While I wait for my boyfriend to get up so we can try out the Belsavis Dailies (although, we’d have to find 2 more people for one of them), I have decided to wander around near the entrance to the area and the fleet and see what pets people may have.
Essentially, this helps me figure out what pets are ingame without bugging people and/or getting trolled by jerks.
And of course, I’ll look for mounts too, but those are a bit harder to identify, sadly.
I will only be counting the ones in the Cartel Packs for now because, well, you can kind of see the ones not in the pack already so…
All of the pets from Dulfy’s Guide have been found and were carried over to live.
As for SWTOR-Spy’s list, I know some people have gotten thrones, but I don’t think it is any of those… another similarly named one is the Ubrikki Crimson Skull which I haven’t seen, but I have seen the Ubrikki Crimson Claw.
Moving on to pets, the only ones seen thus far have been the Red-Backed Gizka and the Ruddyscale Kowakian Monkey-lizard. No others from their pet list have been spotted yet or if they have, nobody has said anything.
The main thing is there are a lot of “What if’s” and I would like to not see something like the Wonderous Egg happen ever again. EVER.
which I think is why it upsets me so much they didn’t release a list. For the record, a list wouldn’t ruin the money they’d make (in fact, more often than not, you’d actually encourage more people to try a box) as usually what sells is the actual opening/surprise factor.
One of my favorite things when I was little was when my dad would come home with boxes of Pokemon cards and Beanie Baby cards and he and my mom and I would sit on the bed and open all of them and organize them because opening booster packs was ridiculously fun and there were so many. That is essentially what these work on–that surprise factor and the excitement of opening something.
Just think to Christmas morning–sure, what was actually in the gift was nice, but a big part of it was just opening it and the more you had to open, the more exciting it was. With each box, the excitement increased.
and this is why people go in debt because of stupid things like this and if you see me thinking of buying more boxes, someone SLAP me.
…and for some reason, I keep getting an error when trying to log in So I guess research will be delayed which stinks. I was looking forward to it.
…seriously, this blog is like SWTOR research central. It’s why it was made. And then for some reason all of you people started reading it
Anyway, I guess I’ll just talk for a bit while I wait until they somehow fix this (speaking of which, I noticed the time is off on the website… I guess they didn’t modify for DST? But I’m not sure how to change that either).
Umm…firstly, I hope they come out with customizations for HK-51. I think he’d look nice in HK-47’s copper.
I really hope we can do Dreadtooth soon. Really want to look into that cave more and since current ideas are based off a mask and necklace that drop from him (well, necklace most likely also drops from him–just on much higher stacks), I kind of need to start doing him? Of course, the guild is currently focused on NM EC as are many guilds with firsts in mind and whatnot (but honestly, how can you appropriately evaluate a first anyway? If someone starts earlier than you and has more time doing it, it’s not really a surprise if they get it first. It seems kind of odd to judge something if you don’t have everyone start at the same time)… but I just want to solve Cave mysteries
speaking of Cave Mysteries, that was part of the fun with scanning even if it took FOREVER. It was like being an archeologist~ Considering how the story is on the Republic side, I probably will have to do HK again on my Imperial character as it’s just so much different. Part of me is looking forward to it as I did have fun, but parts of it scared me. I’M LOOKING AT YOU CREEPY SHIP. Regardless, this is making me want to finish up Corellia and Ilum for Amidaia, but I’m pretty sure my boyfriend still wants to work on his bounty hunter with Cellina Don’t get me wrong, the agent story is quite interesting, but I hate doing things out of order and skipping around. Having several companions with various levels isn’t very fun to me.
also just realized I never received my 500 for my subscription so I guess I shall send them an e-mail @-@
MOVING ON… someone did finish EC HM but I saw no pet drop Which makes me sad. I mean, it was confirmed a pet would drop from EC NM but I can’t help and be paranoid ._. of course, just because it doesn’t have a high drop rate doesn’t mean it doesn’t drop either…
Regardless, a lot of people in the guild have offered me some of their pets from the Cartel Shop so I am looking forward to when things become unbound. I will also be stalking the GTN like no tomorrow (despite the fact that I am poor and have no money and it will probably make me even more sad if I wasn’t sad enough by how much my luck sucks and these stupid boxes). In the meantime, I have started crossing things out.
While I was hoping to do trades, I don’t think anyone would want any of the stuff I’ve gotten. Of course, I may update with some stuff my boyfriend wants to get rid of or etc. so I guess I will mention when it gets updated… Also, it’s under the “Contact Me” section if anyone was curious.
speaking of items, I have a good contest idea…just need to get something people would actually want
Oh, and I know I don’t have many pictures up… I will hopefully be taking pictures of the pets soon. At least, the ones I have. I don’t think taking a picture on the preview screen looks too great and I’d feel bad using other people’s pictures so… but I shall do my best to have them all soon x__x of course, we don’t even know how many there are yet.
but yes, I will stop talking about random stuff now and end this. WORK LOG-IN THINGY.