Tag Archive | Events

To Rakghoul or not to Rakghoul: That is the question

At this point, we have gotten everything we’ve wanted (Well, my boyfriend is thinking of collecting the other companion skins for the heck of it) and finished the containment officer outfit, so we’re wondering if we should even still continue? Main reason we’re even debating it is there may be something special at the end, but I really hope they don’t do that. We were hoping to maybe grind up our Imperial alts until we found out that the dailies are essentially…literally dailies. You have to do them each day for the new quests to pop up and with the event ending Tuesday (And I actually have to leave on a trip next week so I will be packing Sunday and Monday), there’s not enough time to do it which is kind of depressing as I know he really wanted the Imperial Containment Suit too (and it’s unfortunately bind on pick-up).

With those out of the way and with Taunlet now gotten, however, that brings us back to just needing groups for the other pets which is a pain to get together and then a lot of them will probably want the pet too and fsl;afkafl;asf;lafs X__x I don’t mind helping people get their pets. I have no issue going back after getting mine and helping them out, but with my horrible drop luck and OCPD, I just like getting them out of the way ASAP. It helps me relax a lot more and then I’m not panicking every 20 10 5 seconds always. At the moment, I’m just sitting by Karagga’s as I haven’t been there in a while and when it comes down to it, I really like doing things in order so if I chose how to get pets, it’d be:

1. Karagga’s Palace – Due to being pre-1.2
2. Taunling – Gargath – World Boss = before Hard Modes
3. Midnight Rakling & Mysterious Egg – HM Lost Island (newest Flashpoint)
4. Wondrous Egg – Still unconfirmed, but supposedly from Explosive Conflict (New operation)

So yeah, I like to take care of them in foremost and then if they came out at the same time…by difficulty since that’s essentially the order I would get them in while leveling up.

In the meantime, my computer is having a mental break down πŸ˜€ And I really need a new computer (and a new laptop as well because apparently the overheating issue is actually a manufacturer error and it could explode :3) which doesn’t help things either.

Besides continuing on my Pet Quest (and keeping the Tauntaun and Rakling/Other unmmentioned 1.2 pets threads updated on the official forums), I’m also continuing to save for Legacy Ship stuff–as for how it’s going, I have about 560K because I really really really suck at this πŸ˜€

Plans are still as follows:
1. Repair Droid – 1 million
2. Neutral GTN – 5 million
3. Mailbox – 500K
4. Both Dummies – 1 million

After that, I’ll probably either go for the Rocket Boots (2 million) or the Twi’lek race (1.5 million) so I get the other colors and can finally remake my Smuggler. I know my boyfriend also wants me to get the Zabrak Race I want to get for my Trooper (1.5 million as well), but if I do my Twi’lek first (most likely–I expect Trooper/Commando will be last for me out of all my characters), I’ll probably go for the rocket boots next. As for character playing, I expect it to be:
1. Sage (My main)
2. Sorcerer (Main Imperial)
3. Smuggler (Scoundrel) or Imperial Agent (Operative)
4. Whichever I don’t do above first
5. Bounty Hunter (Mercenary)
6. Trooper (Commando)

Also, since I’ve been asked why my blogs rarely ever have pictures… I usually type these on my laptop while I’m playing the game on my computer. If I had two screens on my computer, there’d probably be more pictures but since whenever I take a screenshot, it is on my computer and I can’t really minimize the game, it’s just a huge hassle. I’d love to have pictures, but just can’t ATM πŸ™

Oh, and I’m probably going to edit the categories a bit today and make things a bit more orderly. (OCPD, away~)

Various going-on’s for the day~

Firstly, Newly Infected = worst quest. That is horrible T__T *CREEPED OUT FOREVER* Unfortunately, it gives both the chest and belt so if you want both…you have to do it again 😐

Anyway, we’re getting our dailies done a bit late tonight. I had gotten home from work late and while we had planned to start after dinner, I was then brought along to a 16-man Explosive Conflict. This was only my second 16-man and my first time going to Explosive Conflict. We got the first boss down and Denova is just absolutely beautiful. So many waterfalls T~T

But yeah, we may try again later/tomorrow so that could be fun. (And we got another guild invite @-@ Though, as I said, we’re just kind of going solo right now due to depressing feelings)

I was hoping to get Taunlet today–found people who may be able to make it…but my computer crashed while talking to the one person (He made one…but then ate it by mistake πŸ™ Luckily, I had extra stuff but…bleh) and when I got back on, he was gone ._. The other person I just couldn’t catch. I do hope I get it soon.

But yes, that’s mostly what was done today. Not too much. Anyway, I shall hopefully get screenshots up for my character’s page eventually… just need to stop forgetting.

Time, Random Event Rambles, and Characters

If there’s one thing that the game manages to have me think a lot about, it’s time. If you play both the Imperial and Republic storylines, you will get to a few instances where the planet you end up visiting takes place before or after the other faction has been there.

For example, you end up seeing Balmorra much earlier in the Imperial Storyline while you see Taris much later. It is reversed in the Republic Storyline. The effects of those earlier story lines end up being part of the later ones and the connection is very neat.

We had just finished Balmorra on the Imperial side so it was interesting to see the differences. Cessik, in particular, made me feel really bad about the Colicoids. I can’t help but wonder what happened to him.

But I remember watching my boyfriend go through the Jedi Knight Storyline during when he gets his last companion, the timing was very vague. It wasn’t stated just how long he was there–it could’ve been weeks, maybe months, and that is another aspect of just how time is.

There’s also instances where you may see companions of other classes featured while doing stuff with your companions on your character, for example in Qyzen’s story, there is actually a scene with him and Mako. I do wonder if you get Mako up, if you can find out why she owed Qyzen by any chance, as it’s not really detailed how she owed him a favor.

Similarly, for Jedi Knight’s, Doc ends up having Kaliyo in his storyline. Does Kaliyo ever vanish in the Imperial Agent Story line? Just all kinds of interesting questions.

Though, one that made me sad is that Vette never interacts with Risha. If you have seen Vette’s storyline, you will understand why this is pretty depressing.

I guess I’d love to get an idea on how the timing goes. I mean, when you’re doing the consular’s storyline and if all classes end up on Ilum at the same time, where are you while the Knight is being brainwashed? It’s just a lot to think about. Especially if you’re playing with each of the classes on your journey. For example, I totally ended up finishing off the Emperor when I was helping my boyfriend in his story. It’s not ever mentioned because technically there is no consular in the story–I was an unseen presence mixed in who totally replaced Kira.

I don’t expect them to make it recognizable–that’d be far too much work, but I think seeing some mixed things would be neat. I know there were occasional mentions of Player-Player romance and remember thinking that it’d be neat if each player had a few choices to pick from in those environments to kind of show what happened rather than just going into a family tree and setting spouse or something.

Speaking of family trees, I ended up remaking my Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter. I had yet to do anything on either of them (besides pick up my mail) and had wanted to remake them for a while. I’ll hopefully remake my Smuggler soon, but that’ll cost 1.5 million and I do not have that… (Similarly, my Trooper which I do not have yet will be 1.5 million as well)…and let’s be honest, if I had 1.5 million, it’d be going to ship stuff.

…I really want the ship stuff πŸ™ Why must dailies be the only way to get a nice amount of money T__T

Going back to the topic of family trees, I did end up making my Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent sisters. I’m not really a big RPer, but it’s sometimes fun to think of character’s backstories. (Similarly, my Sorcerer and Sage are cousins, as will my Smuggler and Trooper be). Especially intertwined with the class stories.

And heading back to the original subject of time, that brings up a good idea of the event. Just how long does it last? Was the crash really that Sunday (ignoring that the area showed up earlier than that) or did they just finally get out Sunday? If the latter, why wasn’t it inspected earlier? How long exactly was the Shaman looking for a cure? It sounded like a long time, but it didn’t happen that long ago. Was there another incident? Just how does a day in RL translate to the time going in the game? Or does the time depend on just how much you do in the game? (and yes, I know I’m probably overthinking it)

Regardless, there is a new daily today, following the format. I expect the top to be out tomorrow unless they do end up giving everything (bracers, belt, weapon, etc.), but something tells me they won’t. Also, for those who also did not get their title, you’ll be happy to know it’s “fixed” now. In order to get your title, you must re-defeat the Infected Bantha in Outlaw’s Den. While I am happy it’s fixed, I really wish it could’ve been ANY of the infected bosses and not the hardest one considering that needs the biggest group and for crying out loud, it’s the one in the PVP area πŸ™

Finally, to end this off, after talking to someone with the gold minimech today *ENVY*, it hit me the other big reason why I wanted to get it before 1.2. As with any big patch of new content…that’s what everyone wants to see. Thus why so many people on Tatooine (I hadn’t seen multiple instances of it in a very long time) and on the fleet trying to do the new flashpoint and operation. Ignoring who they will probably do the new content with….the old content is, well, old, and if you didn’t finish it before, it’s going to be even harder to find a group now πŸ™

Raghoul Plague ends next week! + Aratech Coral

If you missed the announcement on the forums, you can see it here πŸ™‚ Essentially it will end the next patch/maintenance on the 24th.

I don’t expect there to be more than just the helmet and top left (You received the pants from the new daily today) so the rest will probably just be days to finish up. I’ll probably try the bosses again as apparently the title is working now. Hopefully I can get it.

My boyfriend thinks it may effect other planets and continue for a bit, but I think they may take a break from it. While I enjoyed the event, it kind of sucked to be infected when you don’t want to be…and if you do PVP and get killed, your antidote gets removed and you have to use another and they’re not exactly cheap (and you only get so many from quests).

On a different note, I just want to say I’m kind of disappointed with the Aratech Coral? Ignoring that you apparently have to kill each of the 4 bosses 3 times… (still need to figure out where you need to get the thingy for Nightmare Pilgrim) I guess because it’s called Coral I expected it to be…well, I don’t know…maybe Coral? So like Peach or Pink or actually

(or even coral pink which would’ve been amazing)

or maybe that’s just me.

but I guess since I really wanted a pink-ish color speeder and the design is so pretty and coral and white would be awesome, it just makes me sort of sad πŸ™ (and purple isn’t even a shade of coral)

Tatooine Infection: World Boss Insanity

So, there is currently a crazy event going on in Tatooine. Raghoul infection. A few world bosses during it. A new daily. And heck, you get the Pale Rakling from here (see my below post for those details). Wouldn’t be surprised in one of them drops the Crimson one.

Unfortunately, one of the world bosses is in a PVP area so there has been an epic battle in there for a while. Unfortunately, the imperials won πŸ™ There are more on the server and most of them are heavy PVPers so we lost. It sucked. And is super depressing. (Especially as we were there first) I wish we could’ve just worked together :/

But yes, back to finishing the dailies now…but all the competition is just stressing me out T___T I know people like PVP…but I would’ve joined a PVP server if I wanted to mix it in with my PVE to this degree πŸ™

For those who want more details…more or less, at 11AM EST today, a bunch of Jawas and Sand people were replaced by raghouls and infected crew and stuff at the Crash of the Stardream area in the Dune Sea. You then got an area quest which brought you through various things (and can apparently be done daily).

Spaceports started talking about the epidemic as well so lots of people started showing up at Tatooine.

The quest is simple and then optionally, you can kill 3 world bosses–2 which are new:
1. Trapjaw – a New infected version. Summoned the same way.
2. Urtagh – Located in the PVP area.
3. Zama Brak – Summoned from an Escape Pod at the Sarlacc Pit.

Killing all 3 gets you a special title. This event puts a new section in your Codex for “Events” and there’s 9 total.

Worst thing about this is Tatooine is incredibly hard on my computer so all the people and crazy effects is killing it. Game has crashed 3 times now πŸ™

Edit: Woo, finished everything. For some reason, didn’t get the title or last part of the codex line (#5) though πŸ™ Also still need 34 more DNA thingys for the pet.

Edit 2: Okay, title is glitched πŸ™ Got my pale Rakling at least though~ Crimson Rakling is part of quest that also gives you the #5 Codex! Here are the coordinates and what you need to do in order to get the quest:
1. Click Screen by Anchorhead Space port. It’s right near the entrance.
2. Click Escape Pod in Wall (X:1768, Y:-3621)
3. Click a little crate by the Cantina (X: 2348, Y:-3667)
4. Head back over near the Speeder and near where the mission drop box is, click the little terminal thing. (X:1822, Y:-3263)

Then get that quest done! πŸ˜€ (Very good guide for finding the parts!)