So today, besides contacting customer support (as seen below), I put up my Advanced Black-Green Hawkeye Crystal (if you’re in Corellian Run, do think of buying it >>) and then decided I’d go Area Quest hunting! …except I was all alone so I got bored
not to mention there are actually no good guides for Area Quests surprisingly. I remember when I found that random one in Hoth and I can’t even find that one anywhere.
I’d probably make an Area Quest guide myself, but it’d require so much backtracking and all my other characters are just really low right now
But, if I can afford my Trooper, maybe I can make one then? (Plus an Imperial one with my Bounty Hunter)
Anyway, I was dragged off to an Operation by Stoic…then a flashpoint then a flashpoint by some friends in my current guild then another flashpoint by Stoic and another and omgsomany. I really hate repeating things >> but at least it was with people I like.
I may start joining in with those few people on Sunday to try doing HM EC. While I don’t mind dying for learning, I don’t know if I can afford repairs
credits allude me. But at least I feel wanted.
Moving on, I am now helping a friend with datacrons so yay~