September 23, 2012
Playing on Cellïna for a bit with my boyfriend’s bounty hunter while waiting to start HM EC tonight. Lets hope the tanks go well.
A part I’m pretty excited for is coming up and since my screenshots love to break while in instances, I figured a recording is a good way to remember the moment 😛
Shall edit when recording has stopped~
Edit: My robot suit was invisible T_________T Regardless, looks like we need to switch now so shall end recording~
….robot suit 3 Edit 2: Shall record some random stuff until the raiding has begun :3 Edit 3: Recording HM EC for the heck of it