Archive | December 10, 2012

Speeder Progress continues

So, because of Telanis and Prongs, I now have all speeders under 100K which just leaves the following:
Korrealis Prince – From Imperial PVP Vendor on Fleet. Technically, a friend got me one stupid bound-ness. *hopes for a bound remover in the Cartel Shop*
Ubrikkian War-rider – 1,000 Ranked Warzone Commendations and Rank 2200 in Ranked Warzones
Tank Mount – NM EC
Shark Mount – NM EC Timed Run

All mounts that can be bought gotten! Yay!

Mari’s plans for Tuesday

0. Wake up by 8AM
1. Keep launcher open to patch immediately.
2. Keep game opened on desktop to see when servers are back up
3. Stalk the SWTOR twitter.
4. When the game is up, queue for warzones and check Cartel Market.
5. Pick up new quests and open boxes (if there are any).
6. Stop by Tionese vendor to trade in crystals for boxes (IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR Ancient Artifact Boxes, I will HAPPILY take them T~T)
7. While opening boxes (if there are any), head to ship and pick up space missions.
8. Somehow complete everything while praying for the ship stuff I still need. Yay.
9. PVP until both Elite War Hero relics can be gotten.
—Edit: Looks like it’s 2,500 Ranked and 1,100 Normal…may try and get them tonight. And apparently, I already have enough XD

…first, I need to get unstuck though 🙁

Edit: Fleet pass worked. YAY FOR FREEDOM.