Well, I seem to have a better idea of it now… god, I hate it :/ I got codexes for getting the Gree Orbs to a Pylon, getting a pylon, and shielding from an explosion… Considering the Gree Orbs weren’t listed on the site I looked at, I’m paranoid.
Regardless, I still need to win a match v-v bleh.
At least we had an awesome Voidstar… got 20 Gold Medals–most I ever had.
Edit: Finally got another Ancient Hypergate match and my entire game freezes and disconnects me T___T *goes to curl into a ball*
Holy moly 20 medals? The change they made should have resulted in only 2 extra medals compared to normal (I think) so colour me impressed!
Yeah @-@ I just got a ridiculous amount of objective points