So, I sent in a ticket asking if 16-man HM was the only one that should have the text and it was forwarded to bug report. Not sure if it really is a bug though. I guess we’ll see if they really do add it tomorrow? But yeah, my tickets have been a bit confused about before @-@
Though, I have to wonder, if the patch isn’t 1.4 (which is still definitely possible), I wonder what would take 8 hours? The transfers are an option, of course, but did they have such a long downtime anytime they’ve done transfers? And it seems they didn’t do full testing with the High Population test server yet either…
I can confirm that Game Update 1.4 will not be deployed during maintenance tonight; we are continuing testing on the PTS right now.
(Post here)
So I guess it will be the server transfers? Or….tons and tons of fixes.