Tag Archive | Progress

1.3 this Tuesday (the 26th)

So, I am having a heart attack. And of course, now I don’t even have enough money for the Augment Kits because I went and spent some on the top and bottom of the Consular’s Exalted outfit (and pulling mods out) for my PVP set. I still need the rest, but since the top and bottom are most noticeable, those were my focus.

On top of that, my belt still isn’t ready. I still need the armoring and mod so hopefully not everyone will need anything (As I don’t want to take Rakata gear away from someone who needs it just to take the mod out). Not to mention I really pray the Advanced Resolve Armoring 25 drops as I can’t get it otherwise :/ (Yes, you can pull it from mods, but Armoring is bound to the type of equip and I don’t believe you can remove from the belt even if it drops)

We will be trying 16 man tonight–KP HM and normal! I really hope it goes well. This will be my second time doing 16-man (first time was with Vanquished in Denova, though, we didn’t do much).

Anyway, I’m just…beyond stressed. I still have 4 pets to go! I mean, I don’t expect to get the Wondrous Egg with no confirmation yet, but Taunling, M0-GUL Thrall Droid, and Midnight Rakling? And I will only be able to get 2 tries for M0-GUL Thrall Droid before Tuesday πŸ™ I’ve been camping Gargath like crazy–heck, we defeated him twice today with no luck, and we will be trying him again tonight after the raid. Lost Island I guess I’ll have to try to do inbetween those 4 hours, but I’m just SO STRESSED. I do not have anywhere close to the money I wanted to have (about 2-2.5 million to go into 1.3 with), still need ship legacy stuff (6 million), have barely done any PVP (at least I have the commendations I needed ready to go)… darn it. T___T I’m so not looking forward to this. And I really wanted to get my PVP outfit done πŸ™ or at least all the parts (as I’d wait to remove the mods until after 1.3) but that’s still 300K :/

Though, as long as I can at least get about 300K-400K more (a total of 700K-800K) (however, I’d prefer to get to 2.5 million. Or maybe at least 1.5-2 million), I should be okay with Augment Kits and have some money for supplies/crafting and repairs (which I will also need to pay during this raid and thus, thus my credit amount will become even smaller and I am so stressed T__T) which will hopefully help…. for now, I better go back to slicing :/ I’m going to need those stupid rare things to make that last Augment I need. >< Even if I won't be able to get any of the new Legacy stuff really πŸ™ also, if someone asks a question, people shouldn't assume the details and give a snappy/obnoxious response back. I don't know, maybe I just like answering questions, but it always bothers me when people respond so annoyed. :/ I mean, seriously. (and maybe now I feel pretty down/depressed so thanks for the mood killer)

Battle of Ilum, The Foundry, Population, Valor Worries + more

So, quite a bit to talk about :3 Shall go in order~

Battle of Ilum:
Finally got to do Battle of Ilum HM! My boyfriend and I went with two of our guildmates πŸ™‚ And we even did the bonus boss! It went really well and I had fun. We’re hopefully going to do False Emperor tomorrow and then I’ll have my Aratech Ice <3 What was really fun is we got to go through the Secret Tunnel πŸ™‚ It is an old thing left during development/Beta when they wanted to put some Datacrons in Flash Points. It has a bunch of the crates you can break to get further along with the Bonus Boss and a Security Chest! It's in the giant crystal cave area :3 Just look for a tiny cove on the map with a few enemies and then look carefully for a tiny opening that turns into a path and it is so cool. The Foundry: Found some time to pop on Amidaia today and took care of the Foundry for the first time. We finally hit a flashpoint we couldn't do with just two companions, but luckily were able to find someone who was going to do it with us πŸ™‚ I have taken Amidaia back to Quesh so hopefully maybe we can get some leveling in. Population: SO MANY PEOPLE. We had 300-400+ people on the Republic Fleet during Prime time and about 500 on the Imperial Fleet! PVPers were in their glory and everyone seemed to be getting along, though, I did see some rude people. I'm hoping to maybe see people looking for groups for Gargath as I'm pretty shy :/ I have seen lots of KP groups though so if our guild doesn't have time to during the week, at least I should be able to go to one! I just hope to see people asking for Gargath. However, due to experiences, I think I'm really too shy to join someone's Looking for group for Lost Island. It just is...a flash point that makes me really nervous and I know a lot of people really have no respect for mistakes and I'd rather not cry for feeling like a failure. Especially as I hate giving up. Wish I could find someone to do Lost Island normal already though. But yes, was nice seeing so many people--even if we were full at one point and had to wait like 20 minutes to get in πŸ˜› Valor Worries: Guild said that due to other games, there was a chance with Ranked Warzones that Valor would be removed eventually. At the moment, I am valor level 73. I still have 27 levels to go to max out valor for all the titles. That's... a lot, especially at this high and the idea is just stressing me out completely. Moving on to other subjects: Our Guild has a new GM as the old one feels they will be too busy. I do know the new GM better than the old one so it's not too much of a change--most people are also in that boat. I actually got promoted to Officer though which was a nice surprise! Right now, they're trying to figure out recruiting along with what to do with Raid Groups. They are thinking of making our Raid Group the first one (we are #2) at the moment and vice versa--I kind of hope they do that as I really like the group I raid with. Besides that, I re-maxed Slicing πŸ™‚ And am continuing to try and use that to earn some money. Hopefully I'll have a good amount of credits soon. Edit: And speaking of awesome guildmates, I received a special gift when I got up this morning: 10

Week Highlights

Despite being away in Florida for work again, I did find some time to pop online while there and try out the game on my laptop. In general, it tends to work a lot better (definitely loads better and I’ve been getting new kinds of lag spikes on my computer which are incredibly annoying), but I definitely need to get used to the controls and bigger screen. As it is, it seems my interface is a bit glitchy on my computer lately as well which is all kinds of annoying.

Moving on, I got to raid with my guild a bit a few days ago. We did Normal EV to get rid of the daily, a complete HM Karagga (But still no Pet drop! At least I finally have all the HM codexes there) and then yesterday a complete run of Normal Explosive Conflict. We (as in the group I am in) may even do HM soon which I’m more than a little nervous about.

EC makes me very nervous. As it is, I almost screwed up the entire raid on the tanks due to:
1. Not realizing they wanted me on the inside of the lightning tank.
2. Not realizing I could run through the actual tank.

Once I realized though (and re-fixed my camera), we did it perfectly fine. But I’m still worried about positioning and stuff with the first boss when it comes to HM after what happened last time.

Also managed to go to Gargath with a random group which was nice… no pet there either but of course now he keeps dropping the Ice Scrabbler Schematic 😐 spite I tell you.

As for the PTS, I’ve done about 5 runs with Group Finder. Have gotten Hammer Station everytime though (using my lower level character as then it doesn’t matter if I get healing or DPS).

PVP also went okay today. Ups and downs but had a really good (and close match) earlier that ended with us winning while we had 2% left in Novare Coast. Was super suspenseful and action packed and just kind of awesome.

I just wish I could get the pets already. With 1.3 so close, I’m feeling more stressed out by the second. On the bright side, I officially have enough for one of the pets when 1.3 comes (and halfway to the other–will need to re-earn 2K normal Warzone commendations essentially). Now if I could just refer a friend who would actually get the game v-v And actually earn a good amount of credits. Out of stims and can’t afford to buy more. Most of my money is going to repairs (Though, usually I won’t have too much more than the Guild Funds I can use. I just sometimes forget to use the Guild Funds), stims, companion gifts, and random oter things. v-v

For now, back to the Test Server.

Denova :3

So, there was a raid tonight. We, unfortunately, won’t be able to go on Thursday to finish because we have to go upstate for a friend, but we had a lot of fun!

I think this is the fastest we’ve done the Mine Boss and I even got Minesweeper! Yay! So excited πŸ˜€ We’re going to do the Black Hole Heroic now too. But yeah, getting the Minesweeper title on Marilea totally lifted my spirits. Also got to heal all the pulls after the Mine Boss by myself (our other healer had to go) so we could get the chest which was pretty fun too and helped me feel a bit better about healing.

Various things

With officially finishing The 30 Days of SWTOR meme, I figured I’d make sure to write about some other things.

We did Explosive Conflict today. Got to the final boss, but that was it. However, having beaten the final guy before, I just needed to defeat Mine-guy for the Aratech Fire and codex so yay. Still need to get Minesweeper though. Speaking of Minesweeper, I actually found a glitch with it so hopefully that gets all fixed soon. @-@

We’ll hopefully be doing KP tomorrow and maybe I shall get lucky. Of course, I never seem to get lucky with pet drops :/ Also finally finished my PVP Weekly and Daily so maybe I’ll never have to see them again.

Besides that, we finished Chapter 1 of our Imperial side. We’ll be doing the Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series and then Taris tomorrow (then probably Alderaan’s bonus series). “I’ll have more light than you ever have, and I love.” <-- my favorite imperial quote forever. Unfortunately, the screenshot bugged πŸ™

Normal Battle of Ilum and onward

If there’s one thing I rarely ever see, it’s Normal Battle of Ilum and Normal False Emperor (Also Normal Kaon and Normal Lost Island). I can at least say I’ve seen Normal Kaon once, but as for the other 3? I have yet to.

The reason why is obvious–when you hit 50, you can do hard modes and that is what people run to. But I still don’t understand exactly why people skip normal.

Yes, you get better gear when you do them. But there’s still stuff to learn! Not to mention normal is still part of it. Plus there’s codexes and you have to do the normal versions for the final parts of Ilum’s planet story quest.

Now if only other people felt that way too πŸ™

New Pet Overview + Feelings and thoughts

Okay, at this point, most of the pets have been figured out, so I figured I’d just do a quick overview post and then explain my thoughts/feelings after because…well, I write a lot, god. XP


1. Taunta – Can be bought from the Collector’s Edition Vendor for 200K
2. Taun Fawn – Gotten from a code from PAX East
3. Ram Tauntaun – Gotten for being an active subscriber.
4. Taunling – Dropped by Gargath
5. Taunlet – Head to X:834, Y:759 on Hoth with the Ice Scrabbler Jerky Buff on (gotten from eating the Jerky). It will lure out Taunlet who you need to use the NVSCSS on to capture them.


1. Orokeet – Hatched from Unusual Egg found on Alderaan.
2. Orosquab – Hatched from Mysterious Egg which is dropped from either the second or final boss (or the first and third if not counting minibosses?) on Hard Mode Lost Island.
3. Orochick – Hatched from Wonderous Egg which either drops from Warlord Kephess (the final boss) on Hard Mode Explosive Conflict OR apparently spawns in a nest in the new operation, Explosive Conflict, after defeating Warlord Kephess. Difficulty unknown. NEITHER CONFIRMED. Both have been said, but at this point, there has been no proof.

All Orobirds are hatched on Tatooine through the same method.

1. Midnight Rakling – Dropped from the bosses on Hard Mode Lost Island.
2. Crimson Rakling – Gotten from completing the “Tracking the Origin” Quest during the Rakghoul Pandemic Event on Tatooine.
3. Pale Rakling – Bought from Jeelvic in the Dune Sea (X:-896, Y:-925) for 60 DNA Samples which you get from completing quests and/or exploding from Raghoul disease during the Rakghoul Pandemic Event on Tatooine.

So far everything except the Orochick has either been confirmed with screenshots and/or multiple confirmations. However, considering the new operation has Orobirds running around and considering how you get the Mysterious egg, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true.

Now, since I don’t think anyone cares about my thoughts, I shall just say continue reading if you do~
Continue reading

Things are getting done :)

While I definitely won’t be getting the repair droid like I hoped (I only have 140K right now πŸ™ ), I’m in a fairly good mood right now out of getting to wear my Elegant Dress again (where my money went. Costs about 100K per item to get the modifications out which really sucks. :/ Was going to do my PVP set too, but I don’t have the roughly 500K for that, unfortunately) even if only PVE-wise (though, it’s my main focus anyway).

I hope the Mastercraft Magenta schematic drops while we are on Corellia. Would make my day. My boyfriend asked if we could check out the new PVP area first so I told him we’ll do that before heading to Corellia and Voss respectively πŸ™‚

Besides that, everything else (other than affording the Legacy stuff like the things for your ship T~T) is done and ready to go! I have Fawn and Taunta plus the Unusual Egg πŸ™‚ So just need to find those other new pets (it’s too bad we couldn’t before) and get ready to go! Will have to stalk the forum to see if anyone makes a topic…or figure out which forum to post the topic in to begin with.

Just going to log into each character briefly (or well, the ones I’m not remaking…so one) to play with the family tree a little bit now. I hope interfaces cross characters. (Edit: they do :D)

Patch up early T__T

So, while looking for a specific time I could stalk the website for, I found out the patch was actually released about 90 minutes ago at about 7:10EST. Needless to say, I am having a nervous breakdown. I had woken up early enough if I just thought to check the developer tracker, but obviously I was an idiot and didn’t. Just need to hope the Orobird is still there or I will cry. So much. I wonder if someone already took down the Voss World Boss? oh my god. I’m panicking. so much.

okay, I need to breathe (it’s not working), and for now, while it’s installing the patch (finished downloading) and only at 13% at this time, I will write my To-do List to try and focus (14% now!):

1. GET THAT OROBIRD EGG. If it’s not there..umm.. cry. I don’t know if I’ll wait there the entire time or what. I mean, there is a chance (though small), it won’t actually spawn for the first time until 8 hours after the patch went up. But for all I know, it was taken and anytime between whenever I get on and when the patch went up over 90 minutes ago (15% now.) (EDIT AT 9:33AM: GOTTEN. Will respawn at 5:33PM EST for other Corellian Run people)
2. Head to the vendor in the mountains on Alderaan to get 5 (max per stack) of those NCSSCV whatever things. Also take care of the Legacy stuff you can. (DONE!)
3. Use Fleet Pass and go buy Taunta. Also pick up new Vehicle quests. (DONE!)
4. Head over to either Corellia or Voss for the new quests. Probably Corellia first, but may do a pitstop in Voss to see what’s going on. (Gonna do soon)

On the bright side, it’s a good thing I did not get the other vehicle mounts I need yet. Apparently there is a glitch and if you “learn” more than 30, they just disappear. Hopefully this is fixed soon.

Okay, 18% now. Still panicking. PLEASE GO FASTER PATCH. T~T

Getting things done…or well, trying to.

Despite my stressing and wanting to just curl into a ball, I am trying to get things done. Unfortunately, it’s not going well. And part of that reason happens to be guilds.

Guilds have a lot of great features. You can make new friends, find people to work with, and when a game doesn’t have a friend chat, it is the next best thing.

The problem comes in that most people will always go to a guild if they need people for flashpoints or raids. There is no looking for a group and people would rather work with those they know then work with the gamble of a Pick-up group.

So, if your guild is no longer bothering to get on and you have nobody to ask, you are stuck looking to find people to join. And because you are finally looking, you will most likely not find anyone. Either people who ask are too low a level/are not eligible, everyone is busy, or nobody is really on out of people who would do a Pick-up group in the first place.

But while flash points are a bit more common to maybe find people asking, operations are definitely not and more “guild only”. An Operation pick-up group is incredibly rare. Maybe to replace a member or two of a guild–but definitely not a full pick-up group.

And the main issue with SWTOR is once you do hit 50 (despite some FPs not even being available until then), you unlock “hard mode” flashpoints which is all most people will care about. “Oh, what did you mean you wanted to do a normal version to complete the quest as part of a story? TOO BAD.” It’s not exactly easy to find a flashpoint and if you’re asking for a normal version that isn’t farming Esseles for social points, the chances of you finding one are slim to none unless you get lucky and come upon some new level 50’s who still need to do it and aren’t alts of those already high levels.

Despite the lowness of this happening, I have tried to find a Battle of Ilum (normal) group and/or Karagga’s Palace (normal/Hard mode), but have had no luck. Afterall, nobody wants to do Battle of Illum on normal and operations are really a guild thing so bleh.

PVP I’d rather not spend more time than I need to in order to get it done, but I’m about 10% away from Legacy 25…not that I’ll be able to afford the only thing that needs that Legacy level.

And I think, because we couldn’t have enough stress and frustration, we might be switching guilds soon. Blah.

Besides that, apparently Ranked Warzones are being delayed. I don’t care too much as I’m not a big PVP person, but I know a lot of people were looking forward to them. At least they are listening to feedback and making sure it’s ready to go first. …I still wish the Patch wasn’t being released yet though. πŸ™