Cartel Packness~

So, my boyfriend let me get a few more Cartel Packs. They all failed miserably as per usual, but rare items for those curious:

1. Satele Shan Holo Statue
2. Trailblazer’s Helmet
3. Slate Mouse Horranth
4. Mountain Lizardbat
5-6. 2x Ball Toss
7. Low Atmosphere Miniprobe
8. Rendili Nightshade
9-11. 3x Pink-Purple Crystals (Endurance, Expertise/PVP, and Crit)
12. Spy-Master’s Upper Body Armor (Top and Gloves)
13. The Cartel Collector Title
14. Ubrikki Sand Devil


At this rate, I may need that 4th storage 🙁 not that I can afford it (and I feel the Cartel Coin price is overpriced) though, if I had a million, I’d probably rather put it towards other stuff…and then I’ll run out of inventory and bleh X__x

4 thoughts on “Cartel Packness~

  1. Make sure not to give away/trade those Pink-Purple expertise, they’re actually worth quite a bit because of PvPers wanting BiS at level 10.


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