Archive | December 26, 2012

Crates + Wonderousness

So, apparently the Czerka Crate-o-Matic has been going for crazy prices. Not only is one up for 250 million, but apparently one sold for 90 million. Dear god. I don’t know how I managed to get mine for a million.

Besides that, despite the Wonderous Egg being said not to exist, there’s still a few people going around saying they swore they saw one. While I can understand people mixing up the birds, which bird comes from which egg, and/or where each egg comes from, mixing up the words Unusual, Mysterious, and Wonderous is a bit harder.

I just wish more could be done about it. Unfortunately, nobody knows the names of people who sold them…or if they even sold and if they did, who bought them, it’s just a giant mess.

…and I’ll admit, part of me is still paranoid ._.

and now stuck PVPing @-@ but I hit 80 valor! Yay!