I didn’t get any more loot and the speeder didn’t drop (also, no need revelations on the Wonderous Egg), but I’m just so happy to say I’ve done it (on 16-man no less) and have new codexes! And the Aractech Nightscythe :3
I kind of wish I didn’t have to do HM EC anymore, but unfortunately, I still need gear (and the speeder) 🙁 It’s just been so drama-filled, EC has been kind of ruined for me. And of course, the 4 items I need are from the last two bosses X-x
Also still need the boots from Nightmare Pilgrim…and have to defeat him 2 more times anyway. Let’s hope I get the boots in one of those two tries so I never have to see him again either.
Our GM found out–I’m not sure if he was in disbelief or not that I healed through or whatnot :/ But it makes me feel a little awkward. Regardless, I still don’t know if I’d do it if they asked me to…as much as I need gear, I’m still hurt.
At least nice words from the GM in the guild I was running with and one of the healers gave me some of my confidence back. But I still can’t help but feel paranoid 🙁