Tag Archive | Gear

Hardcore vs. Casual

More often than not, I have been described as being at Point A and Point B at the same time. You could say I like to multitask so much, I may just have too many feelings.

I have been referred to both of the above and if you have been reading this (and why are, you guys confuse me, god :P), you may have seen aspects of both yourself.

In general, I am a determined person. I also hate starting things without finishing them. Part of why I hate when new content comes out when I haven’t finished something is that it makes my list even longer, stresses me out more, and then I feel even more behind. I still have 6 million I need to somehow earn not counting added things for alts, the increased prices for speeders since 1.2, and other issues. It sucks, honestly.

But because of that determination, if I start something–whether it be an operation or flashpoint, I would be with the worst group possible and I wouldn’t give up. I would do it all day, I’d stay up all night, and I’d keep doing it until it was done. I don’t like leaving things unfinished. Ever.

Despite that, I think repeating things over and over is stupid. I don’t understand how someone could do dailies more than once. The credits just isn’t worth it enough for me, as much as I need them.

In general, when it comes down to my priorities, Gear and Credits/Commendations are at the bottom of it. Unfortunately, those are the same things needed to actually get my goals. It’s a horrible Catch-22 and while I do work hard on my gear, I really can’t do much with dailies as then I just…don’t want to play. Even if I get like 1 million in just a few days, I would essentially not be playing for about a week because it ruins the game for me. Like, I can’t stress that enough. It just completely kills it for me and I can’t deal with it.

I can somewhat deal with flashpoints and operations (unless it’s EV), but even then it’s still somewhat iffy. It’s for that reason I’m a pretty “all or nothing” person in the fact that I don’t want to keep repeating the same things over and over to just get to where we ended up being stuck before. I just want to keep going and going until we have where we’re stuck down, finish it now, then try and get what we need so we never have to see it again.

I do like to help people though and more often than not, I won’t have an issue helping someone out. Even if I have everything I need~ However, I do not like being used and there are times I may want to do something for myself and I do not like or appreciate being guilt-tripped to go and do someone a favor (and then hear them criticize me).

And as most people know, I do a lot of these things to collect. Knowing there is a possible and actually confirmed pet at the end of TfB waiting for me to repeatedly kill that guy to get it and the cave mystery is driving me crazy that I just can’t experiment with it more is essentially making me nuts. The Orochick upsets me in the fact that it has been CONFIRMED to be ingame and the whole thing is just a mess and I would really appreciate if they could just give me a straight answer on the Orochick being bugged or not.

But regardless, I suppose my go go go go go go until it’s dead and crazy collectiony policy clashes a lot with my repetition sucks, gear is silly and shouldn’t be so important, DAILIES ARE THE DEVIL policy. It also confuses people how much I hate PVP but keep doing it due to Ranked-speederness and the fact that I need 100 Valor for codexes. And it makes me sad when everyone wants to stop šŸ™ (which is usually everyone but me but still).

Or even all the speeders when I think some of the colors are super ugly. I mean, I’m not like this in all games (and my boyfriend has pointed out that a “casual” collector would just be happy of a color of each and not care about getting every single one in every single color)–for example, in racing games with garages, I will usually just get one color per car unless there’s another color I REALLY like or something. But this game doesn’t have a crazy crowded garage–it just has an inventory thingy (though, wouldn’t it be cool if you had like…a speeder garage on your ship?).

In general, I’m just… a bit different I suppose. But I guess that just makes me… me.

Server Firsts and 1.4

So, if you haven’t noticed, 1.4 is up šŸ˜› While they had one delay, it seemed this went well overall… well, besides the GTN being down and no ETA on when it will be back.

I already changed my offhand and got my new healing skill. Much excitement. Hoping Mr. Robot will have the 1.4 stuff up as I want to update so badly and figure out what I need to aim for šŸ™

Unfortunately, the Hazmat Implants are still 350. So much for them being a mistake. That is ridiculous. Seriously. Especially with the changes to BH Commendations. :/ I need 2 of the Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-4 system so if you are a Biochem and learn those and feel like helping me out, let me know? šŸ˜€ Since I don’t think I’ll have even 350–let alone 700 anytime soon.

Anyway, while I try to ignore my obvious frustration, I will probably need level 27 stuff (that is 63 right?) so I should try and figure that out. Not to mention due to the whole set bonus by armoring, I will need at least one Advanced Resolve Armoring 27 through the random Hazmat gear off the first boss in HM. That will probably be the main focus, although, getting any of the armorings would be helpful.

In the end, I would at least need 2 made–for my belt and bracers, so I need to hold out for that šŸ™ Then worry about getting one for my Top and Hat and Offhand x__x



Regardless, I won’t switch my hat until I do get it as people still keep making such a big deal over this 4-set piece bonus. Oh well, it’s not an issue now. No declines, so may as well just deal with it as with no worry, it’d be silly not to take the bonus (even if I know how to heal without it). While Mr. Robot hasn’t completed updated the Denova Gear (equal to the Dread Guard Gear stat-wise) to reflect the hat and boots armorings correctly, it still has 3/5 right so. And yes, I am using it even if they haven’t properly updated. This blog wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for my OCPD šŸ˜›

Unfortunately, I don’t know how long I can just keep holding on to the Rakata Ear Piece. It’s getting behind and Crit + Alacrity isn’t popping up. What I may have to do is switch to a Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-3 Relay (of course, I’ll need to find someone who can make it or get it as a random drop) and then switch out an Aptitude Mod for a Crit mod to get my Crit back. I will need another Augment Kit then, but at least I do have an extra Resolve Augment on me (Actually, I’ll need 3 Augment Kits since I’ll need 2 for the Implants as well…thank god I have enough actual augments) Will be playing around with my stats to see if that will work, anyway. A Mettle Mod 27 actually gives me back the exact crit lost for switching the ear-piece so definitely good. …I suppose maybe I should go and switch the mod already though then and just find a Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay in the meantime. …Does anyone have a Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay they may be selling or they could make?

So, in general, what I need:
Advanced Resolve Armoring 27 x3 (Dread Gear Offhand actually has a 61 armoring) It seems to be roughly the same cost as a 26 armoring (of course, this could be wrong), but at the moment, that means I’ll need (for a total of 3): 30 Durasteel, 18 Mandalorian Iron, 12 Molecular Stabilizer, 6 Synthetic Energy Matrix, and 30 Zal Alloy. EDIT: May just need 1! (10, 6, 4, 2, and 10) Apparently Belt and Bracers can be modifiable.
———-And for my records, specific Advanced Resolve Armoring 27: Head, Chest, Gloves, Boots, Bottoms
Advanced Mettle Mod 27 x5 x4 (-1 if either ear piece mentioned hasn’t been gotten yet)
Advanced Aptitude Mod 27 x3 (+1 if either ear piece mentioned hasn’t been gotten yet)
Advanced Adept Enhancement 27 x4
Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 27 x2
Advanced Battle Enhancement 27 x1
Advanced Resolve Hilt 27 x1
Hazmat Force-Healer’s MK-3 Relay
Hazmat Force-healer’s MK-4 System x2 (350 Black Hole Commendations each šŸ™ )

What I can use ASAP:
Black Hole Force-lord’s MK-2 Relay
I already have a Advanced Mettle Mod 26 ready to go so.

…that will add another Augment Kit I need however šŸ™ THANK YOU PRONGS FOR THE AUGMENT KITS. <3 DEPENDING ON HOW THE OFFHAND IS (As Mr. Robot doesn’t have that modified yet but you can see my new updated wishlist to get an idea!), may try switching 1 Advanced Adept Enhancement 27 to an Advanced Quick Savant Enhancement 27–if it’s still 75% surge, keep the switch…if it’s not, keep the slighter higher surge with the Adept)

moving on, I really wish I could HM TfB. I want that pet so badly. šŸ™ But it most likely won’t happen as things never drop from me and when they do, the chance of me losing is pretty high. Only time I won on my first try was the M0-GUL Thrall Droid (and that took forever to drop…and I’ve seen it 3 times since now -_-). Also want to do 16-man HM so I can help with the caveness.

So, now to the first part of my subject: I’ve stressed myself out so much, this is going to be short and sweet: I think Server firsts are silly and people should just work together.

If I wanted a server first for ANYTHING, it’d probably be a certain pet…but it’s not a necessity…and I don’t think I’d care anyway (I’d be too happy just having the pet to care if I was first or not).

Offhand Things

With the update possibly coming soon, I decided to re-check some offhand stuff. With the update, those who can usually not modify their offhands will now be able to. However, you will not be able to modify the Black Hole one (which is the best for me) so I have been working hard to figure out what to do.

Each offhand that can be modded can have:
1. An Armoring
2. A Mod
3. An Enhancement
4. A Color Crystal

And of course, an Augment can be added.

So, I decided to calculate and see if what I am planning to put in mine would be better. Right, now, my Black Hole offhand (with an Advanced Resolve 22 Augment) has the following stats:
+99 Endurance
+120 Willpower
+102 Power
+649 Force Power
+57 Surge Rating

Without the Augment:

+87 Endurance
+102 Willpower
+102 Power
+649 Force Power
+57 Surge

What I am planning for mine:
-Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 (still need – 10 Durasteel, 6 Mandalorian Iron, 4 Molecular Stablizers, 2 Synthetic Energy Matrix, and 10 Zal Alloy)
-Advanced Aptitude Mod 26
-Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 (still need – 2 Corusca Gem, 2 Molecular Stabilizer, 4 Primeval Artifact Fragment, and 4 Upari Crystal)
-Advanced Magenta Hawkeye Crystal (Still need. Will probably just buy from the GTN–about 300K)
-Advanced Resolve Augment 22

That would give my offhand (without augment):
+108 Endurance
+162 Willpower
+123 Power
+57 Surge

With Augment:
+120 Endurance
+180 Willpower
+123 Power
+57 Surge

So…That is going to be amazing. And just looking at that, you can imagine the kind of stuff currently in my BH Off-hand then in comparison to what I will have come 1.4 (if I can get everything in time!). That’s really going to be…a huge improvement for a lot of classes if they use it right. (and maybe the Willpower increase will get me back to 35% Crit!)

I expect Force Power to be higher…but I don’t know how to calculate that so.

Meant to post this yesterday but…

So, the raid happened last night. Unfortunately, we didn’t have 2 of our DPS regulars (one of them being our highest DPSer, the other being the one who has missed each one) and that kind of pulled us down a bit for a bit. When things did finally get together…DPS was just too short. We got Toth down though so improvement! …but yeah. It also didn’t help that I was exhausted from Apple Picking and the Renaissance Fair. I felt like a huge failure šŸ™ (and certain things happening in guild chat didn’t make me feel better) Of course, this is also why I didn’t post this last night–was exhausted and still had to take a bath so I did that and then passed out in bed.

My boyfriend hit the minimum this time too which was nice–he’s been getting better…but still low for a Sentinel which we both know. We just really need to get his gear in order. Even if the mods aren’t 26’s, we need to at least get the right ones fixed. Unfortunately, that power crystal is going to suck to get. I may try seeing if I can just switch a mod around to make up for it as that is much more manageable.

Speaking of mods, the Black Hole offhand is not going to be moddable which means I need to find another Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 and Advanced Adept Enhancement 26. I, thankfully, ended up already having an extra Advanced Aptitude Mod 26. I believe this will give me the same stats (or better) than the Black Hole which is Power + Surge related. I can hope anyway. Regardless, that has put me in quite a bind as, unsurprisingly, I can’t afford it. I could technically get an Adept from Black Hole stuff for 50 Black Hole Commendations, but I really want to save those for those overpriced new implants coming out in 1.4. Still hoping that price is a typo or something :/ otherwise if a nice Biochem may want to make me one >> šŸ˜›

And I was sucessfully able to just change one of my boyfriend’s mods so now he can keep his crit cyan. That makes things a bit easier šŸ˜›

Anyway, right now, I’ve just been debating on what to do. I really should work on getting more BH Commendations…too bad I hate every single way you can get them. I also just really want to look more into the Cave and Wonderous Egg. While the Cave is still a big mystery in itself (MYSTERY TWINS AWAY! …please ignore that I don’t have a twin), the Wonderous Egg may FINALLY be close to being solved and I am more than a bit antsy waiting for a response back.

Speaking of mysteries, however, I’m still not sure how people are finding this site in the first place~ Unless they know me ingame and cheat. *LOOKS AT PEOPLE IN STOIC AND ARJAC* XP But umm…thank you for putting up with my rambling? XD

I do wish I was better prepared for 1.4 though šŸ™ the constant failureness of preparing is really getting me down and I don’t think people realize just how much. I’ll just queue for everything for now and hope it doesn’t go horribly wrong as I really can’t afford repairs :/

PVP Update

So, my expertise with my PVP gear is now 1,006. Yay I guess.

It seemed a lot of people were happy with my healing at least so that was nice. As usual, I got dragged along by friends šŸ˜›

My Valor Rank is also 77 now.

Anyway, I’m mostly just helping someone out and then I shall probably head on the test server and see if I can poke around and do some more exploration and discovery :3 RESEARCH AWAY~

The Endgame Problem

Due to lots of discussion with my boyfriend about various things today–the issue came up with how the endgame system essentially copied WoW and has the whole “YOU NEED TO DO ALL THIS TO GET THIS GEAR TO MAKE IT SO YOU ARE ABLE TO DO THE FIRST PART OF THIS STUFF” when it is all level 50 content.

It is level 50 content.

And you need to go over the river, through the woods, and down a mountain to even hit the first part of it. And honestly? He’s right–that’s stupid. We hit level 50, why do we have to do all this repetitive stupidity to actually be able to do the content we should be “looking forward” to?

While Iā€™m actually more or less completely geared out until 1.4 officially hits, I will say it is kind of annoying. I wasnā€™t able to play WoW long (it got boring for me fast) so I canā€™t comment on their End-game personally, but it seems silly that after you hit level 50, you have to go on some long silly journey to actually do something new at level 50.

HM Flashpoints are barely any different. I would say the biggest change between normal and hard (and this is probably why it has its own tier in Group Finder) is in Lost Island where many mechanics are excluded completely (Droid has no fire come up from the floor, Dr. Lorickā€™s second phase doesnā€™t even exist, etc.). HM and NM Operations do have some mechanic differences (though, some you can more or less skipā€”like Fabricatorā€™s), but I think other than EC, none are really too big of a deal (unless you didnā€™t blow up the Lightning balls in SM Soa).

I donā€™t understand why end-game content canā€™t be special full group things without it being ā€œYOU NEED ALL THIS GEAR OMG.ā€

It wouldnā€™t even be such a big deal if only HM and NM did that and those were solely just for a challenge. Kind of like how Ranked was supposed to be. Just a challenge for those who wanted it but they had to go and make all this special ranked requirement gear which really ruins it for me (Iā€™m not good enough for Ranked. Nobody wants me unless they are desperate and Iā€™m not skilled enough to ever get a 2200 rating for that speeder).

I could care less about the harder difficulties in anything. Not because Iā€™m lazy or am looking for something easy, but because I hate repetition. If it wasnā€™t for the codexes and certain speeders and pets, I wouldnā€™t bother with different difficulties because gear isnā€™t my priority. I already have the outfit I plan to wear forever. But yet, I have to bother with gear because I have to. Because Iā€™d be unable to do the content otherwiseā€”not because it is an upgrade and would just help me kill things faster.

Itā€™s level 50 content FOR level 50ā€™s, yes? And yet, thereā€™s so much farming and annoyances we have to do. And before people are all ā€œbut then weā€™d run out of content too fast!!!ā€ Iā€™m sure if they werenā€™t busy making different difficulties of the same stupid content and just made level 50 content without all the ā€œgearing upā€ and mountains you need to climb to do so, we could get plenty of normal, story-driven, level 50 content and maybe thereā€™d be stuff like Heroic 8ā€™s which would be all raid-y and operationish. And then that gap wouldnā€™t be there in the first place. Not to mention then there wouldn’t even need to be different gear for PVP either and expertise could be kicked to the curb already.

Now that Mr. Robot is back up…

So, looking through Gear Changes..

Offhand stats of mine are Power and Surge. Dread ones are Power + Alacrity OR Crit and Surge.

I’m…going to have to do a lot of messing around with Mods again depending on how this goes which I won’t look forward to. :/

Both of my Implants are Power + Alacrity. Hazmat Forcehealer’s MK-4 System are as well:
-93 Endurance
-108 Willpower
-76 Power
-60 Alacrity

Stats on what I currently have:
+87 Endurance
+102 Willpower
+71 Power
+56 Alacrity

So, that is definitely an improvement which means I need 2 Hazmat Forcehealer’s MK-4 Systems which are 350 Black Hole Commendations each. Fun. >_>

Going back to the offhand, I could possibly switch to Crit & Surge and then switch a Crit Mod to Power if that matches up?

On the otherhand, since you can modify them now, I can probably just switch stuff around to begin with. Will probably need an Aptitude Mod and Adept Enhancement for it. So, I just want to get 27’s of everything and switch a few things in the Off-hand to make it the same stats as mine, but better. …So, I mostly just need to (besides save up for those armorings/mods/enhancements and/or do a lot of Campaign) worry about saving up Black Hole Commendations for the implants… or hope someone who has like a bazillion BH Commendations gets lucky and can make them.

Test server + 1.4 Patch Notes are up!

For the patch notes šŸ™‚ Currently patching on my computer and downloading on my laptop as we speak. Only disappointment is it looks like no character transfers…which is really depressing T__T (Also, looks like no new pets officially mentioned…however, that doesn’t mean much. I kind of hope not though as we have enough mysteries on our hands with the Wonderous/Wondrous Egg/Orochick and who knows what with the Lobelode)

Regardless, some highlights and things I found interesting from the patch notes:
-Obviously Terror from Beyond is out. The new gear is “Dread Guard” (it sounds silly)

-The ground targeting reticule is no longer cleared when a channeled ability completes channeling. (Very nice. This was always a bit frustrating/confusing in PVP)

-Players no longer receive the error message “You cannot cast while moving” when moving, stopping, and then immediately using a ground-targeted ability. (Yay!)

Continue reading

A possible Terror from Beyond drop?

Okay, so I was browsing around and had this pointed out to me:

(Screenshot credit to scifigamers)

That definitely looks like a Black-Cyan crystal to me. Since there are two color options available through EC (Black-Orange and Black-Purple), I wonder (if the Black-Cyan is true of course) if there will be another crystal and if so, what?

The crystals without a black core version are, besides the previously mentioned Cyan, Magenta and White. They are the only ones left without a black version. Heck, the White isn’t even out at all. Maybe, for all we know, it could be Black-Cyan and White. However, I believe White was mentioned to be gotten in a similar way as Magenta and still a far way off, so I’d probably put a Black-Magenta over Black-White/Normal White. It’d be neat though, wouldn’t it?

Besides that, the pink and gold armor that sentinel is wearing… I wish I knew what it was šŸ™ If you recognize it, let me know please?