Archive | January 7, 2013

Warning: Ability Limits Exist

So, a while ago, I made a post trying to figure out why some users could have more pets/vehicles than others.

Today, I received a reply back from the person who inspired the post.

Quoting them momentarily:

Just a follow up.

Received an email from CS which states that pets and vehicles are considered “skills” once learned.

And SWTOR has a total skill cap including your pets/vehicles/character skills/Legacy skills/etc.

That is the reason why some have more pets/mounts than others who already are at a cap.

Different classes already have different amount of skills but I think the most difference is with legacy unlocks.

Although I was lvl 50 already I purchased for instance all exp boost character perks as well as the general legacy perks.

If ´the system counts every “step” (5) of each exp ladder as an individual passive skill than it is no wonder that I am capped.

Well I have an open ticket since 12-22 to let CS delete 20 vehicles (vendor mounts) and reinstalate those as an item for me to put on the bank. With those 20 slots free I would learn my 8 pets and 6 speeders from the newest cartel packs and have 6 slots left open for the 4 vehicles I still need to collect.

Have fun.


That is…pretty awful. Kind of glad I haven’t gotten some of the Legacy stuff now (like the cooldowns or a few other things), however, this puts a huge dent in my plans too. And new skills will be coming with Makeb so… I may end up sending an e-mail to Customer Service and having some of my vehicles turned “off” and putting them in my own bank now. :/ Only keeping limited/no longer around ones “learned” on my character along with a few favorites. As much as I want to collect mounts too, I am a bigger pet person so… 🙁 Just really sucks. However, while I haven’t gotten the Dominator’s Throne yet (which I guess is good), I actually would want the Diplomat’s Meditation Throne for the few I’d keep as I really love the flying holocrons and it matches Mari’s dress.

Overall though, I’m…kind of just depressed about this and REALLY paranoid now v-v Will at the very least see if I can learn any information on the cap.